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Holy Shit, It's A Sheep Tornado!

hpqp (Member Profile)


Fox/Palin criticize Obama's Christmas Card

heropsycho says...

And it's either facts taken out of any context, or stuff that isn't even "bad". OH NOEZ! THE EPA HAS MORE FUNDING! THE APOCALYPSE IS NEAR!!!

>> ^kymbos:

Oh my gawd, now he's cutting and pasting tripe with the word 'source' at the end to give it authoritative status. Gold.

Fox/Palin criticize Obama's Christmas Card

What I hear when Rick Perry Talks

Coon Skin Man Tells All

Don't mess with crabs!

Babyland: 17,000 babies buried in 30 years

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

"Jersey Girls DON'T Pump Gas"

hpqp (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Hehe, it's gonna be great.
In reply to this comment by hpqp:
I have to disagree with you there, feminism and chauvinism only share three letters, but then again so does racism. I'm thinking of doing a Siftalk on "feminism" vs "equalism", inspired by your comment, but you'll have to wait till September to read it, got to much to do until then. And yes, I know you are simply dying to read/hear more about feminism.. *trollface*

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Heh, I didn't see it there, only when bb @'ed me. I think it was making a stupid point, because what it sets up as feminism vs male-ism is not that. It's self-indulgent and essentially does exactly what the comic accuses others of doing. So bah humbug! Feminism is bullshit, so is chauvinism.

In reply to this comment by hpqp:
I see what you mean, but I hardly think the reference to this comic was particularly topical; it seemed more about having a laugh about the not-so-funny topic of sexism on the webs in general (stg which seems extremely rare on the Sift, one of it's many selling points). At least that's the reason I posted it to the femithread.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Straw man.
>> ^bareboards2:

Ooooh my gawd! Is that absolutely pitch perfect or what?
I'm sure I am forgetting someone. But that comic is GREAT.
In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
You might get a kick out of this:

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

hpqp says...

I have to disagree with you there, feminism and chauvinism only share three letters, but then again so does racism. I'm thinking of doing a Siftalk on "feminism" vs "equalism", inspired by your comment, but you'll have to wait till September to read it, got to much to do until then. And yes, I know you are simply dying to read/hear more about feminism.. *trollface*

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Heh, I didn't see it there, only when bb @'ed me. I think it was making a stupid point, because what it sets up as feminism vs male-ism is not that. It's self-indulgent and essentially does exactly what the comic accuses others of doing. So bah humbug! Feminism is bullshit, so is chauvinism.

In reply to this comment by hpqp:
I see what you mean, but I hardly think the reference to this comic was particularly topical; it seemed more about having a laugh about the not-so-funny topic of sexism on the webs in general (stg which seems extremely rare on the Sift, one of it's many selling points). At least that's the reason I posted it to the femithread.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Straw man.
>> ^bareboards2:

Ooooh my gawd! Is that absolutely pitch perfect or what?
I'm sure I am forgetting someone. But that comic is GREAT.
In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
You might get a kick out of this:

hpqp (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Heh, I didn't see it there, only when bb @'ed me. I think it was making a stupid point, because what it sets up as feminism vs male-ism is not that. It's self-indulgent and essentially does exactly what the comic accuses others of doing. So bah humbug! Feminism is bullshit, so is chauvinism.

In reply to this comment by hpqp:
I see what you mean, but I hardly think the reference to this comic was particularly topical; it seemed more about having a laugh about the not-so-funny topic of sexism on the webs in general (stg which seems extremely rare on the Sift, one of it's many selling points). At least that's the reason I posted it to the femithread.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Straw man.
>> ^bareboards2:

Ooooh my gawd! Is that absolutely pitch perfect or what?
I'm sure I am forgetting someone. But that comic is GREAT.
In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
You might get a kick out of this:

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

So long as we agree.

Also, I think we should move all discussions to fusionauts profile. >> ^bareboards2:

Logic Shield.
>> ^gwiz665:
Straw man.
>> ^bareboards2:
Ooooh my gawd! Is that absolutely pitch perfect or what? @Januari would probably love this, too. @Issykitty. @peggedbea. @ChaosEngine. @hpqp. Maybe even @gwiz665 @rottenseed.
I'm sure I am forgetting someone. But that comic is GREAT.
In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
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