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Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

JustSaying says...

Well, thank you for the compliment, fellow masterdebater.
Or did you mean "masturbator"? Then I'd have to disagree, I'm certainly not bad at that.

Yeah, my post was super hyperbolic but it was just a continuation of the thinking going on here. I took it to the next level. The basic message I took from this thread was "Fuck that guy, he's an insurance scammer and got what he deserved!"
I disagree.
First of all, his crime (scamming people out of money) makes him a huge asshole and definately someone I wish not much well being in general. However, he was slowly run over by a car! You have to do some really awful shit to deserve that kind of punishment. If that man was the pope, I'd have applauded the lady and asked her for a re-run because the pope supports child rapists. If that man was Jeffrey Dahmer, I'd ask if I could have a go. But he's, as far as we know, neither a rapist or murderer or anything else as horrible. He could be dead. He could be a vegetable. He could be disabled. None of that is a punishment fitting his crime. Not even a Bernie Madoff deserves that.
The second thing is this whole "he did something stupid and now he got what he deserves" debate. Look, I'm a person of schadenfreude. I have sadistic personality traits that fill my shrivelled, black heart with gleeful joy everytime somebody gets hurt. But there are limits.
My examples are horrible and gross but what sets them apart from what this guy did is mainly they're not criminal activities. Sure, if you shoot at cops and get shot, you deserve that. You committed and act of agression and got pwned. That man was not agressive towards anyone.
He didn't lay under a moving car, he lay beside a standing car that then rolled over him while making a turn because the driver didn't notice him. Misjudgement on his part? Sure. The same as playing russian roulette or shooting at cops? Nope. That's because his activity, running into a standing or slowly moving car and pretending to be hit, doesn't include certain death as certain possibility.
The only reason people here are so comfortable with this man getting run over is because he's an asshole criminal. If that would've happened to him while he was pulling an internet prank, everyone would be horrified. Imagine that guy wearing a ridiculous costume and talking into the camera at the beginning of the video how he'll make that woman think she hit him with the car and what a great prank that'll be. Is he still getting what he deserves?
People give a shit about the man in the terrible accident because they made a judgement that he is a criminal and not worth it.
See, John Oliver has a point when talking about prisons.
I saw a video of a man getting run over. It didn't upset me but the reactions to it did.

lucky760 said:

Wow yourself.

Those are mostly really horrible examples and gross misinterpretation of things that've been said here.

Most of the things you're talking about are not even closely related to someone putting themselves into a position of imminent danger.

Smokers, second-hand smoking, addiction, extreme sporting, and *anyone* who does *anything* *potentially* dangerous? Say what? Your nonsensical examples have no relation whatsoever to what I've been discussing.

Laying under a moving car or playing Russian roulette or climbing into an alligator pit or shooting at cops with machine guns... Yes, those kinds of things are exactly the same as someone with a lifetime of addiction or who uses safety gear and expertise with a reasonable expectation they'll walk away from their sporting activity unharmed. Right? Pshaw.

You're either doing a really bad job of trolling or just a really bad masterdebater.

Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

SDGundamX says...


Oh, I totally agree--it is a difference of philosophy. But which philosophy is going to lead to a better world?

Look, you don't care some guys got shot after committing a crime. I do. Why? Because it's all directly connected to the rest of us. Why did they commit the crime? How did they get to that point in their lives where they felt it was okay to put others in harm's way? Most importantly, how do we help prevent other people from ending up in that place, so that we're not the ones being put in harm's way next time?

A philosophy of indifference is unlikely to get one to seek answers to those questions: those guys got shot because they were "dumb" or because they were "scum" or some other simplistic answer that leads to no change happening in the world.

But on an even more fundamental level, getting shot hurts pretty bad (I've had friends who have been shot and survived) and on just that level alone I empathize with the guys. We're biologically wired to empathize with other people's pain (mirror neurons) but we can also override that biological response and act callously toward our fellow humans.

I believe compassion is the only way we are ever going to solve the world's major problems, particularly violent conflict. Lack of compassion--even for people who should know better or people who disregard their own safety--is only ever going to give us exactly the world we have now.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

SquidCap says...

What i see is vigilantes and crazy people wanting to get shot down and martyred by cops.

I'm pretty sure that when you ask the citizens in a warn torn country where guns are actually a requisite to survival what they feel about people carrying guns out in the open and i'll bet they don't like it either. They just have to do it. You, on the other hand, carrying one in USA don't actually need it. If you open carry, you just like to scare people.

The whole "i'm allowed to do what i want" theme goes out the window when the symbol in question actually is designed to kill living things. I had to think hard what is the difference between other freedoms, say, gay pride parade. You have to just accept it no matter what you think about it. One could say the same about freedom to carry guns but that's where i draw the line: does it kill you or not. If it doesn't, deal with it and move on. If it does, remove it from the public. Not against guns in the privacy of your own home but they DO NOT belong to streets unless they are carried by a professional.

And no, i don't trust the law enforcement blindly but they enforce laws that we have allowed our representatives to put in place.. if you have a problem with laws, you take it where the laws are made, not to the people enforcing them... And definitely you don't scare everyone else getting one either, which this "open carry activism" WILL lead to: you see guns out in the open, "I think need one now just to pop to get some milk, better get my AK".. Stupid stupider gun-nut. The same people are "rolling coal" plus a host of other symptoms.

Having more guns will just leave to more violence, that is a fact that is definitely shown in study after study. The way non-carrying citizens react to this should be a clear sign: society does NOT want that. Isn't that enough reason to stop?

Women Deserve to be Raped - Outrage

Yogi says...

Who are you? Anyways my problem is good people all over the place get killed, often in horrible ways. You wanna improve you or your families lives in the wrong area of the world, you get two to the back of the head in an alley. Live in the wrong neighborhood, driveby, you die in the street waiting 20 minutes for the ambulance. Black and resisting arrest, you get shot in the back and cuffed while the cop that flees to another state gets dragged back and doesn't serve time.

So all this horrible shit happens to good people in the world. Why can't something horrible happen to this guy? My comment was a bit tongue and cheek and sometimes I just like to shout. Honestly though I would LOVE to see one day someone with a fucked up opinion in America get killed in the most brutal way imaginable. Someone who isn't black and doesn't think it's right for the state to treat them like second class citizens. Someone who has had every advantage in life and is pissed off for no appreciable reason at all.

Everyone get's to complain, some get killed. I'd like to see just one, JUST FUCKING ONE guy who's shitty opinion everyone doesn't like get it fucking good.

SDGundamX said:

Seriously? You think a world in which people are murdered for speaking their opinion is a better one than we have now? And furthermore you think we don't murder people who have distasteful opinions because we're "pussies"? Not a bit of cognitive dissonance when you wrote either of those statements?

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) In Real Life (IRL)

chingalera says...

Shit-If jack-ees had more sense combined with sane and adequate situational response, that jacked-up speed-freak wouldn't have been so ready to jump-out and pull that driver's door open and most likely, the cop cars and/or helicopter wouldn't have had to waste so much fuel. Way to get shot in the face there crank-blaster.

My first inclination? Hit the gas and roll this prick like dough all over his own car, but that's me....with way-better survival skills and an innate, leap-into-action attitude regarding such, todays'-a-good-day-to-die fuck-up types.

Real Life GTA 5 Car Chase In Denver

chingalera says...

Shit, if this had been anywhere but guns-er-bad-m'kay California the speed-freak wouldn't have been so ready to jump-out and pull that driver's door open, and most likely, the cops and helicopter wouldn't have had to waste so much fuel. Way to get shot in the face there crank-blaster.

My first inclination would have been to hit the gas and roll his dough all over his car, but that's just me with way-better survival skills and my innate, leap-into-action attitude regaurding such, todays'-a-good-day-to-die, fuck-ups

Two Excellent Examples Of How Gun Control Can And Does Work

JustSaying says...

That's super stupid, dude. I really don't want to insult you here BUT (yes, every asshole got one) what you wrote there is so much beyond silly or naive, there's no other word for it.
Let's cut the crap here, what you imply with "black youth" is gangmembers, right? We're talking gangs and gang violence. Well, these guys don't walk into a gun store and just buy their Glocks with a credit card. Most of them would probably buy them in illegal ways (because commiting crimes with guns licensed in your name is dumb) so gun legislation has not such an big impact on them anyways.
What the gun laws impact and what causes people to get upset and demanding more regulation is when "black youths" who are armed with skittles and ice tea get shot by scared "latin middleageds". It's when psychologically damaged, middleclass, white teens take their parents guns to school to each everyone a lesson, as seen in Columbine or Newtown. That's why people want regulation.
Criminals will always have access to guns, they don't have to rely on the NRA's uncanny ability to block all progress. Criminals is not who you have to worry here.
It's the dipshits and psychos. The schoolshoters, the parents that aren't able to keep their guns from their kids, the idiots who can't clean a gun while it's unloaded, people who have to stand their ground in the face of loud music, they're the problem. The so called responsible gun owners.

I don't care for your racism and even less for this weird and idiotic idea that black people with their violent music are the problematic aspect of american gun culture. Not everbody should have a gun, some people are simply not responsible enought for it and not all kinds of guns need to be available either. Or are you trying to tell me now that the Bushmaster .223 caliber XM15-E2S rifle is designed for hunting?

lantern53 said:

So what you are saying is that the lawmakers are bowing to NRA lobbyists and not passing laws that would disarm black youth.

I'd love to know what laws would disarm black youth.

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

shagen454 says...

I live in West Oakland. Before I moved here all my friends told me it was inevitable that I was going to get shot and my apartment broken into.

That has not been true AT ALL. Not only that but I walk around the really really terrible "Lower Bottoms" *gasp* everyday, I'd say a good one hour of foot traffic up and down Lower-Bottoms and I have not seen anyone doing anything in the least bit threatening to anyone's property or man-flesh.

Oakland is actually FUCKING awesome. Yeah, like any city there are portions that are not so great. What was showcased here was a portion of East Oakland a little past Fruitvale BART station.

Yes, there are spots that are dangerous there but Oakland is a sprawled out city, is Oakland the Wild West? I'd venture to say it is somewhat but it certainly is not even close to as bad as people make it out to seem - especially compared to most cities on the East Coast.

Drunk off-duty deputy tries to arrest female soldier at bar

entr0py says...

Yeah, I think ensuring there's enough evidence for his firing and conviction seems more useful than getting shot by a crazy person. But possibly less manly.

speechless said:

Two people said at 8:00 that he had a gun, so I don't blame them for not getting physically involved with an armed and out of control cop who is drunk on both alcohol and power.

Thank God for cell phone cameras. It's sad to think how many abuses of power were ignored because it was the cops word against the victims. At least we catch some of these scumbags now.

How to disable an AK-47

Wonder Woman a short film

LiquidDrift says...

Meh, somebody needs to make a funny video where the hero/heroine gets shot while attacking the nearest badguy. That fight would have lasted about 2 seconds if the guy holding the second pistol opened fire while she was fighting rather than waiting for her to get into a defensive position with the ridiculous cuffs.

Friday the 13th prank.

Your vagina is US Govt property & will be searched randomly.

Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

dirkdeagler7 says...

Turk keeps asking what he is supposed to tell his God-Son or any other person of color if they're being followed or attacked? It's very simple really, the same thing I've been taught since I was a kid and the same thing I do now and the same thing I'll tell everyone else to do...

Run and Call for help. Run screaming "fire" and do everything you can do to escape until they force you to stand your ground. If you're forced to stand your ground, do anything possible to save your life and the lives of innocent people around you until you CAN escape to safety.

If he was only a couple of blocks from home, if he really did circle back twice, if he knocked zimmerman to the ground and was not shot in the back.....then regardless of whether he was defending himself or not, he did not run when he had the chances to. He doesn't deserve to die for that mistake, it's a tragedy he did and no one should have to worry about getting shot EVEN if they get into a fist fight.

However you can not tell me he did everything in his power to reach safety before pursuing a fight to the ground or even after his opponent went to the ground. Of course neither did Zimmerman and that is why he went on trial for felony charges. If neither person did everything they could to avoid this situation then neither of them is devoid of at least some blame in the confrontation itself.

ps I'm not white.

How-to Disarm a Gunman

chingalera says...

I'm always concerned that I'd get shot in a mugging because I never carry enough money to assuage a desperate stick-up thug-That's why I always carry a few rocks of crack in my otherwise empty bi-fold along with some meth in case the rouge be some Oklahoman

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