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New Rule: Distinction Deniers

bareboards2 says...

As for hearing the whooping differently than did @00Scu00, I immediately thought of this tweet that is making the rounds of women's Facebook walls. Written by a man:

"Conversation with female friends about dating.

I said I liked dating, even bad dates, because dating can be a kind of adventure. Worst case, you learn something about yourself.

Female friend something like, "No, worst case is I'm raped and killed."

That's when I got it."

That whooping didn't sound like relieved whooping to me. It sounded sounded scary to me. Because of this tweet, what this tweet is saying.

Because most men don't get it. That whooping is proof.

We hear with different ears, men and women. Because we have different experiences and have different fears. Real fears.

And we would really, really like to feel like the vast majority of men are our allies and "get it," as this tweeting guy finally got it.

(You think I agree with every single word written by every single woman? Let me assure you that I don't. As if that even needs saying.)

Scott Perry R-PA claims ISIS responsible for Vegas Massacre

newtboy jokingly says...

I have received credible evidence of Daesh involvement.....but I refuse to say what it is because it's really just some idiot on Facebook ranting about Muslims and not in any sense real evidence, and admitting that would make you and me look like racist liars and morons, Tucker.

Joe Arpaio Learn His Pardon Was An Admission Of Guilt

Screaming Marmot

Former Facebook exec: I feel tremendous guilt

A great white shark sneaks up on a diver

Secret recording of Canadian Uni blocking free speech

bcglorf says...

First article i found on it. Sounds like he linked two facebook accounts on twitter, one of them for posting a picture of some sort of super hateful poster that got put up in Peterson's neighbourhood? Blastedly hard to find bare facts in stuff like this.

kir_mokum said:

can someone verify the claim that peterson "essentially" DOXed anyone? it seems a lot of info is being fabricated, cherry picked, and manipulated.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Former Facebook exec: I feel tremendous guilt

newtboy says...

Since I don't Facebook and never have, that wasn't long, although I do agree with him and the personal solution, don't log on. Just say no.

eric3579 said:

Just listen from where it starts (21:15) for two to five minutes...or as long as you stay interested.

Kandinsky art- Kandinsky art - kids art lesson s, art histor

Instant Paneer Chilly Yummy Recipe at Home-By MartinaMotwani

How do you embed Instagram's videos? (Geek Talk Post)

How do you embed Instagram's videos? (Geek Talk Post)

What's the future of VS? (Engineering Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It is interesting to watch - in a dispassionate way - how things are changing generally on the web. Youtube is becoming "the Internet of video" but independent web operators are diminishing. The vast attention sinkhole of of Facebook is just growing and growing.

How do you embed Instagram's videos? (Geek Talk Post)

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