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Fierce roaring zoo tiger meets its match

Fierce roaring zoo tiger meets its match

toferyu says...

>> ^entr0py:

I like that bird's style. If my friends dared me to headbutt a tiger, I probably wouldn't.

Exactly !
you can almost hear him flying back to his buddies :
"Ok ! Ok ! I dit !!!"
"What do you mean 'Frenchkiss the crocodile ????'"

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

And I want to publicly say that I think you are the cats pajamas -- fierce and smart and loyal and passionate. All good things. You are a class act, my friend.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
I want to apologize to you for attacking you and not the topic of the debate. It was unsportsmanlike of me. We are all passionate about what we believe, and I'll try to remember not to step on people when expressing said beliefs.

Fierce roaring zoo tiger meets its match

Fierce roaring zoo tiger meets its match

"The State Against Blacks" - how government hurts minorities

Lawdeedaw says...

The truth is that aid programs fail because of a totality of circumstances. Rich, white people crafted government aid. They set the bar to make sure that you could not work and recieve aid at the same time (Not even pro-rated.) So, if you get off the aid, by say, working, you starve to death. Easy choice, right? I wouldn't say that's "Encouraging people to stay dependent." What a fucking douche Stossel is to oversimplify this type of epidemic...

Then the government also crafted punishments that imprison people for their entire lives--and therefore smother their children under oppression too. Your black and you smoke weed? Well, get on some aid because your useless. Crack and coke laws? Blacks recieve way stiffer sentences.

Society fucks them even furth through sterotypes... What? You're black? Well, being black was your first chance, and getting caught in illegal activity was your second...

Not that I know from experience...but I would say that 95% (Actually, 2 out of 34 to be exact) of the juveniles in eduction classes in a prison are African Americans or Hispanics... Amazing huh?

But no one stops to ask themselves how this happened. QM would blame this on the race itself. But this shit doesn't happen through fucking magic nor does it happen from skin color. At one time the African American community, in the United States, was the strongest community in the world... Now? It makes me weep on the whole--not because of what it is, but what it once was and should be. It's like a battle was fought so fiercely that by the time it won, the victory didn't matter. (I am generalizing about the whole of the problem, not the whole of the race.)

Nine Year Old Boy Performs Madonna's Vogue

Bike Lane in NYC

grinter says...

As a cyclist, I think we should get More tickets. Really.
Of course not for riding safely, and within the bounds of the law (which, it seems that the guy in the video was), but for breaking the laws.

As is often the case, blankfist's comment was an excellent example of what is wrong with the world. Cyclists routinely don't know, or ignore, the traffic laws. Motorists are even more ignorant, and don't know how to treat cyclists. We end up with a huge cluterf@*K, where it is unnecessarily dangerous to ride a bike.

My hope is that, were cyclists subject to more tickets (or at least friendly police reminders), they would be more aware of and more likely to follow the laws, and the perception of cyclists as legitimate users of the road increase. Police would, of course, need to lean these laws themselves.
An even more effective tactic might be to put questions about bike laws on driving license tests, or make pamphlets on cycling laws readily available at every department of motor vehicles and every bike shop.

I suspect other cyclists here may react fiercely to any suggestion that we might be part of the problem, but please think it over for a second. I stop at all stop signs, and signal, etc.. and I'm sure you do too, but every single day I see other cyclist who don't. I've seen a young man thrown 4 m after being hit by a car while darting across a crosswalk on a bike. I've seen a woman slam into a police car as she reached an intersection while riding on the wrong side of the road. On the other hand, I'm sick of cars waving me through when they have the right-of-way; it's dangerous and a waste of time. I'm sick of feeling like I'm risking my life every time I make a left turn in traffic because the cars around me don't know understand what that involves. Something has to change.

Game of Thrones: Syrio Forel's sword dance with Lannisters

Enzoblue says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

Why is that a good reason to watch? Idiot has a half dozen real swords lying about but he chooses to use a wooden one?
Nah, I liked the first book, second was meh, by the third I'd had enough.

The key to enjoyment of the series is using the same mentality that women use to enjoy the movies based on Jane Austin novels. In those movies, you have to care deeply for the characters mentioned and ignore the destitute poverty of the common folk of that era. Cry deeply for the wannabe noble woman that has her reputation in so much jeopardy that she might not be able to marry the guy who inherits 50k pounds - ignore the other 90% of the population that would cut their fingers off to feed their children if they didn't need those fingers to work for the nobility.

In this series, you need to think of the 'small folk' as subhuman. Their sole purpose is to get raped and killed and provide blade fodder for the worthy. Care fiercely for the rightful heir that is favored by the gods, and don't shed a tear for the father that has to watch his sons sliced up in front of him and his wife and daughter raped by that rightful heirs banner men in order to send a message.

If you can do this, the series is pure gold and will provide many hours of entertainment.

Honestly, after the 4th novel, I really don't care who wins in the end. All the characters are so blood thirsty I'm cheering for the Others at this point. I guess i'm still cheering for the Starks, but they've been through so much hell that their souls must be empty shells by now. Like torture victims that are so far gone that the best thing you can do for them is kill them.

Final Fantasy VII Epic Cockatiel Vs Chocobo battle!!!

shinyblurry says...

Sure, I had pretty much the same experience with story that fell apart later. I also thought it was super annoying having to drain all of your spells from enemies. 9 was a good throwback to the glory days..again though it never seemed to hit its stride..just sort of sailed off into mediocrity. 10 was alright..I did like the story and characters. I thought the battles were ridiculously easy..I think I only died a few times the whole game. I didn't find out until later that there was a whole universe of side quests and fierce boss battles after you've completed the game. I think my brother put like 100 hours into that alone.

12 I didn't like the battle system..13 was way too umm..something..japanese? I don't know. I couldn't finish it either. I kind of wish they would make a new 2d final fantasy game..though the graphics are awesome I cant help feeling something vital is absent..

>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Probably some who will disagree but I think after FF7 the quality of Square games really plunged. I used to be the hardcore fan, even worked for them for a time, but I never had as much fun as I had with their lineup on the Chrono Trigger or Secret of Mana..or my all time favorite game, Final Fantasy 2

I agree a bit. Final Fantasy VIII had one of the coolest storylines up until mid third disc, I mean, a bunch of teenagers running around as combat pro's and getting paid for it? When you're 14, that's cool.
FFIX I never really got into, it took a turn for the weird with its art style, but the characters were memorable at least. The auction was kinda cool though.
FFX however, With the exception of most of yunas lines, and the ending sequence where tidus becomes a whiney bitch, that was a fantastic game. The Aeon system was cool, blitzball was freaking amazing, despite it being the first "Non-open world." Truly, I think FFX is one of my favourite Final Fantasy games, right up there with 7. I won't keep going into detail, but I did play FFXI for years, XII was interesting, but I couldn't actually finish XIII.

Linkin Park: Burning In The Skies -- Music Video

kceaton1 says...

>> ^ghark:

>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^ghark:
man that description is a bunch of nonsense, they are still the same band they just softened up their music and used heaps of slo-mo in the video.

Haters got to hate.
This is also the most mellow song on the album. I can agree with a lot of what you said. In fact I initially a few songs of LPs when they came out. Then I hated them by their second album and I still can only listen to remixes of a few songs; the rest feel like I'm getting an ear infection drilled into place. The albums to me are far "pop" aimed and were a complete teenage angst phase type music, in my music listening experience (it also explains their initial fan base. But, they're getting older and their tastes as well as their music will change). They were very young when they started. I know that from when I was twenty to know that my music (hell, everything) dramatically shifted.
I used to be an old school rap enthusiast and now I'm more of a Tool--metal/rock/progressive rock fan (like The Mars Volta, Lacuna Coil, Boston, The Beatles, Dream Theater, Soilwork, and Opeth--and on occasion I listen to Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, The College Boyz, Cypress Hill, Icecube, and Eminem--who happens to be the only current rapper I musically like, Kanye West is O.K., but his personality tries my ability to like those songs, harshly.
Look at the video below that comes up at the bottom of this video(Linkin Park: Waiting For The End). See if that has any different value to you. Hopefully, it's listed below or you'll have to find it (I doubt you will look for it though, as it sounds like you hated them the day they came out and never gave them a second chance, especially since you took time out of your day to post your hate; I rarely do the same either, as bands do accrue a "reputation", like Nickelback--who I hate fiercely). It has much more impressive visuals than this slow-motion video, but shows "a bit" of their differences on the album. That's as far as I go in defending their NEW album; but you're free to go ahead and hate.
I doubt you've heard the album at all (the full thing not just the radio elements). As I'd guess you'd have slightly more meat to your hate, or a full opinion. In other words, you hate them for a lot of the reasons I hated them; also due to the fact that it was popular to do so.
This album is episodic; each part starting from the last, which just from that perspective, is a more traditional album and not like LP in the past. That is their main evolution. I should have been more specific that they seem to be -slowly- taking a more rock'n'roll/progressive approach to newer stuff. That's the biggest change. There sound has matured slightly. Mostly the hip-hop/rap styles/styling and the biggest change is in their synthetic/midi board use. Anyway, don't think I'm giving them the easy way out and complete, unflinching support, that has yet to be earned. Maybe in two more albums--if they continue in the same direction...
small edit- I hope I don't sound to harsh talking about you opinion, as I only wanted to make my viewpoint clear. I also changed various areas in my description that I think created your hate to "overflow". I meant evolution in only the most modest of terms, they are still very much a band that needs to change. But, they are taking some of those steps and I commend them for it. Most bands stagnate and rely only on what they know. Again, if you don't think they've evolved their sound I don't think you've given them a fair chance (not that you have to; just don't post your opinion and expect it to be left alone).

I'm not hating on the music, I really like Linkin Park, I'm just stating that I think your description of the music is taking things too far, adding lots of slow motion shots and screaming less is not growing up. Their new music is a bit knee jerk imo, they copped a lot of criticism and they are trying to overcompensate to please people, instead they should follow their own path, and personally I do not believe that they are doing this. So I guess that is where our opinions differ.

Alright, I see where you're coming from. We can agree to disagree; I think your point is very valid, as their music could have gone in a thousand different directions. I happen to like this direction and you don't; I can deal with that. It was more the attack on the description that irked me. But, I don't blame you as after re-reading it, it comes off as a "you-should-have-this-point-of-view". I appreciate your feedback. I hope you do as well. I like what they've become (I haven't paid much attention to them in the past to be honest, so if their hand "musically" was a forced issue--I'd be on your side most likely).

I'm an artist, drawing wise, and if someone was hating on my artistry I wouldn't change it for them no matter what. As I do it for myself and to express myself how I want. If you sell that out, I'd have to say that you've lost any credibility you had (and if LP did that; it makes me think less of them now). But, more importantly you lose your "heart", which you need badly in any art. You lose that aspect and you'll grow to hate yourself (the downward spiral so to speak).

Linkin Park: Burning In The Skies -- Music Video

ghark says...

>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^ghark:
man that description is a bunch of nonsense, they are still the same band they just softened up their music and used heaps of slo-mo in the video.

Haters got to hate.
This is also the most mellow song on the album. I can agree with a lot of what you said. In fact I initially a few songs of LPs when they came out. Then I hated them by their second album and I still can only listen to remixes of a few songs; the rest feel like I'm getting an ear infection drilled into place. The albums to me are far "pop" aimed and were a complete teenage angst phase type music, in my music listening experience (it also explains their initial fan base. But, they're getting older and their tastes as well as their music will change). They were very young when they started. I know that from when I was twenty to know that my music (hell, everything) dramatically shifted.
I used to be an old school rap enthusiast and now I'm more of a Tool--metal/rock/progressive rock fan (like The Mars Volta, Lacuna Coil, Boston, The Beatles, Dream Theater, Soilwork, and Opeth--and on occasion I listen to Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, The College Boyz, Cypress Hill, Icecube, and Eminem--who happens to be the only current rapper I musically like, Kanye West is O.K., but his personality tries my ability to like those songs, harshly.
Look at the video below that comes up at the bottom of this video(Linkin Park: Waiting For The End). See if that has any different value to you. Hopefully, it's listed below or you'll have to find it (I doubt you will look for it though, as it sounds like you hated them the day they came out and never gave them a second chance, especially since you took time out of your day to post your hate; I rarely do the same either, as bands do accrue a "reputation", like Nickelback--who I hate fiercely). It has much more impressive visuals than this slow-motion video, but shows "a bit" of their differences on the album. That's as far as I go in defending their NEW album; but you're free to go ahead and hate.
I doubt you've heard the album at all (the full thing not just the radio elements). As I'd guess you'd have slightly more meat to your hate, or a full opinion. In other words, you hate them for a lot of the reasons I hated them; also due to the fact that it was popular to do so.
This album is episodic; each part starting from the last, which just from that perspective, is a more traditional album and not like LP in the past. That is their main evolution. I should have been more specific that they seem to be -slowly- taking a more rock'n'roll/progressive approach to newer stuff. That's the biggest change. There sound has matured slightly. Mostly the hip-hop/rap styles/styling and the biggest change is in their synthetic/midi board use. Anyway, don't think I'm giving them the easy way out and complete, unflinching support, that has yet to be earned. Maybe in two more albums--if they continue in the same direction...
small edit- I hope I don't sound to harsh talking about you opinion, as I only wanted to make my viewpoint clear. I also changed various areas in my description that I think created your hate to "overflow". I meant evolution in only the most modest of terms, they are still very much a band that needs to change. But, they are taking some of those steps and I commend them for it. Most bands stagnate and rely only on what they know. Again, if you don't think they've evolved their sound I don't think you've given them a fair chance (not that you have to; just don't post your opinion and expect it to be left alone).

I'm not hating on the music, I really like Linkin Park, I'm just stating that I think your description of the music is taking things too far, adding lots of slow motion shots and screaming less is not growing up. Their new music is a bit knee jerk imo, they copped a lot of criticism and they are trying to overcompensate to please people, instead they should follow their own path, and personally I do not believe that they are doing this. So I guess that is where our opinions differ.

Linkin Park: Burning In The Skies -- Music Video

kceaton1 says...

>> ^ghark:

man that description is a bunch of nonsense, they are still the same band they just softened up their music and used heaps of slo-mo in the video.

Haters got to hate.

This is also the most mellow song on the album. I can agree with a lot of what you said. In fact I initially a few songs of LPs when they came out. Then I hated them by their second album and I still can only listen to remixes of a few songs; the rest feel like I'm getting an ear infection drilled into place. The albums to me are far "pop" aimed and were a complete teenage angst phase type music, in my music listening experience (it also explains their initial fan base. But, they're getting older and their tastes as well as their music will change). They were very young when they started. I know that from when I was twenty to know that my music (hell, everything) dramatically shifted.

I used to be an old school rap enthusiast and now I'm more of a Tool--metal/rock/progressive rock fan (like The Mars Volta, Lacuna Coil, Boston, The Beatles, Dream Theater, Soilwork, and Opeth--and on occasion I listen to Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, The College Boyz, Cypress Hill, Icecube, and Eminem--who happens to be the only current rapper I musically like, Kanye West is O.K., but his personality tries my ability to like those songs, harshly.

Look at the video below that comes up at the bottom of this video(Linkin Park: Waiting For The End). See if that has any different value to you. Hopefully, it's listed below or you'll have to find it (I doubt you will look for it though, as it sounds like you hated them the day they came out and never gave them a second chance, especially since you took time out of your day to post your hate; I rarely do the same either, as bands do accrue a "reputation", like Nickelback--who I hate fiercely). It has much more impressive visuals than this slow-motion video, but shows "a bit" of their differences on the album. That's as far as I go in defending their NEW album; but you're free to go ahead and hate.

I doubt you've heard the album at all (the full thing not just the radio elements). As I'd guess you'd have slightly more meat to your hate, or a full opinion. In other words, you hate them for a lot of the reasons I hated them; also due to the fact that it was popular to do so.

This album is episodic; each part starting from the last, which just from that perspective, is a more traditional album and not like LP in the past. That is their main evolution. I should have been more specific that they seem to be -slowly- taking a more rock'n'roll/progressive approach to newer stuff. That's the biggest change. There sound has matured slightly. Mostly the hip-hop/rap styles/styling and the biggest change is in their synthetic/midi board use. Anyway, don't think I'm giving them the easy way out and complete, unflinching support, that has yet to be earned. Maybe in two more albums--if they continue in the same direction...

small edit- I hope I don't sound to harsh talking about you opinion, as I only wanted to make my viewpoint clear. I also changed various areas in my description that I think created your hate to "overflow". I meant evolution in only the most modest of terms, they are still very much a band that needs to change. But, they are taking some of those steps and I commend them for it. Most bands stagnate and rely only on what they know. Again, if you don't think they've evolved their sound I don't think you've given them a fair chance (not that you have to; just don't post your opinion and expect it to be left alone).

Rewriting the NRA

blankfist says...

@NetRunner, I think you need to reread that link. "Analyzing an argument and inferring that, since it contains a fallacy, its conclusion must be false" is not the same thing as me pointing out an attempt to prove causation by correlation.

I never said he was false, thanks for the words in my mouth. I said I didn't know the causation but I'd assume it could be a number of factors, not just the number of guns in the US. It's his narrow viewpoint that assumes the number of guns owned in the US must absolutely and irrevocably prove the number of deaths by guns are associated.

His hypothesis, even if it rings true to your sensibilities, is pure speculation and therefore baseless until proven. Period. Don't frame me as calling him false over a hypothesis he refused to prove. It's like you're asking me to accept the existence of a Christian God because I say I don't know how we got here. That's fiercely moronic.

Baby Yoga or Child Abuse?

KnivesOut says...

I don't know, just watching the little shoulder joints distend made me queasy.

HOWEVER... I also believe that a lot of modern parenting is bullshit. We're so afraid of the world, and we pass that onto our kids... so symbolically, there's something brave and fierce about tossing your off-spring around like a rag-doll.

I had an uncle who'd wing me up into the air when I was a toddler, and I loved it... my parents, not so much.

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