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Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

Buck says...

>> ^ulysses1904:

Are there any studies you can cite documenting the "issue of the incredable (sic) rise in police violence"?
>> ^Buck:
Then there's the issue of the incredable rise in police violence too.

Ya if you haven't seen the rise first hand it's hard to show. A canadian cop was fired recently over a taser incident where he killed youtube search police shootings. I saw one where the perp was shot IN THE BACK as he ran. Another where a cop's pistol went off accidently and he shot a kid in the head (ok that might have been an accident) Also start looking at MAINSTREAM media, there's lots there on the police state. Also look up the G20 riots in Toronto.
I have nothing to cite because it's happening all around us daily.

Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

sirex says...

>> ^Sniper007:

The cop wanted him to run over his foot. He purposely shifted his foot slightly towards the front of the vehicle, knowing full well the driver would pull forward. A person who was trying to defuse the situation would have stood completely in front of the vehicle, or at least said something to the driver along the lines of "turn off the vehicle."

in short, this.

That said, i don't doubt the driver is an asshat, but it's a pretty dick move on the cops part.

Payback (Member Profile)

Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

kevingrr says...

I don't know. I'm confused at what happened here. Was he in a valet zone?

When he goes to get in his car he looks right at the cop says something. The cop never looks up but seems to say something. He then gets in his car and turns it on. Cop ignores engine sound, cop ignores moving car.

Guy is an idiot for not just taking the ticket. Cop is an idiot for letting his foot get runover. No ticket you can issue is worth getting your foot runover.

There are tools who drive Ferraris and tools who have a beat up Ford Taurus etc...

All that said traffic cops are jerks out on a mission to drum up revenue. I've rarely been the victim (crazy vigilant about it) but see all kinds of people get tickets in Chicago (or towed) that are VERY bad calls by the cops.

Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

jmd says...

>> ^mxxcon:

The cop is a fucking liar!
If he actually "run over" the pig's foot you would see the car move up and down, it would've traveled further forward and the pig would've screamed much louder and faster. Here you see a delayed reaction as he's trying to think how to act.
This liar cop just didn't like that the guy was moving forward and decided to do what soccer/football players do by faking nothing into something huge.
That pig cop should be suspended for abuse of power!

the car would move up no more than it would on a rock. It probably just went over the tip and applied pressure to his toes. Maybe pressed in the nail on his big toe enough so he knows he's prolly bleeding but doesn't need an ambulance.

he DID position himself in a way so that he would appear in front or "to close" to the car so that the guy wouldn't drive away. Clearly the driver was too stupid to know he could cause bodily harm and now adds an assaulted police officer charge to the ticket. Well done. Frankly I didn't see nearly as much police brutality as I should have. he clearly did not care if he ran over the police officers foot and was not listening to him even after the fact. I would have dragged him out and put said foot up his ass and then given him the opportunity to drive over said foot again.

KnivesOut (Member Profile)

Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

ulysses1904 says...

Oh okay, no fact-checking required. All I have to do is watch videos on the internet and I'll "see the rage in the faces of the MAJORITY of cops" (my emphasis). So by your logic if I saw one internet video last week of police brutality and then I see two videos this week of police brutality that means that incidences of brutality have doubled, right?

Try reading Barry Glassner's "The Culture of Fear", it talks about how the media and people in general like to see trends where there may not necessarily be any. And of course some drama-llama will misinterpret what I'm saying and assume I'm all for a "police state" and I deny the existence of police brutality or I condone it, yak yak yak. The usual Internet Debate Club horseshit.

So when the original poster makes reference to the INCREDIBLE rise of police brutality I say cite me some sources other than viral videos and protest sign slogans.

Also next time include a link to police misconduct stats that look like they were done by someone that went to a university, not USA Today.
>> ^chingalera:

Sorry there criminal justice professor, no need to site anything but internet sources, you have eyes and everyone has cell phones to record, you can see the rage in the faces of the majority of cops. They pump the shit into homes 24/7, 365 to let us all know that crime is on the rise and more cops with better weapons are needed.

Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

The Day I Pushed A Ferrari In London

TYT - 64% of Republicans Believe Obama Born Outside of US

Yogi says...

>> ^lantern53:

I think the straw that broke the camel's back was the spending. You are right that if McCain were pushing all of these policies the drones in Congress would go along with it, but the spending flies in the face of common sense.
If you are in debt, do you go out and buy a Ferrari? Of course not, and neither should the gov't.

You're right, we should cut defense spending and leave every nation we've occupied.

TYT - 64% of Republicans Believe Obama Born Outside of US

lantern53 says...

I think the straw that broke the camel's back was the spending. You are right that if McCain were pushing all of these policies the drones in Congress would go along with it, but the spending flies in the face of common sense.

If you are in debt, do you go out and buy a Ferrari? Of course not, and neither should the gov't.

pigeon (Member Profile)

High speed police escort of foreign race cars

Sagemind says...

"A founding member of Driving Force Club, an elite New York City group of luxury sports car enthusiasts, bragged on Facebook about a "very fun" run last month with NFL running back Brandon Jacobs, who is wearing a New Jersey State Police vest.

The photo was posted March 30, the same day two State Police troopers allegedly escorted a caravan of luxury sports cars at speeds in excess of 100 mph down the Garden State Parkway to Atlantic City. The occupants included former Giants running back and sports car enthusiast Jacobs, according to a source with knowledge of the trip.

In the complaints, obtained by The Star-Ledger, witnesses said that in the early afternoon, they saw two State Police patrol cars with their emergency lights flashing driving in front of and behind the southbound caravan, which included dozens of Porsches, Lamborghinis, Ferraris and other vehicles, all with their license plates covered with tape."

Matthew's Day Off - Honda CR-V Superbowl commerical

mrsid says...

So this should imply that a Honda SUV is just as good as a Ferrari 250 GT? Seriously?
It looks like Ferris and it talks like Ferris, but it's just an empty shell named Matthew Broderick. Ferris' soul died with John Hughes!

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