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Steve Jobs dies. His life in 60 seconds.

artician says...

>> ^westy:

It made me sad that he is dead which is pretty fucked up and shows you how shallow emotions can be, logically I don't care that he is dead not any more than any other person that has died.
We have this weird artificial image of him I don't even know who he is , he is probably as much a cunt as he is a nice guy.
Just because sum-one can be more easily attributed for there effect on the world should not mean we should necessarily celebrate them more or less than other people , or morn them more ore less than other people.

Kind of the same feeling here. Every time I hear about a celebrity death, I wonder how many people died the same day who are completely unsung. Maybe I'm just bitter about those princess diana trading cards I got off ebay...

Anyone here like Aquariums for a hobby ? (Pets Talk Post)

kymbos says...

Sounds awesome, BR. I know nothing about marine fish keeping (as opposed to freshwater), except that it always looks incredible when done well. Or when you say salt, are you talking about the salt you put in to neutralise the freshwater?

I used to hear stories of people who had modified old TVs into aquariums, so that you think you're looking at the screen, but it's actually a functioning tank. I guess that doesn't work with flatscreens...

As for plants, I was always partial to a tiger lotus:

Again, freshwater.

Will be keen to see what you put together.

Back for the Future

Back for the Future

Ebay scam, sellers beware.

Barseps says...

>> ^cason:

This guys is right. We should use our middle finger more for conversational hand gestures.

In the comments section on YouTube, he points out that this action was a lulzy stab at E-Bay/Paypal Cason

YouTube quote:- "my subliminal message to the faceless corporate money changers. People have been given these scumbags the finger since Jesus was a kid"

Ebay scam, sellers beware.

yellowc says...

Yep, pretty common. Even if you post to the PayPal address, you're hardly better off, buyers generally have everything in their favour. He can get those eBay fees refunded (PayPal will be harder) but it takes admittedly more time than it's worth and isn't guaranteed, sometimes you get a good service rep, other times you don't.

That's just eBay, it ain't a perfect system but when you want to sell something's hard to find anything else.

Couple Sees Jesus In Walmart Receipt

The Secret Bookstore - Guerrilla Book Selling Tactics

yellowc says...

@TheJehosephat @Trancecoach

The point is not that he couldn't sell online, that is not his passion, the actual sale is not the core of why he does it. Perhaps re-watch the video or just the last line "come find me, and I'm yours", he'd be just as happy if you purchased nothing.


I think you've over-dramatised how he actually is. The man is quite humble and isn't claiming to be some crusader of saving books. He was trying to find a way to keep doing what he loves when rent got too high, that's about it, he doesn't have any glorified view of it as you're making it out, he knows he's a hobbyist. The "secrecy" (he tells you how stupidly easy it is to find him) is to appease the law, he's not trying to hide from the "feds" or any such nonsense, he wants everyone to find him.

Also if you put this much effort in to selling video games, you'd garner the same amount of respect and become "The Secret Video Game Shop", it is the dedication and sacrifice that lures people, not your ability to make eBay listings in your underwear.

Car vs truck crash in St.Petersburg

Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned the British

eBay Scammer on Judge Judy

EmptyFriend says...

>> ^Sagemind:

This video is Dead - why are you sending us there...?
Aha, This post may be a Dupe of the Dead post from four years ago...
>> ^EmptyFriend:

The title of the youtube video on that page is "eBay Scammer on Judge Judy" and the comments clearly indicate it was a dupe. I didn't play the video, so I didn't see that it was dead, but I thought the policy was to fix a dead link rather than have a dupe. If that's incorrect, I apologize.

eBay Scammer on Judge Judy

eBay Scammer on Judge Judy

Into the nearly 13 mile evacuation zone around Japan ...

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

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