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How McDonalds Makes their Fries

quantumushroom says...

Bone, I served with Jonny G. Fuxalot. I knew Jonny G. Fuxalot. Jonny G. Fuxalot was a friend of mine.

Bone, you're no Jonny G. Fuxalot!

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^dag:
I have to admit these McDonalds videos are doing it right from a communication standpoint. The language they use is very deliberate and parsed though. "We also add an ingredient to prevent the graying of the product". No mention of what it is. Possibly Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate - which doesn't sound so rosey in a promotional video.

You honestly think jonny G. fuxalot from the trailer park is going to care or know what that is ? these are for clarity and sales. If advertisements use b|g words stupid people get scared. OMFG I need some more Di-Hydrogen-monooxide. My throatal vent is drying out from all this breathing.

How McDonalds Makes their Fries

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I don't think the Fuxalots are the target for this video. They are trying to entice people who generally don't eat at McDonald's - or reassure those who do but who feel bad about it.>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^dag:
I have to admit these McDonalds videos are doing it right from a communication standpoint. The language they use is very deliberate and parsed though. "We also add an ingredient to prevent the graying of the product". No mention of what it is. Possibly Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate - which doesn't sound so rosey in a promotional video.

You honestly think jonny G. fuxalot from the trailer park is going to care or know what that is ? these are for clarity and sales. If advertisements use b|g words stupid people get scared. OMFG I need some more Di-Hydrogen-monooxide. My throatal vent is drying out from all this breathing.

How McDonalds Makes their Fries

BoneRemake says...

>> ^dag:

I have to admit these McDonalds videos are doing it right from a communication standpoint. The language they use is very deliberate and parsed though. "We also add an ingredient to prevent the graying of the product". No mention of what it is. Possibly Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate - which doesn't sound so rosey in a promotional video.

You honestly think jonny G. fuxalot from the trailer park is going to care or know what that is ? these are for clarity and sales. If advertisements use b|g words stupid people get scared. OMFG I need some more Di-Hydrogen-monooxide. My throatal vent is drying out from all this breathing.

How McDonalds Makes their Fries

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I have to admit these McDonalds videos are doing it right from a communication standpoint. The language they use is very deliberate and parsed though. "We also add an ingredient to prevent the graying of the product". No mention of what it is. Possibly Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate - which doesn't sound so rosey in a promotional video.

Some Grey Bloke on YouTube Atheists

hpqp says...

>> ^A10anis:

Atheists cannot, even in a jocular fashion, be remotely compared to any cults like those of Koresh or Jones, they are the very opposite. In fact, atheists have no agenda other than freedom from the shackles of dark age myths. They do not want to have to confront religions/cults but have no choice when, daily, the destructive nature of them blight so many lives. If a "believer" wants to be a slave to some god and/or preacher, that's fine, they can do so in private. But they must keep their poisonous, controlling, brainwashing, tenets, out of our schools and government.

I believe the gray bloke is being snarky and referential, namely referring to the misogyny of the second two "preachers" and their hordes of MRA-holes (one would need to be up to date on the FtB/Reddit affairs). Condell must be in there for his perceived xenophobia.

Rape Survivor fights subpoena for google search,diaries

Trancecoach says...

Yes, you're missing my point entirely.
She prevents the court from subpoenaing her google searches. What if said searches indicate that she was, in fact, seeking said experience? At what point are said searches immaterial in a court of law? >> ^bareboards2:

@Trancecoach -- you get that is this victim blaming, right? An interest in bondage et al does not mean you are consenting to being raped and beaten. Just as going to his house, which is a dumb move, doesn't mean you deserve what happens. Or wearing a short skirt. This is all the same thing -- be careful, or it is your fault.
The guy was a professional, he is good looking, I'll bet he was charming. There are loads of one night stands out there that take one of each gender (on average!) that don't end in rape.
Especially nowadays -- Fifty Shades of Gray, an apparently terribly written book, is the best selling book of all time. So if you have read that, you better not go to a stranger's house?
Am I missing your point? I feel like I might be missing your point...

Rape Survivor fights subpoena for google search,diaries

bareboards2 says...

@Trancecoach -- you get that is this victim blaming, right? An interest in bondage et al does not mean you are consenting to being raped and beaten. Just as going to his house, which is a dumb move, doesn't mean you deserve what happens. Or wearing a short skirt. This is all the same thing -- be careful, or it is your fault.

The guy was a professional, he is good looking, I'll bet he was charming. There are loads of one night stands out there that take one of each gender (on average!) that don't end in rape.

Especially nowadays -- Fifty Shades of Gray, an apparently terribly written book, is the best selling book of all time. So if you have read that, you better not go to a stranger's house?

Am I missing your point? I feel like I might be missing your point...

How Russians Drink Absinthe

hpqp says...

That looks like some cow-piss substitute for absinthe. I mean, mint syrup green, really? Real absinthe is usually either a clear light green or an opaque gray with only a hint of green (sometimes). Then again, it is Russia after all...

Jesse Ventura on CNN Piers Morgan

sixshot says...

Seems like Jesse still got his wits and smarts. There is a couple of them that is more of a gray area... but I won't go into that. Love his parting words as requested by his friend:

"Republican is not a political party. It's a mental condition."

Morgan Freeman Sings on "The Electric Company"

Retroboy (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Send me links to both and I'll fix it for you tonight after work... or (equally likely) someone else will see your comment and do it before I get near it.

The restrictions on hosts make more sense to me than the restriction on updating thumbnail images on your own posts before you're bronze... but really, these are small things. Come for the cool videos, the entertaining comments... stay for the petty restrictions and occasional bouts of bitter in-fighting. Hang on, that didn't come out right....
In reply to this comment by Retroboy:
Here's an example of restrictions limiting "newbies": I have a dead video as one of my 3 submissions that I've found a replacement for and easily could fix, but I'm not at the right level so it's verboten. This makes me feel a little as if I'm a lower-class sifter even though all I want to do is correct one of my own posts.

Pretty sure a spambot would never self-repair a broken link that they submitted.

Likely one of those "special cases" that the VideoSift programmers didn't consider, and perfectly understandable if so. But it, and all the other grayed-out options, are a little limiting for "genuine" new members.

Should *dead be more open (Sift Talk Post)

Retroboy says...

Here's an example of restrictions limiting "newbies": I have a dead video as one of my 3 submissions that I've found a replacement for and easily could fix, but I'm not at the right level so it's verboten. This makes me feel a little as if I'm a lower-class sifter even though all I want to do is correct one of my own posts.

Pretty sure a spambot would never self-repair a broken link that they submitted.

Likely one of those "special cases" that the VideoSift programmers didn't consider, and perfectly understandable if so. But it, and all the other grayed-out options, are a little limiting for "genuine" new members.

Channel creation (User Poll by BoneRemake)

ReverendTed says...

In my Ruby-tinted fantasies, I create *Americuh or somesuch for all of the videos that highlight what's absurd, broken, or downright terrible about my great nation, but I'd have little interest in moderating it, since I can scarcely watch most of those types of videos. So, of course I deem it cool to "fire and forget".
I can see the argument that's essentially just creating a tag rather than a channel to be curated for the benefit of the Sift.
I do think that the "no gray area, yes or no" poll is pushing it, especially the way the question is worded. "Do you think it is a good idea to willfully..." is a very different question from, say, "Are there circumstances under which it would be acceptable to..."

I do like the idea of being able to appoint moderators for your channel, but anyone who is Silver Star or above can modify channel assignments anyway.

Best Bike Rental??? Didn't Really Notice the Bikes

Ask a Mortician - Liquefying Bodies

TheGenk says...

Now that she mentioned it, dissolving in acid sounds like a cool idea.
My body, dressed in a suit, dangling on a crane over a big barrel filled with nitro-hydrochloric acid. And while my body is being slowly lowered into the acid a fat man in a gray suit laughs manically while stroking a white cat he's holding in his arms.
That'd be one burial none of my family and friends would forget easily

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