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A virus walks into a bar...

Time Traveling Delorean Mod!

Payback says...

>> ^spoco2:
That is pure awesomeness
Although, to be a pedantic, geeky prick, it gets frosty inside the car as well as outside the car... which goes against what you see in the films, as it's only the external shell of the car that gets freezing cold during time travel.
But that really is awesome

Perhaps you left the window open?

Robot Christmas Dance

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Robot, Christmas, Xmas, dance, music, synchronized, geeky, nerdy, colors, lights, moves' to 'Robot, Christmas, Xmas, dance, music, synchronized, geeky, colors, lights, silent night' - edited by silvercord

Time Traveling Delorean Mod!

spoco2 says...

That is pure awesomeness

Although, to be a pedantic, geeky prick, it gets frosty inside the car as well as outside the car... which goes against what you see in the films, as it's only the external shell of the car that gets freezing cold during time travel.

But that really is awesome

He Built a Time Machine to Kill Hitler

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Sixty Symbols: Explaining temp. (kelvin) and laser cooling

Cute Girl Plays Flute Hero

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Geek Horror Story

100 ft Glow Stick

Some guy doing the ghostbuster song acapella

Cute girl does a wonderful cover of 'Take on Me' on Ukelele

Bill Maher Gets Schooled On Vaccines By Bill Frist

MycroftHomlz says...

If you have questions about the scientific merit of a given medical practice, then contact an expert (i.e. an M.D. Ph.D.) and discuss your concerns with them. Go to a library, and read the actual scientific literature pertaining to a given topic.

It is true there is a business side to medicine, but no one controls science. And in the rare instances that science has been influenced by business, it has always corrected itself. (e.g. Some poor graduate student spent 2 years trying to confirm single molecule transistors and never got it to work. The original data was eventually proven fraudulent. See Jan Schon) Since their conception in 1796, vaccines have proven to a be a valuable way to control the spread of viruses.

In conclusion, it is good to question science and medicine. Questions, however, need to be reinforced with controlled scientific experiments, otherwise they are out of ignorance.

>> ^dag:
^Yes, how dare anyone question the all-knowing oracles of medical knowledge.
I think the reason that many geeky type people always toe the main-stream medical line is because they conflate medicine with science (which we all love). Yes, it's almost the same, but if I had to draw it as a venn diagram, there would be a crescent of over-hang. Medicine to me is 80% science and then the rest is filled in with dogma, patriarchy and business ($$).
That crescent of non-science is the part that makes me squirm. I don't think it's that wrong to question medical programs like vaccinations- with the idea that it may be being pushed non-scientifically by the medical industrial complex. (big pharma).
Bill Maher is not a kook.

Bill Maher Gets Schooled On Vaccines By Bill Frist

Skeeve says...

>> ^dag:
^Yes, how dare anyone question the all-knowing oracles of medical knowledge.
I think the reason that many geeky type people always toe the main-stream medical line is because they conflate medicine with science (which we all love). Yes, it's almost the same, but if I had to draw it as a venn diagram, there would be a crescent of over-hang. Medicine to me is 80% science and then the rest is filled in with dogma, patriarchy and business ($$).
That crescent of non-science is the part that makes me squirm. I don't think it's that wrong to question medical programs like vaccinations- with the idea that it may be being pushed non-scientifically by the medical industrial complex. (big pharma).
Bill Maher is not a kook.

As Raigen said, in this instance Bill is being a kook. Yes, we need to question everything, especially medicine. But at the end of the day one has to look at the science behind the medicine and make an informed decision. The science, as Frist said, shows that vaccines work and will save your life.

I think it's really funny how, in the last few years, people have begun to fear and distrust vaccines. Smallpox, a disease that killed 300-500 million people in the 20th century alone, was eradicated thanks to vaccines. Thanks to vaccination the occurrence of Polio went from 350,000 cases in 1988 to 1300 cases in 2007.

Vaccines work, ignoring the science kills people. Bill Maher ignores the science. In this instance he is a dangerous kook.

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