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How-to Disarm a Gunman

ChaosEngine says...

Please tell me that was meant as some kind of parody.

There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to start.
I will tell you the real way to deal with someone pointing a gun at you: DO WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT.

This kind of bullshit just does not work. Don't believe me? Go get a white tshirt, and a water pistol filled with ink or juice. Try this and see how often you don't get shot.

Why So Many Russian Cars Have Dashcams.

"Just cause you're a chickens@!t motherf*%ker!"

arekin says...

This war on Cops is not going to end well. If people continue to harass cops someone is going to get shot. You take a person in a high stress job where every traffic stop has the potential to end your life (especially in cities like Detroit) and then you get assholes who want to follow you around waiting for you to have to arrest someone so that they declare you being excessive. The kid got exactly what he wanted, he made a cop angry so that he could film some police "aggression", all while staying just enough on the right side of the law that the cop was helpless to do anything.

Fatal crash Daiton airshow

Shepppard says...

Yes this is wrong, there was a video of some rebellion on here not long ago, where a man was shot and killed in front of the camera. It was not part of an educational clip, didn't give anybody awareness of what was going on in the situation, all it showed was life being snuffed out. It was also removed because of sift snuff guidelines.

Wars happen, lives end. We post videos that educate on what happened during those times, but not exclusively showing "HOLY HELL THAT GUY JUST GOT SHOT IN THE HEAD!"

Animals die, yes, and videos are posted of it, but generally never exclusively "Hey, look at this cow get shot in the head", but generally more of a nature thing.

This, is literally two peoples last seconds of being alive before a fatal crash, I'm gathering from Dayton, but only because that's in the title, this is snuff, regardless of weather or not it's graphic (And no, where as we don't see body parts flying, or blood everywhere.. at least I assume we don't, only watched it once.) it's still shocking. Worse still is the fact that I don't think this was tagged as *Nsfw, and being as videosift is a FAMILY site, that's a definite "not okay" thing for kids to see.

If you don't want to play by the rules, just don't bother posting things. But this is 100% against them.

bjornenlinda said:

Wtf is that with you guys eating live animals wars etc that's alright huh! and this is wrong yeah right...

8 Months pregnant woman tasered by police

gwiz665 says...

Cops generally go for a "better safe than sorry" approach. The moment they hesitate, in certain areas there's a good chance they would get shot.

It's a shame that both the police and the people have been driven to those extremes - it would be much nicer if the police didn't have to worry about any random person having a gun, then they could relax and much of the unintentional abuse would go away.

Man Shot and Killed on Camera by South African Police

Shepppard says...

" The presence of human fatality is acceptable and not considered "snuff" if presented as a limited, incidental portion of a lengthy educational, informative news report or documentary that encompasses a much broader narrative "

This is not lengthy, this is not educational, and it's not really informative, as I couldn't tell you what exactly is being rioted here, or protested. The only thing I saw in this video was a man get shot twice, realize he was shot, and then die very shortly after.

This should be *Discussed, power points wasted or no, if it shouldn't be here, it most certainly shouldn't have been promoted anyway.

kulpims (Member Profile)

What To Do While Waiting For Police

Elevator Murder Experiment

Raveni says...

Exactly... In Texas, the result would have been one or both of those actors getting shot. There is no way that someone with a gun would even step foot inside that elevator to figure out what was going on.

TYT - 5 Shot at "Gun Appreciation Day" Celebrations

shatterdrose says...

I'd suggest you do some research on "properly cleared" gun shootings. The whole reason people get shot with a "properly cleared" firearm is because humans make mistakes. Also, the use of quotations is to illustrate a point, which I apparently need to spell out. People get shot when they THINK the gun is cleared. I've sat there and asked 30 people in a room, most familiar with cleaning and the whole 9 yards, and not a single one of them saw the bullet in the barrel. Every single person said the gun was clear, and was completely safe. Now, repeat that several times a week and the numbers really add up.

There have also been cases off firearms discharging on their own. I believe Colt was being sued due to the number of rifles that were discharging without a trigger pull. People died.

Now, if you truly believe a firearm was invented for sport, you have seriously deluded yourself. A firearm is NOT intended for sport. A sporting rifle, yes. They're usually a 22cal, well, sporting rifle/pistol. They look a little funnier, they don't have high capacity magazines, and they fire a small bullet.

However, if you truly truly deep down in your gun loving heart believe an AR-15 was invented for sport . . . well, there's nothing anyone can ever say to make you see reason. If you truly believe hallow point bullets were made for sport, then we live in a very strange world. If you truly believe a recoiless machine gun that fires 30 rounds per minute was made for sport, then the military needs to step up it's game. They really should be using weapons designed to kill their enemy, not shoot little paper targets at a gun range.

I hear napalm was really invented to cure toe fungus, not kill large swaths of enemy soldiers. Swords were made to butter bread. Tanks were made for picking up groceries.

BTW, historical fun fact, black powder is one of the few items originally designed for recreation that was later used for war (Chinese fireworks.) Things like forks, scissors etc were originally designed to kill people, until later other uses were discovered. Like rockets. Our government didn't care that people wanted to go to space, they wanted a rocket that COULD make it to space, but half way there would make a sudden turn and go kaboom. So I guess rockets are 50/50. Guns, well, you're just in fantasy land there.

harlequinn said:

Nobody has ever been shot with a properly cleared firearm. Lots of people have been shot with an improperly cleared firearm. That's the point of saying "properly cleared" versus "improperly/badly cleared". One makes it safe, the other doesn't.

The point isn't that a cleared firearm is useless - the point is that a firearm can be rendered safe. All firearms can and must be made unsafe by loading a round in them to be able to shoot with them.

A firearm is not designed to "solely kill humans". It is designed to accelerate a projectile. It's purpose of use is mainly for sports (see the list I posted above). Yes, it is also used for killing animals (people are animals) but that is no longer its primary use. There is a definitive difference between design and purpose of use. Go look it up if you're interested.

TYT - 5 Shot at "Gun Appreciation Day" Celebrations

chingalera says...

"entitled gun nuts that organize things like "Gun Appreciation Days". Of course someone was going to get shot at this."

Oh, of course!! Makes perfect sense, of course.
No, it may be more likely of course, but of course anything could transpire.

Call us back when someone comes up with the cure for idiocy and let us know how the drug worked?

EvilDeathBee said:

I think most accidents happen when idiots with guns get complacent. I think it's perfectly possible to own and handle a gun with no accidents, but it DOES require constant vigilance, as you said, they are dangerous. It's designed to kill after all, and you have to treat it that way with simple common sense. It's when you get idiot, entitled gun nuts that organize things like "Gun Appreciation Days". Of course someone was going to get shot at this.

This is why the US needs strict regulations and restrictions (not a ban), and prevent these idiots from owning guns and making sure people that do own them are qualified to do so.

TYT - 5 Shot at "Gun Appreciation Day" Celebrations

TYT - 5 Shot at "Gun Appreciation Day" Celebrations

EvilDeathBee says...

I think most accidents happen when idiots with guns get complacent. I think it's perfectly possible to own and handle a gun with no accidents, but it DOES require constant vigilance, as you said, they are dangerous. It's designed to kill after all, and you have to treat it that way with simple common sense. It's when you get idiot, entitled gun nuts that organize things like "Gun Appreciation Days". Of course someone was going to get shot at this.

This is why the US needs strict regulations and restrictions (not a ban), and prevent these idiots from owning guns and making sure people that do own them are qualified to do so.

BicycleRepairMan said:

"you'll get judged by the actions of the minority that don't practice up to date strict gun safety"

Bullshit. Guns. Are. Dangerous. Period. Yes, I said it. And yes, they are more dangerous if you handle them recklessly, of course, but they are dangerous anyway, thats the whole point. Most gun accidents happens to people who normally DO practice strict gun safety, its just that people make fucking mistakes. ALL THE TIME. Thats the thing. You can, and will, also make mistakes with knifes, hammers and axes, but that probably wont instantly kill you, or someone 50 meters away from you. A gun might. Because they are fucking dangerous.

SiftDebate: What are the societal benefits to having guns? (Controversy Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

As with all things, it's not necessarily a law change that need to happen. Laws don't drive the zeitgeist, the zeitgeist drive laws (or should).

People need to be dissuaded from wanting to have guns. In Europe, people don't really want a gun, and don't even see a need for one. Sure, there are hunters and they have guns, and sure you can get one if you're in a dangerous area with bears and shit, but actually getting a gun is when you're hunted by mafia or something like that and you're desperate. Why would you ever want to walk around with a gun? I don't really get it.

Perhaps people have a fantasy about being a hero, where they shoot the bad guy. Everyone has that as a kid; most kids also grow up.

There's something deeply satisfying about firing a gun - power at your fingertips. Control. Maybe it's a control thing. People don't like to be out of control, with a gun they always have something to fall back on to control the situation.

Maybe it's a macho thing, although women carry guns too. I don't know the statistic of it, but I would imagine more men do than women. Men are intrinsically destructive while women are creative - it's our nature. We men beat up our rivals to gain access to that sweetest fruit of all: peach. Perhaps it's an extension of power; an penis extension. Don't pull the trigger, squeeze it tenderly. You are the gun; look down the aim at your target and fire.

Maybe there's some brain vs brawn in it. I would wager good money that as intelligence goes up, gun ownership goes down. No statistics to back it up, but I'd love to see if it's true. Brains are taking over everything - it's the decade of the Nerd. Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams could get all the girls and gets all the admiration in the big world, while Dick McKickaball failed to make the team and married Candace the exotic dancer his friends hired for him on his 21st birthday. But at least he could shoot JJ Abrams in the face with his 4½ inch death stick.

Society doesn't really gain much from guns does it?

It has its own market and thus gets people to move money around with someone around to skim the top. dft said this in point 2 as well. This could be done for worse stuff though - snuff porn has a market; heroin has a market.

Mutually Assured Destruction is always a fun acronym to throw around. If everyone does eye for an eye, the world will go blind, I've heard somewhere. Probably a shitty western or something.

Feelings of security? If I have a gun, do I feel safer from the people around me that may or may not also have guns? I would feel safer in my home, I think. If I feared home invasions. Home invasions are a weird thing; very rare in europe to the best of my knowledge, even though we don't have guns. Seems like something that would only happen if there was an enormous disparity between poor and rich, making the poor desperate (and lazy) enough to want to do a home invasion. If Brian the Aryan Man-God makes 10 million billion $$ a year, and Rommel the Dirty Mexican doesn't get anything because he has to pay child support off his social security and also cover his meth addication, then the chance of Rommel doing a home invasion is greater than if Rommel makes half of what Brian does. Maybe we need to raise the floor, instead of raising the ceiling on the extrema of wealth to lose the desire of guns.

Maybe it's all of the factors at once, and we have someone like the NRA pushing everyone to want all of them. I want security. I'm afraid. I have a small dick. Home invasions happen all the time. Schools get shot by crazies, I need to defend myself.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There... the demons went away. Guns are your friends.

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

chilaxe says...


Yes, sometimes knuckle-dragging animals get shot. That's particularly valuable when they're in your home beating your family.

No, nothing will fix academic achievement gaps within our lifetime, and the same applies to Denmark's achievement gaps. If the Danish system worked better than the US system, then Denmark's mistreated Muslims would average as high as US Muslims, who average even above the White average.

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