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IT Crowd is Back! (British Talk Post)

Deano says...

I think this has gradually become a decent show. I didn't like the earlier shows much and I still think they could work in some geeky memes in the same way you see done in Family Guy/American Dad. That said the writing was pretty tight on the last show, the Fredo one.


I hate the smugness of Apple

blankfist says...

Yeah, the smugness of Apple is spot on. I own a number of Mac products myself, but I can attest to their hugely frustrating failures. They do not "just work". PCs are nothing to write home to Jobs about, but their consumer base doesn't consist of smug geeky hipsters who* claim superiority.

In fact, just this past week I bought an Airport Express. It's advertised as "plug and play" yet it took me nearly three hours to get the damn thing to work, and I'm not what you'd call technically ignorant.

*I hope I'm using that right. I cannot determine if it relates to the subject or object in that sentence. Man, I feel dumb.

KLF / The Timelords - Doctorin' The Tardis

Charlie Brooker Reviews The iPad

Kerotan says...

>> ^dannym3141:

Correct deano. Brooker has had many sifts here with newswipe and screenwipe and whatever-else-wipe. They always do very well, people find the guy witty and clever.
Yet when an apple product gets bashed by him, they scrunch their eyes up real tight, pound their fists on their desks and squeak their fury.
If people bothered to think for a second, this is a recent SIFT, it isn't a recent production by brooker. He made this long long ago when the ipad was just announced, so all these things you're saying he's "repeating", him and his ilk were the ones who came up with it.
Brooker's paid to be sarcastic and pessimistic about the media, or politics, or whatever his show is about. He's made a living off it and he's pretty well acclaimed. Him and david mitchell are not dissimilar. Mitchell's just a bit more geeky.

An additional note, for those wondering about brooker's geekiness, he was editor of PC zone (like PC gamer, and coincidentally both owned by the same company, despite being rivals) for a good couple of years.

Charlie Brooker Reviews The iPad

dannym3141 says...

Correct deano. Brooker has had many sifts here with newswipe and screenwipe and whatever-else-wipe. They always do very well, people find the guy witty and clever.

Yet when an apple product gets bashed by him, they scrunch their eyes up real tight, pound their fists on their desks and squeak their fury.

If people bothered to think for a second, this is a recent SIFT, it isn't a recent production by brooker. He made this long long ago when the ipad was just announced, so all these things you're saying he's "repeating", him and his ilk were the ones who came up with it.

Brooker's paid to be sarcastic and pessimistic about the media, or politics, or whatever his show is about. He's made a living off it and he's pretty well acclaimed. Him and david mitchell are not dissimilar. Mitchell's just a bit more geeky.

Octopus Steals Video Camera & Swims Off (While Recording)

3 years designing the ultimate Sim City

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Science Fiction Movies

London to Brighton in 4 minutes - 51 miles - 765 mph

skinny puppy - god's gift (maggot)

Drax says...

In my young and geeky days I found a love for electronic music. First with Vangelis and Tangerine Dream.. then one day a girl from school handed me a walkman playing skinny puppy's assimilate and it was all uphill from there... upvote.

Moonbase Alpha Video

Baby Yoda Shows Off

Christmas Light Hero.

Teevirus adopts Cartmanland marketing strategy? (Commercial Talk Post)

choggie says...

Don't think it's the showcase, storefront, or availability of designs that's keeping the turd barely afloat-The idea....Great! The product...(stand by for brutally honest review)

The graphics are lame as fuck.

The slogans for the most part, pretentious and doubleplusunclever.....weak? un-inspirational? "Lame" works here as well to describe the Smugly Smartstein flavour....esp. the designs having pithy little tweaks regarding the existenze of Godz(s) and the like....Advice to would-be designers??.. Keep it simple. Keep it direct. Try to encapsulate the sentiment in one simply done, artful graphic...not something that looks like some Corel practice one wants to look like a geek, even if they are geeky already.

For example, The Pilsbury doughboy in an SS uniform with the caption, WHITE FLOUR! is somethig to wear proudly. The Giza complex with the caption, SLAVERY..Gets Shit Done!"....I would wear this, beaming with mischief, all day long.

Fuck Darwin, he's as dead as god. C'mon kids, you got some talent...if you can't design some decent quips n' clips for giggles and shit tickets, get some designers who can tweak some Photoshop and went to clever classes instead of playing video games and smoking too little good ganja!

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