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shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

When you want to paint your own picture, it's helpful to leave out a few details. An important detail that you left out is that it took Noah 100 years to build the Ark. The scripture tells us that Noah was a preacher of righteousness and he pleaded with the people of the pre-flood world to escape the coming judgment. He didn't have a single convert proving the truth of what God had said about that world:

Genesis 6:5

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually

You also mentioned that you think Gods requirements are impossible. That is true except for one exception; they are not impossible when the Lord Jesus Christ has come into your life and changed you. As a Christian who is far from perfect I meet Gods requirements. His requirement is this, that we believe in His Son Jesus Christ and live for Him.

It's impossible without Christ to do what God wants. If you have Christ in your life you are well able to meet Gods requirements because what God is looking for is faith. He requires that you repent from your sins and receive the forgiveness He has provided for you through Christ. When you do that God will adopt you as His son and give you eternal life. That isn't the MO of a despot.

We here in America like to believe we are good people morally and that is how people present themselves in the public square. Yet we see all of the crime statistics and civil unrest in the country which is the spillover from the greatest character crisis this nation has ever faced. God sees it all, every wicked thing done in the dark and He knows what man is really like. It takes humility to admit that about yourself and realize that God is right about the carnality and futility of what men do in this world. It is only through Christ that men have received light to do what is eternally significant instead of living for their own selfish ends.

newtboy said:

God so loved the world

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Wanted Level 3 Escape Success, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 149 Badge!

newtboy (Member Profile)

TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time

eoe says...

One of the things that intrigues me is that, say, in the span of one of those billions of years that, say, a single photon escapes from a black hole; life, in a completely unfathomable form, may exist in or around that sngle photon -- but for "only" a few million years.

TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time

Platform Gaming In Minnesota

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

BSR says...

That all sounds good when you say it fast. How convenient for YOU to not stand up and help support good cops. As long you make all cops bad, all you have to do is sit around and let your contribution fester so you can announce "See! I told you so!"

Yes, good cops are in a tight spot. But they also need your (our) support. They need someone to believe in them. They need backup. You can help make them braver. Make them want to take a bullet for you because your bravery is worth it to them.

YOU can help make their dream come true. Or make it a nightmare.

How are they to believe in themselves if you don't believe in them?

More and more bad cops are slowly exposing themselves for who they are. You can help expose the good ones if you just believe in them instead of just letting them fester in your fears. You can help them escape the trap they are in.

When YOU START to believe in good cops, you will find them. If nothing else, stop creating more bad cops. You're just destroying yourself.

The cracks are there. Don't be afraid to look through them.

Drachen_Jager said:

As soon as I see cracks in the "blue wall" I might start to believe there are some good cops, but until they stand up they're not good. They're just supporting a broken system, no matter their intentions.

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

newtboy says...

Sure. Imo, fear only works to control a population until they are given hope for the possibility of something better....usually hope of a successful coup or escape. Power held by terror must constantly defend against revolt by the terrorised. The torturousness of the treatment is inversely proportional to the amount of hope required to start a revolt because when your life is nothing but torture, risking your life to change that is far more appealing. Truly hopeless people are easy to control.

BSR said:

Can you elaborate a bit? Just a paragraph or so. I already have to scroll for five minutes just to get to the bottom on my phone.

Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

newtboy says...

No Bob...that's your willful ignorance talking.
It takes a real dreamer to attempt to claim there's zero evidence of Russia Trump collusion when there are dozens of convictions of and admissions by subordinates for various crimes related to said collusion with our enemies that he claimed didn't happen, internal emails, letters, and scariest for Trump, actual recordings of Trump conspiring with his lawyer to, among dozens of other felonies including witness tampering, fraud, and charitable fraud, lie to hide his collusion (not a legal term) and plenty of proof of his family colluding too, like the Trump tower meeting with Russian agents in an attempt to subvert our democracy with a hostile foreign power and his daughter's money laundering business.
There's also mountains of evidence of witness tampering and providing false evidence to congress (by sending his lawyer to repeatedly lie and not correcting the record) in his flailing efforts to hide the ongoing collusion.
Those are just off the top of my head and don't include the dozens of state charges being filed he can't escape by hiding behind the office or the grab bag of charges the Muller investigation may reveal.
That you have been so consistently zealously vocal about his innocence without even knowing what's being investigated makes you extremely Trumpian. I bet that makes you feel proud.

bobknight33 said:

2 years and ZERO evidence of Russian Trump collusion.. Guess your a Dreamer also.

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

AeroMechanical says...

This looks like it will be better than the second one. The second one had too much plot getting in the way of the blood opera.

"John Wick is in New York. Every elite assassin in the world is trying to kill him. He must escape."

Keeps it simple, does what it's good at. Hopefully.

Bear And Cub Climb Snowy Mountain

Gutfeld on the Kanye-Trump summit

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

newtboy says...

Bob. You're just being stubborn.
They didn't refute anything..
Guess all logic escapes your brain. "I don't know" is different from "it didn't happen", they all said "I don't know, I don't recall, I don't think he would do that", not "I know it didn't happen"....guess that's too nuanced for today's republicans' education levels. Sad.

Democrats (all senators) are barred from discussing the FBI report in detail at all, so it's against Senate rules for them to refute any details. They did contradict the idea that it's a report of an investigation of the charges since the fbi refused to interview the accused, the accuser, anyone the accuser named as having knowledge, or inspect her medical records, or any other evidence she has offered them.

No, democrats aren't saying you have to believe her, they're saying you have to actually investigate her charges, democrats and independents are saying his demeanor is unsuited for the supreme court based on his Senate testimony, which was all a display of Republicans spinning on their uncontrolled emotions. Watching it confirmed that "feeling".

Jebus Christ, you can't even keep your own made up numbers right, yesterday it was 17, today it's 10, by next week it will be 15 agreed with her at this rate. Facts are Ford said one thing, others say they didn't see that, only Kavanaugh says it didn't happen.

You heard RGB is upset with democrats enough to quit? Lol...from where, Alex Jones or Trump?

I hope Dumbocrats pull the same move retardicans did and refuse to hold hearings if there's another opening, but they have no spine so likely won't.

Yeah, that lone number looks good by itself, you must be so proud of winning so bigly, and pleased your president has strengthened our union so well instead of dividing us further. Unemployment rates are down, but so is average worker income. More people are working more today, but for less money. I would prefer much higher unemployment with wages high enough that single worker households and stay at home parents become a thing....we're going the other direction to the point where multiple wage earners require multiple jobs just to keep a modest family solvent. If full employment still leaves one in poverty, having more people employed hardly helps escape poverty.

Congratulations on getting a hugely divisive temperamental judge forced through by the skin of your teeth. No whining if democrats do the same things in 2.5 years.

bobknight33 said:

No one can confirm her testimony because all that she named refuted it-.. Guess this escapes the logic cells of the leftest brain.

Democrats never contradicted the latest FBI report. There is no there there. So they went with more smear and innuendo.

Conservatives are not spinning emotions, Democrats are. You "have to believer her" On what grounds? No one confirms her story.

Facts are 10 say one thing and Ford say the opposite. ..

Welcome to the new SCOTUS Kavanaugh.

I heard that RBG is disgusted by the Democrat tactics used. Can we say SCOTUS pick #3? Do you think Democrats can pull this sleazy slanderous stunt again?

Democrats are loosing bigly on every issue, Trade, NAFTA, Korea, Paris Climate accord, etc, Most of these are nothing more than major American Job killers and Trump is calling BS for what it is and bring jobs back. 4.2% GDP growth ,, unemployment down to 3.9,% lowest in 39 years.

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

bobknight33 says...

No one can confirm her testimony because all that she named refuted it-.. Guess this escapes the logic cells of the leftest brain.

Democrats never contradicted the latest FBI report. There is no there there. So they went with more smear and innuendo.

Conservatives are not spinning emotions, Democrats are. You "have to believer her" On what grounds? No one confirms her story.

Facts are 10 say one thing and Ford say the opposite. ..

Welcome to the new SCOTUS Kavanaugh.

I heard that RBG is disgusted by the Democrat tactics used. Can we say SCOTUS pick #3? Do you think Democrats can pull this sleazy slanderous stunt again?

Democrats are loosing bigly on every issue, Trade, NAFTA, Korea, Paris Climate accord, etc, Most of these are nothing more than major American Job killers and Trump is calling BS for what it is and bring jobs back. 4.2% GDP growth ,, unemployment down to 3.9,% lowest in 39 years.

newtboy said:

Not confirming her testimony is not the same as refuting it. You can grasp that concept, I assume, or is that beyond you?

You read the report?! I had no idea you were a senator, the only ones who ever get to see it so they can safely lie about what's in it.

You are the one spouting 1/2 truths and pure emotional bullshit.

Towing the Trumpian lie(n) without a shred of fact to back it up, as usual. That's absolutely ridiculous bullshit fantasy, she didn't knowingly destroy her own life over mistaken identity. She is 100% clear on that point.

The Ocean Cleanup Launches To The Great Pacific Garbage Patc

MilkmanDan says...

I love that they are trying and have admirable goals.

I'm somewhat skeptical about the effectiveness. Presumably some of the data that they are going to collect will include retention rates -- if pieces of plastic of various sizes *enter* the C-shaped area, what percentage of them *stay* there until they can be intentionally removed? Also, how often will they become "full" to an extent requiring a tow to shore and offload operation?

The devices themselves seem like they'd actually be quite cheap to produce. Towing and offloading operations will be expensive, particularly in man-hours. Recycling the collected debris crap into plastic products for resale will be low-yield and unsustainable from a purely capitalistic pricing standpoint -- people will only buy that "merch" as a form of contributing to the project; not because the stuff they make will be competitively priced.

However, none of that makes their endeavor not worth doing/trying. Hopefully their retention rates are good enough (not much plastic or any particular size bracket escapes around / under the devices), and they can make enough through selling merch to fund the offload costs and deploy enough devices to meet their goals!

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