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choggie (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Conversations with Choggie
I promised below that if I got another abusive email from choggie, I would post the entirety of "conversation" we had after his ban, which was around may 5th. Here it is.

He is ignored and blocked from my email from now on.

No drama, no more conversation. It's over. That last repeating part was also in the emails, in case someone wonders.

choggie kendall <redacted> Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:29 AM
To: Nicki Thomas Hansen <>

Yer post and jab at Texas....the drones???...Old news-happened 3 years ago-Why not do a follow-up? Where are hey now? You know...real information instead of pussy-whipped tones and jabs at shit you haven't a clue about?.....yer a fucking retard and one of the poster children of he VS's languorous demise.

am time. take a hard look inna mirror at all the things you hate about the world.And, all the things you cherish....not hard to be a human being...instead of a monkey doing.

Nicki Hansen <> Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:59 AM
To: choggie kendall <redacted>

Hello Choggie.

I don't care about your opinions. Take them somewhere else.

choggie kendall <redacted> Sat, May 22, 2010 at 2:22 AM
To: Nicki Hansen <>

Y'know dickweed?? Yer a fucking pussy who does not know HOW to have a conversation in real-time with a human being. You simply make comments on the VS and imagine yourself clever based on the little clique's response....You are unwilling, not incapable of understanding. I don't care about you lack of awareness either-I use putzs like yourself as a barometer for the world's social dysfunction-You fucking tit-grabbing, raised on porn little, shit talking faggot.

Good luck as a fucking software putz. You are bound to become fatter, more uncomely, and diseased in the profession of your choosing...that of sitting in a computer chair most of your fucking life.

I don't even know why I bother to try to help socially dysfunctional asshats.....You rate about a fucking 7.6 on the 1-10 scale.....Fucking douchebag-wannabee twit.

Nicki Hansen <> Sat, May 22, 2010 at 9:57 AM
To: choggie kendall <redacted>

Hah, you must really miss the sift, so you can get your bile out there. I'm far better at holding a conversation than you are, as clearly evidenced in the diatribe below. YOU need to grow the fuck up. I am not unwilling to "understand" it's just that you have nothing worth understanding.

Now, go away. I don't care about your opinions, I don't care how you measure me, I don't care anymore that you only can get people to react to you, by insulting them. It's sad really, but it's not my problem, it's yours.

Good bye.

choggie kendall <redacted> Sun, May 23, 2010 at 2:20 AM
To: Nicki Hansen <>

"This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.
If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man."

Let me oblige you, drama queen. First, here's your response-

"Hah, you must really miss the sift, so you can get your bile out there. I'm far better at holding a conversation than you are, as clearly evidenced in the diatribe below. YOU need to grow the fuck up. I am not unwilling to "understand" it's just that you have nothing worth understanding.
Now, go away. I don't care about your opinions, I don't care how you measure me, I don't care anymore that you only can get people to react to you, by insulting them. It's sad really, but it's not my problem, it's yours.

Good bye.-Nikki"

Now a point by point-First-Litter my dead account with grafitti-Tattle-tail, tattle tail, hang yer britches onna nail...It's indicative of the immature and vindictive to tell others of the invisible bully -Tell the big people so they will fight your battles for you-You can't seem to handle any confrontation, or observations that don't make you feel warm and fuzzy......Hard to experience acceptance i the real world, butyou internet buddies with nothing to lose, will rush to your defense.

You've never held a conversation with me Hanson, on the tend to nut the fuck up when reading concepts foreign to you. A sign of developmental disability. Insulting you? Perception baby-Never desired to do so, every time I chose to enter into conversation with you, you ran the fuck away....(Quite the bith to have yer shit shoved up your ass-Dish out and unable to take? Perhaps.

No, dumb-ass, Unless you call "abuse" the one fucking e-mail....yer a drama sponge, it's can't help it would seem. Maturity comes with wisdom. (Grow a pair, nancy)

And you have the original email to post for all to bout do it inna blog that's not un-editable by me-In fact, I'll make it simple for ya-I shall request that the admins eliminate my entire account, dead as it is, so the very memory of someone you are incapable of responding to, can't upset your perfect, fantasy world.

Choggies one email to gwiz665-
"Y'know dickweed?? Yer a fucking pussy who does not know HOW to have a conversation in real-time with a human being. You simply make comments on the VS and imagine yourself clever based on the little clique's response....You are unwilling, not incapable of understanding. I don't care about you lack of awareness either-I use putzs like yourself as a barometer for the world's social dysfunction-You fucking tit-grabbing, raised on porn little, shit talking faggot.

Good luck as a fucking software putz. You are bound to become fatter, more uncomely, and diseased in the profession of your choosing...that of sitting in a computer chair most of your fucking life.

I don't even know why I bother to try to help socially dysfunctional asshats.....You rate about a fucking 7.6 on the 1-10 scale.....Fucking douchebag-wannabee twit."

Nicki Hansen <> Sun, May 23, 2010 at 2:51 AM
To: choggie kendall <redacted>

I think you're the one living in a fantasy world, where you can say anything you want to anybody without consequence. My message on your profile was not aimed at you, but at the people who worship you as some sort of golden calf and who obviously haven't seen you being a cockmunch, like you are - yet again - in this reply.

The first real conversation we had was when you approached me on google chat about the peggedbea shit, and YOU were the one who ran away from the conversation. If you can't hold a conversation without dicking people around, it's not worth it to have a conversation with you. Ever since then, I've just not wanted to engage.

YOU are the one who keeps the conversation going, You are the one seeking the drama, I don't want it, I never wanted it. Me posting on your banned user's profile was a message to your legions, not you. I don't care about you.

"You are incapable of responding to" Hah, it's pathetic. You haven't made a single cogent argument. You just spout bile and nonsense and it's tiresome.

I don't care whether or not your user is on there anymore. Frankly, it's dead and gone either way.

If I end up posting these mails I will post them all and in their entirety, not just the one you want me to. I don't expect it to come to that though, since I hope our communication ends with this.

Get over yourself and move the hell on.

choggie kendall <redacted> Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 8:57 PM
To: Nicki Thomas Hansen <>

Would you be so kind as to erase your graffiti from my dormant account's profile? Seems a shame that the last comment to date on my hi-jacked former profile for all to see is a snipish, ego-compromised, spoiled brat quip from a petty little douchebag in training-
Oh and, why not make good on your promise to be a good little fascist and post these "abusive" emails you are getting from dickwad for all your little dickless minions of similar simple minds to see?

Of course, you may want to edit it for content that does not offend your delicate fucking sensibilities-
Thank You in advance-

This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.This dickwad is still abusing me in emails, so I hope it's completely permanent. At least I will do my hardest to make it so.

If I receive any more emails from him, I will post the entirety here for all to see, just so you can get a measure of the man.

spoco2 (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

We're not so different after all. I love Gilmore Girls so much.

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Hear hear David. Hear bloody hear.

I absolutely love the kids shows that throw in references for the parents in there. The kids either don't even notice, or do, are a little baffled, but don't care... OR, when they hear me laughing, ask me what I'm laughing about, and then get to learn something.

Never, ever shy away from references...

Although, having just said that... some shows, like, say, the Gilmore Girls, ladle on their references so damn thick and fast that you can get 'missed reference overload' and start tuning out a little. I loved Gilmore Girls when it was on (yes, I am hardly a manly man, sue me), but did have moments of being completely lost as to what they were referring to. And if there are too many of those missed references in a show I don't have the memory to be able to then look them ALL up afterwards.

Still... as a general rule... go nuts with references, we all love em'

As I did with the P-Thaggy graffiti

David Mitchell talks about References

spoco2 says...

Hear hear David. Hear bloody hear.

I absolutely love the kids shows that throw in references for the parents in there. The kids either don't even notice, or do, are a little baffled, but don't care... OR, when they hear me laughing, ask me what I'm laughing about, and then get to learn something.

Never, ever shy away from references...

Although, having just said that... some shows, like, say, the Gilmore Girls, ladle on their references so damn thick and fast that you can get 'missed reference overload' and start tuning out a little. I loved Gilmore Girls when it was on (yes, I am hardly a manly man, sue me), but did have moments of being completely lost as to what they were referring to. And if there are too many of those missed references in a show I don't have the memory to be able to then look them ALL up afterwards.

Still... as a general rule... go nuts with references, we all love em'

As I did with the P-Thaggy graffiti

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

volumptuous says...

>> ^spoco2:

So.. yeah... That's why I don't like the iPad. For what it's MARKETED as, it's shit.
For all the other things you could use it for over and above that... it's nice tech

Ahhh, so the truth comes out then. It's what it has been marketed for that bugs you and a lot of other people.

My only question about that is, Why Do You Give One Shit?

I mean, marketing is the very last thing I ever pay attention to in anything that I purchase. Hell, the entire hacker manifesto is based on using things the way you want, to achieve something other than its intended purpose. Marketing is the darkest form of evil, in my book. (Cue Bill Hicks rant about marketers). But then again, I don't have cable television, so I never see any advertisements anyway, and even when they're online, I just don't watch them.

I'll quickly debate your points:

1- Emailing/Typing - Yes, it's a bit awkward at first, but then again I learned the weird graffiti language for PalmOS back in the day, and we all learned T9. Putting this thing on my lap at an airport isn't the best experience ever, but it beats the hell out of using my phone, or having to lug a laptop around everywhere.

2- Movies - Again, it's not as awesome as my 52" 1080p at home. But it's not supposed to be. It's a smaller screen, and maybe not your ideal aspect ratio, but again, in bed or on the train it's a hell of a lot better than a laptop.

3- Photos - Yep. It's awesome, and I'm an avid photographer. Thing looks stunning.

4- Books - Again with the traveling thing. Being able to carry 100 books on a plane is fantastic. Doesn't beat an actual printed book, but it's a fanastic in-between.

5- Web - You and I can argue about Flash all day (I used to use Flash to build websites too, even worked on one of the very first Flash cartoons ever, through Macromedia/Spumco) Sometimes it's a bummer you can't watch a video, but I just change my browsing habits. I don't really miss Flash at all. Again, this is while traveling, or sitting in my garden, where I just read some blogs and visit videosift, respond to some emails, etc.

But, these are all complaints you have with the way Jobs likes to run his marketing. Me, I just don't pay any attention, and figure out how these bloody things can be integrated into my life. Again, I don't care one shit if the thing has an Apple logo, a Dell logo, or a freakin' McDonald's logo. Just give me the technology and I'll use it the way I want.

btw: This is all coming from a jailbroken T-Mobile iPhone PineApple user.

Jacques Magazine presents Tori

Sarzy says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
>> ^Sarzy:
It's tacky. Definitely not art.

Not to get into a pissing match with you, but it is art. I see a representation of color, form, contrast, use of space, etc. used to provoke a thought or feeling.
You may not like it, tacky as it may be to you. I don't care for graffiti, but it's art, nonetheless. So is this.

Well, I suppose you are right, in that you can argue that anything that calls itself art is art. But I still find this tacky and condescending. It's obviously trying to go for a French New Wave sort of vibe, but in the clunkiest way imaginable. I don't think it has any more artistic merit than something like that Seinfeld porn knock-off someone made a while back, but that's just my opinion.

Jacques Magazine presents Tori

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^Sarzy:
It's tacky. Definitely not art.

Not to get into a pissing match with you, but it is art. I see a representation of color, form, contrast, use of space, etc. used to provoke a thought or feeling.

You may not like it, tacky as it may be to you. I don't care for graffiti, but it's art, nonetheless. So is this.

How to do your own Laser Tag Graffiti

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

blankfist says...

I hate vandalism graffiti as much as the next guy, but 7 grand should warrant no more than, say, six months in jail at most. A good legal system would hold him accountable to paying for the damages he created and be done with it, but I suppose it's impossible to have a good legal system when one man or woman in a black dress can pass Draconian punishment at their whim and use the state violence to enforce it.

"For crimes against things I personally abhor, I sentence you to death. Off with his head!"

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

shagen454 says...

The Raw Story has word that the teen's sentence was reduced to two years, here's the short story:

Which, in my opinion is still COMPLETELY unacceptable. What purpose does it serve to send a teenager to jail for years? There is only one answer in my mind. The prison system makes a little bit more profit by wasting our tax dollars and I SWEAR if they actually send him to jail for more than a month this kid is going to come out of jail so messed up and seeking blood vengeance - he'll be a criminal for life which I bet these total FUCKS in Texas want so he becomes a total money-making slave for the prison system in Texas. These people are the inbred cocksuckers of Satan himself.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

Njal says...

Well I would also be pissed if I owned a house or car and someone tagged it but if he/she would pay for the damage I wouldn't want him or her to go to jail for it.
Just ask the city for a place to do some proper graffiti (not retarded tags). In my town there are a couple of art galleries and other places where people are allowed to graffiti the whole buildings.
Find a boring tunnel and ask for permission to do something more interesting with the walls. Unless the city/county or wherever you ask for this kind of permission are retarded and don't realize that the graffiti will just end up somewhere else they will most likely give you permission.
I'm just pissed when they spend money on cleaning up tunnels and make them boring and bland again. The graffiti is back after a month so why even bother. Just make it a graffiti zone instead and get rid of problems elsewhere.

8 years for some vandalism and having a small amount of pot is inhumane.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

NobleOne says...

When i was arrested at 16 for vandalism... i was sentenced to 40 hrs Community Service, $230 fine, 6 month probation. Though it was originally a 2nd degree felony they call Malicious Mischief. Though since it was my first offense and possibly my age it went down to misdemeanor. This legal sentence passed on Perez is absolutely bullshit it is extreme and uncalled for.... i lived in Germany for 5 yrs...they don't throw people in jail for graffiti you are given fines which i am sure continue to regards to that prick doing a mural how do you think you get to the level you don't just wake up one day and do murals..... you start with tags then move your way up...oh and most graffiti artists aren't fucking gangsters....

>> ^syncron:
Kid? He's 18, that's when you get trialed as an adult... And he isn't even black. Good riddance IMO, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. The prick should have gone to paint a mural or something. This guy and his sentence should serve as a strong example of legal consequence to all prospective gangsters out there.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

HugeJerk says...

8 Years seems way too long of a sentence for the Graffiti, but there was also a felony drug possession along with it. I don't know what Texas has for drug laws, but in some states you need to have a pretty sizable amount of marijuana for it to be felony.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

osama1234 says...

AS much as i hate graffiti'ers. I think if he had just been told to pay for the damages and be sent to jail for maybe a few months to 'to teach him a lesson'. I think it would be have been enough. The main thing is, if you vandalize something, you should have to pay for it.

What I mean is, this could easily have been sent to jail for 2 months and required to work at a minimum wage job for the rest of the year to pay for the damages. No need to totally screw up his life over this. If anything, it'll probably turn him into a harder criminal spending time in jail.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

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