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OCD Chef Giveaway - Winner Drawing (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Yeah, no matter. I'll make it clearer next time.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Ah, they probably seem obvious in person, but in the photos they all look identical.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
They were different. One is tiny, and one was huge. It's pretty obvious I think, but oh well.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Just wanted to inform we can only accept one of your photos because the rules state each photo must be of "an obviously different cutting board."

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
And here's two pictures of me having cut myself..
(should only count as one for contest purposes though)

And lastly, I murdered a water melon for you barbarians!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Ah, they probably seem obvious in person, but in the photos they all look identical.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
They were different. One is tiny, and one was huge. It's pretty obvious I think, but oh well.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Just wanted to inform we can only accept one of your photos because the rules state each photo must be of "an obviously different cutting board."

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
And here's two pictures of me having cut myself..
(should only count as one for contest purposes though)

And lastly, I murdered a water melon for you barbarians!

lucky760 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

They were different. One is tiny, and one was huge. It's pretty obvious I think, but oh well.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Just wanted to inform we can only accept one of your photos because the rules state each photo must be of "an obviously different cutting board."

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
And here's two pictures of me having cut myself..
(should only count as one for contest purposes though)

And lastly, I murdered a water melon for you barbarians!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

mintbbb says...

Thanks for submitting my cooking video! I hope people are nice and don't bash me, lol. Oh, I just noticed I am talking about lime beans at some point too instead of lima. Oh well.

I love the VS giveaways (and I am waaaay too competitive!) !

The OCD Chef Giveaway (Sift Talk Post)

The OCD Chef Giveaway (Sift Talk Post)

djsunkid (Member Profile)

The Great Refrigerator Magnet Giveaway! (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> ^DerHasisttot:

Google+ is a bit unfair, I can't get on it because it says it's full.

This is a solid point. See the updated note in the contest description above. We will accept Facebook links in lieu of Google+ links if you are unable to create a Google+ account.

>> ^mintbbb:

Sigh.. I just want a t-shirt..

No problem! If you win something more than a t-shirt, just let us know that you'd like to trade your prize with one of our runners up.

Great vids so far, people. Keep them coming.

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

residue (Member Profile)

The Simpsons Giveaway! (Woohoo Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> ^gwiz665:

And I believe you've counted mine wrong as 30, where it should be 40 - now 70 with g+ and tweets.

Have no fear. The numbers displayed above are merely estimates. Thus far I've been counting by hand, so it's likely there are mistakes in my calculations. When the actual drawing is done the numbers will be exact.

The Simpsons Giveaway! (Woohoo Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> ^residue:

@lucky760 you can limit those forms of entry even in this contest if you'd like. I'm the only one abusing it currently so no one would be upset.. I honestly just did it for the humor

Good deal. Please see the updated contest rules. A maximum of 10 entries will be accepted for each of Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


The Simpsons Giveaway! (Woohoo Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Ok, then I won't feel bad about the spam that's gonna come from me soon...
>> ^lucky760:

>> ^gwiz665:
Haha, poor you - you have to count them all
>> ^lucky760:
Obviously we'll be limiting all forms of entry in future contests.

I'll actually be programming siftbot to do that work for me to ensure there are no repeated products in any links.

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