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Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

iL0VmyDr says...

>> ^Psychologic:
So he has a (felony?) conviction and no high school degree. I would feel bad for him, but I'm sure prison will transform him into a productive middle-class citizen.
Why no death penalty here? Texas is getting soft lately.

Jeez... felony? To paint on some stuff?

volumptuous (Member Profile)

LostTurntable (Member Profile)

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

videosiftbannedme says...

Good riddance. Like the judge said, why didn't he go tag his family's or girlfriend's house? Because you don't shit wear you eat. So instead, he shit in someone else's yard and got caught.

And yes, graffiti is an art. Like all art, it springs from humanity, culture and the mind of the individual. And I really don't mind seeing it in murals that are sanctioned by a community. But if you're going to be a dickhead and ruin others property with it, then you deserve to get your index and middle fingers chopped off.

If you don't like the way the penal system is run, then you make changes to it; you don't offer lenience to the offender.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

rottenseed says...

>> ^notarobot:
Wow, $7000 in damages! Good thing this kid is now behind bars! Think of the good example it will set: Criminals Beware!
Now all those hard working Texas police have to do is round up the heads of all those major banks who effectively stole $2300 FROM EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN in that 2008 bailout handout. (No, I haven't forgotten.)
Oh, justice.

Good dude. Don't EVER fucking forget that...until the day we get paid back in full.

I think this punishment is excessive considering if he raped someone or he molested a child, he'd probably only get 5 years. I was in county jail for 2 days and it fucking sucked. 6 months of that would FUCKING SUCK. 1 year? WORST YEAR EVER! And I think that should be the maximum for that crime.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

syncron says...

Kid? He's 18, that's when you get trialed as an adult... And he isn't even black. Good riddance IMO, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. The prick should have gone to paint a mural or something. This guy and his sentence should serve as a strong example of legal consequence to all prospective gangsters out there.

LostTurntable (Member Profile)

ghark says...

In reply to this comment by LostTurntable:
Wow, what a horrible human being. Wait, that's not right, this bitch isn't a human.

Well, whatever the fuck this miserable stain on humanity is she has a webpaage.

She also has a Twitter.

And the worthless piece of shit is also on Facebook.

She has an email address, which is not surprisingly is fucking AOL:

Oh, and she has a public phone number and address:
Marisela Saldana
15357 Key Largo Ct
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-2799

Lets all let her know what a horrible waste of flesh she is.

Lets not forget that the kid was the one who committed the crime, regardless of whether or not you think the punishment was too severe.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

enoch says...

>> ^Bruti79:
Could this be somehow linked to something similar in Pennsylvania? There was a judge that would throw as many kids in jail as he could, so that the company who ran the jail would get some business, and the judge would get kickbacks.

just look at the largest employer in texas and you may find you are on to something there.
riiiight.that judge would never stoop to political posturing.
eight years in state pen..good lord.this boy is going to come out far different then when he went in.
my ass.

Fox News - No Terrorist Attack During Bush's Presidency

invader says...

Nope, no terrorist attacks in the USA 2000 - 2008. Though there was quite a bit of state sponsored terrorist attacks in Iraq from 2003 on.

April;30 0 0 United StatesElettsville, Indiana The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) claimed responsibility for causing over $500,000 in damages to construction equipment in Elettsville, Indiana. Fourteen pieces of logging and construction equipment were destroyed by the perpetrators, who filled gas tanks with sand, cut fuel and hydraulic lines and set a tractor-trailer filled with wood chips on fire. Graffiti found at the scene read, "Go develop in Hell," "ELF" and "This machine is evil." The equipment was being used for a state-run project to build a four-lane highway in the area. In their written statement, the group writes, "the government and developers are mad with greed and there will be no limit to what they destroy until we take away the profit from their schemes."[48]

# United States United States, September 11: Attacks kill 2,997 , and many more later from exposure to toxic dust in a series of hijacked airliner crashes into two U.S. landmarks: the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, and The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. A fourth plane, originally intended to hit the United States Capitol Building, crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after an apparent revolt against the hijackers by the plane's passengers.

# United States United States: Anthrax attacks on the offices the United States Congress and New York State Government offices, and on employees of television networks and tabloids.

# United States United States, May: Luke Helder injures 6 by placing pipebombs in mailboxes in the Midwest. Motivation to protest government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana and promotion of astral projection

# United States United States, July 4: An Egyptian gunman opens fire at an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles International Airport, killing two Israelis before being killed himself.
# Israel

United States United States, October: John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo conduct the Beltway Sniper Attacks, killing ten people in various locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from October 2 until they are arrested on October 24.

March 3 0 9 United States United States: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drives an SUV onto a crowded part of campus, injuring nine.

July 28 1 5 United States USA:A woman was dead and five others were hospitalized this afternoon after a shooting at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle building in downtown Seattle by a man who declared he was "angry with Israel."[10]

August 30 1 16 United States United States: An Afghani Muslim hit 19 pedestrians, killing one, with his SUV in the San Francisco Bay area.

October 26 2 United States A pair of improvised explosive devices are thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder and detonated by fuses, causing very minor damage. Police investigate the connection between this and a similar attack against the British Consulate in New York in 2005.[105]

July 27 2 7 United States Knoxville, Tennessee. Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting, Jim David Adkisson kills 2 people and injures 7 in Knoxville, Tennessee.

17 1 4 United States Dalton, Georgia An explosion at a personal injury law firm in downtown Dalton, Ga., injured four people, including at least one lawyer, and resulted in the death of the apparent bomber in what a federal law enforcement spokesman described as a suicide attack.[212]

December 12 2 2 United States Woodburn, Oregon. Woodburn police Capt. Tom Tennant, and Oregon State Police bomb technician Bill Hakim were killed, and Woodburn Police Chief Scott Russell was critically injured after a bomb exploded at the West Coast branch of Wells Fargo in Woodburn. Customer Service Manager Laurie Ann Perkett was taken, and later released from the hospital after being hit by shrapnel. The explosion happened just before 5:30 p.m. while Hakim and Tennant were trying to open the bomb, which Hakim felt confident was not a bomb. Officers were on the scene investigating a bomb threat called in to the bank at 10:19 a.m., when the explosion occurred. Joshua Turnidge and his father, Bruce Turnidge were charged with the murders.[314]

Serge Gainsbourg - 5 years of graffiti animated

The Eyewriter - Paralyzed Man writes with his eyes

NobleOne says...

When i was coming up writing in the 90's in my teens i remember that cat his shit was on point. Though in the graffiti culture when people stop writing you never now what happens to them....unless they are from your neighborhood.... thanks for the post fusionaut....

blankfist (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Not sure-The louder I scream "shit or get off the pot" the longer they wait to see how I respond to the battery of reactions to my presence. Maybe they all wait for choggie to pop again...s'been 3 weeks 2 days and they gave me an open-ended time period of hobble. New rules? The worst part is that I can't get rid of the graffiti on my store front. No editing powers. I did manage to get rid of my old avatar pic, but can't add a new one. They had left some powers intact upon re-entry and when I mentioned they were there they quickly removed them.
I am the little boy running down a waxed wood floor in socks with a pair of scissors in one hand and a box of matches in the other remember? Oh yeah, and I can't make private comments either. Might offend the devout by entering their sacred temples naked and armed...
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Thanks, choggie. It's been a crazy trip. When are you losing those cuffs?

In reply to this comment by choggie:
good luck with your film, pardner
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Kronos sees it every night.


Kurt Russel's Star Wars Audition

Bradaphraser says...

>> ^netean:
just further confirms that Lucas is a generally crappy writer/director who has just gotten lucky a couple of times.
a couple of times? Star Wars: ok, I'll give you that, crappy diaglogue, badly acted but fantastically good film, what's the other one, Willow, American Graffiti? they're the only 2 other possible contenders. Everything else has been a steaming pile of raped childhood memories.
If you say Revenge of the Sith, I'll reach down my broadband line and smack you so hard!

I thought Raiders of the Lost Ark was ok, too.

Kurt Russel's Star Wars Audition

netean says...

just further confirms that Lucas is a generally crappy writer/director who has just gotten lucky a couple of times.

a couple of times? Star Wars: ok, I'll give you that, crappy diaglogue, badly acted but fantastically good film, what's the other one, Willow, American Graffiti? they're the only 2 other possible contenders. Everything else has been a steaming pile of raped childhood memories.

If you say Revenge of the Sith, I'll reach down my broadband line and smack you so hard!

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