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Diablo 3 Stress Test Weekend! (Videogames Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

I've been in the beta for awhile, but the recent attention its been getting has gotten me to fire it up again. First thing I'll say is its fun, especially when you gain a few levels/skills and better weapons.

I think its graphically appropriate for Diablo, one of the issues I have visually is that special monsters and mini-bosses glow shiny yellow or blue, and I find it distracting from the rest of the game's visuals.

As fort he skills, I kind of understand what they're trying to do, but for all its flaws I still prefer the skill tree/stat assigning. Though I do appreciate that you can change skills with ease. I never liked feeling stuck to one build with few opportunities to re-spec.

The always online thing does suck. Despite the online AH and achievements they could have added an offline mode for those who just want a single player experience and aren't concerned about the other stuff.

But its still monster smashin, loot grabbin, dungeon crawlin fun.

FOX explains $4 gas when Bush was president

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^JiggaJonson:
My wife drives a hybrid and pays $60 a month filling up her tank twice a month.
My advice to you sirs, is to get a hybrid and LEASE it for 3 years. If you lease it, then, yes, you're not building equity with the car, but it alleviates the biggest complaint about hybrid cars: replacing the battery means you'll negate any savings on gas.
When her lease is up, we simply roll it over into another lease, with another 3 year warranty (which covers the battery during those three years as well).

I'd prefer a diesel over a hybrid.

Bingo! I've been driving a VW Golf TDI for over 9 years now. I pay fuel costs comparable to a hybrid without all the extra costs of owning a hybrid.

Even in the dead of a NY winter, I don't have any problems. You pour a splash of fuel additive in when it gets down in the single digits and that's that. No block heater, no garage. Just wait 30s for the glow plugs and then turn the key and go.

CANADA vs USA - One on one soldier Tug of War

therealblankman says...

>> ^Sagemind:

I'm thinking we should go with the day-glow orange - then maybe people Americans will stop killing us with "Friendly Fire"

Fixed that for ya'. Frankly, I have a hard time figuring why they keep doing that, after all we're (mostly) not black, and we're not carrying Skittles.

Also, I'd make a joke about overweight, out of shape Yankees at this point, but that would just be rubbing salt on it.

CANADA vs USA - One on one soldier Tug of War

Billy Corgan - Rocket

Auger8 says...

Downvoting because Corgan is an egotistical little bitch. He thinks he's god's gift to music or something. He walked off stage after one song at a concert in my hometown because someone threw a glow bracelet and it landed near his foot. Didn't even hit him just made it on stage near him. Plus the thing weighed like 2oz.

Anyway he's a tool and not worth anyone's time trust me.

Amazing Japanese "Tron" Live Stage Show.

FlowersInHisHair says...

Well, it reminds me of Tron. And I think it would be fair to tag it with "tron", as someone doing a tag search for "tron" might be interested to see this, given that it's got lighty-uppy suits and music from the Tron Legacy soundtrack.

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
>> ^Shepppard:
Apart from the glowing lights, this actually has seemingly NOTHING to do with tron, the original video doesn't have anything to do with tron anywhere in the wording, and the description is as follows:
"The full version of CM performance was appointed as the mobile phone company by street dance crew WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA FAMILY representing Japan.
Has been produced in the original costume, control systems, such as the choreography."
Also, as they're working off of a CD or MP3, this is very much not live music.
So, no, not tron. Nochannel Scifi Dance Skillful Music

So you're telling me you don't look at this and think "Tron"? Seriously?

Nope. Same as I don't consider a video like this that essentially has the exact same type of costume on the dancers tron in any way, shape or form.
And regardless of weather or not one looks at this and goes, "Oh yeah, this reminds me of tron" doesn't make it a tribute to tron. Besides the glowing suits, there's nothing even referencing tron. No frisbee, no light cycle, not Master Control Program, nothing. It's just the costume they're wearing for the dance. That's all.
It's like saying that this is a tribute to Jurassic Park.

Ruin - Post-Apocalyptic Short CGI Film

poolcleaner says...

Science fiction can justify anything because almost anything IS possible. Suspension of disbelief plays too much into our own environment and timeline -- think about your own life as a stage play 400 years ago and MAYBE you'll consider suspending it a bit more.

His hands glow when he touches a mobile device, so for crying out loud, maybe he has extra signals planted in his brain (via nanotech) to provide additional motor control via WiFi, thus steering the motorcycle with one hand. I just listened to a PhD in bioengineering at Wonder Con say that the idea of creating new signals in the brain for additional limb control is not so far fetched. ("Science in Science Fiction" panel by the authors of this book.)

However, lack of exposition in any shape or form does not work for me -- it's just fantasy at that point. I don't need to be eviscerated by constant exposition, but I need to at least know the ground rules. I felt like this was a subpar combination of Advent Children, the T2 motorcycle chase scene and every Half Life chase scene. More stimulation for my brains PLZ.

(On a side note: BUT! it was good fun and was made to display technical skill, not simply to be judged by a group of non-industry laymen, so upvote because the team who made this has TALENT.)

Amazing Japanese "Tron" Live Stage Show.

Shepppard says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^Shepppard:
Apart from the glowing lights, this actually has seemingly NOTHING to do with tron, the original video doesn't have anything to do with tron anywhere in the wording, and the description is as follows:
"The full version of CM performance was appointed as the mobile phone company by street dance crew WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA FAMILY representing Japan.
Has been produced in the original costume, control systems, such as the choreography."
Also, as they're working off of a CD or MP3, this is very much not live music.
So, no, not tron. Nochannel Scifi Dance Skillful Music

So you're telling me you don't look at this and think "Tron"? Seriously?

Nope. Same as I don't consider a video like this that essentially has the exact same type of costume on the dancers tron in any way, shape or form.

And regardless of weather or not one looks at this and goes, "Oh yeah, this reminds me of tron" doesn't make it a tribute to tron. Besides the glowing suits, there's nothing even referencing tron. No frisbee, no light cycle, not Master Control Program, nothing. It's just the costume they're wearing for the dance. That's all.

It's like saying that this is a tribute to Jurassic Park.

Amazing Japanese "Tron" Live Stage Show.

Barseps says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Apart from the glowing lights, this actually has seemingly NOTHING to do with tron, the original video doesn't have anything to do with tron anywhere in the wording, and the description is as follows:
"The full version of CM performance was appointed as the mobile phone company by street dance crew WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA FAMILY representing Japan.
Has been produced in the original costume, control systems, such as the choreography."
Also, as they're working off of a CD or MP3, this is very much not live music.
So, no, not tron. Nochannel Scifi Dance Skillful Music


Amazing Japanese "Tron" Live Stage Show.

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Apart from the glowing lights, this actually has seemingly NOTHING to do with tron, the original video doesn't have anything to do with tron anywhere in the wording, and the description is as follows:
"The full version of CM performance was appointed as the mobile phone company by street dance crew WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA FAMILY representing Japan.
Has been produced in the original costume, control systems, such as the choreography."
Also, as they're working off of a CD or MP3, this is very much not live music.
So, no, not tron. Nochannel Scifi Dance Skillful Music

So you're telling me you don't look at this and think "Tron"? Seriously?

Copyright Math

LukinStone says...

Video Game media hype is useless nowadays too. There's pretty much an article or video every few days now documenting how game "journalists" are in cahoots with publishers. Pretty obvious when you check out a game site and see it framed by characters and scenes in ads for recently released games...

On top of that, responses to subjective reviews are polarized. Maybe its due to the mix of demographics that are into games that makes it seem so jumbled, but for every glowing review there's a counterpart saying "oh, it wasn't that great."

I agree that demos would be a good partial step to fix this. Be also people should start expecting game criticism to look like (good) literature and film criticism rather than just a collection of numbers. The industry has matured enough for that. A number rating isn't intrinsically useless, but if that's all you look at and don't have a demo, you're flying blind.

Amazing Japanese "Tron" Live Stage Show.

Shepppard says...

Apart from the glowing lights, this actually has seemingly NOTHING to do with tron, the original video doesn't have anything to do with tron anywhere in the wording, and the description is as follows:

"The full version of CM performance was appointed as the mobile phone company by street dance crew WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA FAMILY representing Japan.
Has been produced in the original costume, control systems, such as the choreography."

Also, as they're working off of a CD or MP3, this is very much not live music.

So, no, not tron. *Nochannel *Scifi *Dance *Skillful *Music

House Party Cat Jams Out To Electronic Music

The Staple SIngers - I'll Take You There

therealblankman says...

The Staple Singers formed what became known as the "Soundtrack of the Civil Rights Movement", marching alongside Dr. Marting Luther King, which plants this track securely in the *equality channel. I recently heard Mavis Staples on the CBC radio show "Tapestry". She spent time reminiscing about those days certainly, but her music is still fresh and relevant- her most recent album came out last year, and was produced by Jeff Tweedy of Wilco fame. Check out the interview here.

I was deeply moved by Mavis' spirit- the love that she has for the world, the joy she experiences and projects wherever she finds herself, the tolerance that she exhibits for others, the true and honest forgiveness that she offers those who supported segretation. There is a glow that seems to surround her and her music that is very affecting. Her belief in God and Jesus forms the core of her being and I must say that I personally would be more tolerant of the sins of the Christian faith, both past and present, if there were more like her in the world, rather than those who use their Christian faith as a platform and excuse to project their hate and judgement.


The Reptile Convention

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