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1 Trillion to the tenth power

38 year old woman has 44 children

JiggaJonson says...

Yeah, we have it much better here

"last October, a 58-year-old woman died of cardiac arrest on the warehouse floor after complaining to colleagues that she felt sick, according to a police report and current and former XPO employees. In Facebook posts at the time and in recent interviews, employees said supervisors told them to keep working as the woman lay dead.

If companies “treat their nonpregnant employees terribly, they have every right to treat their pregnant employees terribly as well,” said Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York, who has pushed for stronger federal protections for expecting mothers."

At this plant 5 pregnant women had miscarriages in 2 months time. So yeah I guess it could be worse. I'm sure Judge "You should have died in your truck" Gorsich will vote to improve worker conditions before we go full Upton Sinclair. *eyeroll*

Meanwhile. My sister-in-law's school ran out of paper. She's buying her own to make copies and there's still 1/2 a year left. Maybe Trump can barter for some from mother-Russia made out of asbestos.

bobknight33 said:

No social welfare?

If she can do it Why can't Americans.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

w1ndex says...

I had someone on my Facebook tell me that they wouldn't watch the link I had posted about Trump making fun of Ford at his rally in Mississippi because it said it was from Time Magazine, and that's "fake news". It was just a video of Trump talking but she wouldn't even watch it because it was a Time Magazine video. The levels of dumb are getting pretty high.

Kavanaugh Hearing Cold Open - SNL

Kavanaugh: No More Nineties Reboots, Please | Full Frontal

ChaosEngine says...

Short answer: yes. 100%.

Long answer:
Well, let's unpack this.

"the acts of a 17 yr old boy"
I did some dumb shit when I was a kid. Nothing major, but I certainly wasn't a choir boy. But this isn't some drunken hijinx. It isn't even some petty crime.

This is an accusation of violent sexual assault.

Now, even then, I'd be willing to grant that people can change. If he'd paid his due, apologised, and proved he had changed, I'd be willing to say that everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

"no other history of repeat offense"
you mean apart from the other two women accusing him of sexual assault?

"destroy a career"
Let's cut this bullshit right here. Your career is not "destroyed" if you don't get to sit on the supreme court. I'm a software developer. I'll never work for Google or Apple or Facebook or whatever, but career is doing fine, thanks.

It's the Supreme Court... it should literally be the elite of the elite in legal minds. If you've got two candidates who are identical in all respects except one got slightly better marks in high school, you take that one BECAUSE YOU CAN.

Kavanaugh is clearly not the best available. If nothing else, this process has shown that he is woefully unsuitable for this position. He has constantly lied, deflected and then become hysterical (and yes, I'm using that particular word very deliberately).

But what saddens about this whole thing (and it really shouldn't surprise me at this point) is the hypocrisy of the right. Because it's Trumps pick, they're all "it's just youthful exuberance" and "let bygones be bygones" where you know if the tables were turned and it was a democratic pick who had even a minor misdemeanour they would be screaming from the rooftops.

The funny thing is, I still think that Kavanaugh (whatever I may personally think of the slimy fuck-weasel) deserves the presumption of innocence. If he really was the guy he's made out to be by the right, he would have said "I'm innocent, but of course this should be investigated. I am terribly sorry for this woman. She has obviously been through a traumatic incident, but she has me confused for someone else." and then it would have been investigated, probably nothing would be found (due to the age of the claims and the difficulty of gathering evidence).

He could have handled this with humility, sympathy and dignity.

But he failed every possible test. He has shown himself utterly unfit to be on the supreme court, and quite frankly, he's shown himself to be a poor excuse for a human. Fuck him so very much.

bobknight33 said:

you want the acts of a 17 yr old boy with no other history of repeat offense destroy a career?

If so we are all doomed.

Rick Wiles Says 'Every Christian Should Disavow Alex Jones'

newtboy says...

Don't know about every christian, but almost every public internet hosting company disavowed him today....Apple, Facebook, Spotify, and Youtube all banned Infowars and removed his channels today for repeatedly violating their terms of service.


Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

newtboy says...

Yeah, I know, facts are for lefty liberals. Don't suppose you can point to 3 mistakes Snopes has made, or any they didn't correct, can you? (Not conservative nonsense opinion, factual mistakes.)

Who told you that? They dropped >10% in one day because their earnings reports came out, and we're dismal (because they're reeling from Russian incursions on both platforms costing them billions to finally address), as were future projected earnings....not because they finally started blocking identified Russian conservative trolls.

For someone claiming to not be on FB or Twitter you have a track record of spreading the nonsense they both spout, often on the day these conservative Twitter/Facebook campaigns begin. You're pretty in the loop to be outside it.

Question....what is your Cheeto in chief doing to stop the Russians from interfering again this time, seeing as they've already been caught trying to hack American companies, organizations, government officials, and voting machines this year? Nothing yet, nada, according to the heads of the departments that should be spearheading our efforts. No direction at all from the Whitehouse on this issue, only constant public contradiction of their findings with no basis for that contradiction.

bobknight33 said:

And I use snopes as the fact check. That like letting Russia do our Election vote count.

FYI. I don’t twitter not FB.

FYI FB stock dropped 20% This week. When the report came out that they blocked conservative. By 93%. But any leftist lie is ok.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

newtboy says...

Lol....yeah, you get your news from Twitter, Facebook, and Trump himself and I'm the one who buys the lies. No surprise you and the walk away people won't admit it, you've never admitted to being duped even though it's a daily occurrence. Funny they didn't disavow these memes until well after they were debunked, and they still claim the spread through conservative media is somehow proof of a mass exodus from the Democrats, even though every example they have is either stock photos or well known long term conservative activists and most retweets are Russian bots.

BTW, not from MSM......

You're doing the Russian's work for them, trying to hand America to Putin. I expect you to respond "that's better than a liberal".

Edit: The funniest part here is there is a huge walk away movement happening....lifelong Republicans walking away from the Republican party because some are intelligent enough to see it's been co opted by unpatriotic morons who seem intent on dissolving our system of government and international standing in favor of Russia, who they still remember is our enemy, not NATO.
Oops, looks like you bought more Russian lies.....Again.

bobknight33 said:

Oops. Looks like you bought the msm lies.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

newtboy jokingly says...

Oops...turns out the #walkaway memes are likely Russian products, and they used stock photos claiming to be democrats who've walked away....and are mostly being shared by Russian trolls and bots on Facebook and Twitter.....hmmmm.....this is sounding're repeating more election related falsified propaganda spread by Russia, for the second election in a row. At least you're consistent.

bobknight33 said:

. #walkaway. #walkaway. #walkaway

Finally There Is Bipartisan Agreement: Trump Blew It

newtboy says...

Not exactly.
They have actual evidence that many Kremlin tied agents were involved.
True, they haven't released any evidence proving Putin's personal involvement....yet.... but it's not a bit believable that this enormous government project was done behind his back. He IS personally involved with what his government is doing.

Granted, Mueller did seem to tow the Republican party line building up to Iraq, not with outright lies but by cherry picking reports and minimizing uncertainty but mostly by not correcting Bush, Rice, and Powell, which makes it even less likely he would turn 180 degrees to now outright lie and create evidence out of nothing to oppose his own chosen party, especially knowing it will come out eventually.

Also, it bears noting Mueller didn't have a part in creating any of the multiple reports, both public and classified, accusing Russia of interference, those came from numerous agencies and internal investigations by the businesses involved (like Facebook) AND from our allies intelligence agencies.

Odd, I haven't seen Mueller using any language about Russia, he's not doing interviews or releasing press statements, only indictments that in many cases are followed quickly with guilty pleas, what language exactly are you referring to?

"Witch hunt" you've tipped your hand, indicating no amount of evidence will ever be enough to convince you because you believe Trump, even when he contradicts himself....except when he tells you there was clear Russian governmental interference, because he finished that sentence by saying "and others", which under a red hat means it doesn't matter, pay no attention to the Vlad behind the collusion, no collusion, no

Odd, for a witch hunt, they have a whole bunch of convictions and people admitting to witchcraft. That's just not how witch hunts work.

Spacedog79 said:

I feel like I'm in a time warp here.

As far as I understand it that is exactly what they are saying about the Russian hacks too, they have no clear link to the Kremlin. I'm not saying they didn't do it but there is a clear smell of witch hunt going on.

What I find especially galling is Robert Mueller was FBI director at the time of the Iraq war and he was using the exact same language about how clear the evidence for WMDs was.


Payback says...

I would like to thank the Sift. I would NEVER be fed this on any social media, youtube, etc. (not on Facebook, never have, FIGHT THE POWER)

Even though the the upvote/downvote part is not unlike the manipulation they're talking about, at least I get content that isn't in my bubble. A bubble I'm more and more convinced is being forced on me, not because I'm afraid of being wrong or of change.

New Rule: Suckers | Real Time with Bill Maher

C-note (Member Profile)

Unarmed child shot in the back while running from police

eric3579 says...

Do what i do, put sifters on ignore(if you need to know how ask) if you have that much of an issue with them. I do it with the same people you seem to have issues with and it works amazingly well for me.

I disagree this site has SO many assholes. I think you are hyper focusing on the couple that upset you. I mean have you participated on youtube, facebook or reddit? VideoSift is by far better than any other community i've EVER seen or been a part of.

(edit) Also never argue down, if you know what i mean

Hanover_Phist said:

You can go fuck yourself too. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit on this site. So many assholes.

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