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raven (Member Profile)

dotdude says...

My parents loved to use the word "trash" for movies or television they disapproved of. They never forbade any television - no cable in our household. Movies that were rated "PG" took a lot of lobbying on our part - especially when they had to take us to them.

In reply to this comment by raven:
Sweet thanks. I've actually seen this btw, and have a funny story about it... it was on the SciFi channel one Saturday morning and I happened to be back home visiting my folks, and my Dad came in and saw my brother and I watching it so he sat down and asked, "So, what's this one about" "Evil ravens Dad" To which he asked, "A giant evil raven?" "No, just a bunch of them" "Oh, well never mind then", and he got up and left, thus implying that had it been about one giant raven, he would have been all about it, but multiple evil ravens just didn't cut it... must have something to do with his Cold War childhood, as, if I recall, his favorite all time horror movie is THEM!, about the giant radioactive ants... ah, parents are so funny.

In reply to this comment by dotdude:
In your honor, here's a horror trailer about "ravens!" It's called "Kaw."

Elect the Jedi Knight!

Colin & Ryan do something TOTALLY UNEXPECTED in Film Noir

smibbo says...

I absolutely adore this show. As Arvana said, it's even better when you watch a slew of episodes in a season and get a feel for the performers and their relationships. Then there's some in-jokes and events that are hilarious! British or American, I never could really tell the difference except perhaps the American show is a bit more laid-back because it came much later.

As to improv, yes, it's easy to believe it's all "real" - I did tons of acting and improv is something that you can learn like any other acting skill - talent makes it better but you can hone it and refine it. Part of it is that they all work with each other - improv is MUCH harder if you are completely solo. Notice in this particular sketch, Ryan challenges Colin to surprise him; most likely he was drawing a blank on how to end the sketch and needed time or something to play off of. In the parameters of the sketch, it was an excellent technique because it fit the restrictions yet still asked for 'help'. Part of that is the fact that those players have been working with each other for many years and when you work with someone, you can become very adept at working within their strengths, just like any other job.

It's a lot like that funny friend you have, who is always saying hilarious things at gatherings, but can't write a funny story - they need someone to play off of.

A cruel but very funny prank

bamdrew says...


You can't just jump in and start judging. The last one nearly made the dude with the glasses cry.

I probably would have rolled with it if I were this dude; getting engaged doesn't mean you must get married immediately. They'd have a funny story about how they got engaged, too.

No more geeks? (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Funny story on this- originally we were planning on calling the channel "tech", but then a sharp sifter mentioned that "geek" has a broader appeal, because it can cover Star Wars, Trek- D&D etc.

So we changed it to Geek, right when we first launched channels. Somewhere in one of the DB settings- the "tech" channel name was left behind, and the geek channel somehow got transmogrified back to "tech" in VS 3.0. We each thought that one of us made an admin call to change it to "tech", but turns out that's not the case. So back to Geek it goes.

Yay - geeks let us rejoice - Romulan ale for for all!

Web designer job interview goes wrong

v1k1n6 (Member Profile)

ant says...


In reply to your comment:
Nice, saw that you posted one of my vids on bluesnews. Thanx. Funny story I have been looking at blues news for who knows how long but I wanna say Quake 2 days and never realized you were the "ant" from there until my buddy pho3n1x brought it up 'bout a month or so after I found VS and decided to take part. That said I have always appreciated you link of the day contri's.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi talks about high gas prices

zeth_rb says...


Gas should be $5 dollars a gallon if it had followed inflation rates like everything else.

Gas prices were held low by tapping into the national reserve during the late 90's

There hasn't been a new refinery in over twenty years because of the amount of regulations to build one is insane. So instead we import over half our oil.

China has become a major competitor for oil for the US, the first time any nation has been a major competitor to the US for Middle East Oil and there just isn't enough.

We use 2/3 of the energy produced in the world but only have a population of 300 million, maybe we deserve gas this high ever hear of that?

Gas prices in Europe aren't higher they just add on a larger tax to discourage people from using automobiles instead they use public transportation.

Funny story I remember economists saying a year before gas prices started spiking that they would be going up to 3 dollars this was still when it was in the 1.50 to 1.80 range.

Yeah there making record profits and guess what people aren't decreasing their gas consumption instead it is still going up.

And yes we do have the technology to make cars have better gas mileage.

Also in conspiracy world why is the car industry trying not to go bankrupt while gas companies profits are going up?

Tom Cruise breaks into hysterics on Letterman @ 2:31

Domo Kun

raven says...

funny story from my days as a wage-slave at a store specializing in anime... as this cartoon has never aired here in america most people know domo-jun from this fun little viral .jpeg ( that made its rounds in email about four years ago. As a result, we moved quite a lot of domo-kun product: key chains, plushies, notepads, etc... snapped up by a lot of high schoolers who had no idea what the cartoon was other than it was that big brown square guy from the masturbation ad, ha ha! What fun!!
Anyway, long story short, we kept reordering domo-kun products at a fairly fast rate, to the point that the distributor asked the store's translator several times why domo was so popular in a country that had never aired it... unfortunatly, she never had the balls to tell him.

LadyBug (Member Profile)

ant says...

LadyBug: Funny story to share from work. I was talking to this female coworker and noticed she had a tiny ladybug bean bag or something (heavy). I told her that ants hate ladybugs. She asked why.

I told her about aphids being food to ladybugs and provide nectar juice to ants. Ants love aphids and keep them like humans with cows. I showed her a photograph of ladybugs eating aphids: ... She said "Yuck!" [sighs]

Quick thinking boyfriend!

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