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"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

ulysses1904 says...

Um, you’re still overthinking it. I don’t think comedy and jokes are worth dissecting, like we’re at some seminar with Powerpoint slides showing intersecting circles and flowcharts and phylogenetic trees showing comedy lineage, trying to extract the "why".

I don’t think men are “threatened” by her comedy (as someone here wrote) any more than I’m threatened by seeing a video of Miley Cyrus shouting “eat my pu**y” into the mic and then gyrating against a blow up doll. I’m sure somebody out there must find that very shocking and sexy.

Didn’t mean to hit Pause on the laugh track, I just don’t find her funny for no other reason than she doesn't make me laugh. To each his own.

bareboards2 said:

Yeah, but it is complicated on my end. Hence I find her brilliant.

I love that you picked that particular "joke". I didn't like it at first -- I thought it was crude and I was instantly uncomfortable. And in the very next moment, I got it. I got what she was doing. She was taking a woman's body and the way it works AND TAKING THE SHAME OUT OF IT.

Now, if you aren't a person who is in touch with the shame that most women have about how their bodies work, that is just a crude nothing of a nothing.

But I am a woman who carries that shame. She exploded it. She made it on par with the tired old joke of men and their skid mark underwear. She turned it into NOTHING.

It isn't a very good joke. I agree with you.

And it is brilliant for what it achieves.

And that is why I love her. She does this over and over and over again. She is de-shaming women about their bodies and their sexuality and their mistakes. Guys are really good at making fun of themselves. It is one thing I really admire about men, and as I get older, even before Amy came along, I have thought we should emulate that characteristic. Amy is doing that for us. Bless her, really really bless her.

But I don't think you get the joke. Many women don't get the joke -- they are stuck in the shame and think she is just crude.

It's okay. You don't have to get the joke. You also don't have to enjoy anal fisting. Ha.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Australia Dogs Countdown

Asmo says...

Joyce is an ex farmer and one of the National party contributions to the Liberal/National coalition government at the moment. Blunt is probably a mild way to describe him. Another way would be remove the "bl" and replace with "c"... ; )

But yeah, this is another storm in a teacup caused by some dickhead saying something perfectly reasonable in the most creepy and unreasonable way possible.

A simple statement such as: "Mr Depp brought two dogs in without observing Australian quarantine regulations and has been notified that if he doesn't remove them within the next 50 hours, the dogs will be confiscated and unfortunately will need to be destroyed."

Taadaa, crisis fucking averted...

Joyce isn't sucking up to constituents, he's just being his usual charming self. The Nats are borderline irrelevant in this country now apart from making up the balance so the Liberals can actually manage to go toe to toe with Labor (the leftist party). Most Australian's saw this as Joyce being a colossal douche even while recognising that Depp did the wrong thing.

ps. Oliver is also completely wrong about the baby koala. You see those cold black eyes, dolls eyes? And you know how everything over here basically wants to murder the shit out of you in horrible ways? Tread warily lest you wake the sleeping giant...

Tel Aviv - Incredible Amateur Audio/Video Mashup

Sagemind says...

That comment is a reflection on what I hear on a daily basis.
Perhaps my wordage is off, but the stuff coming at us 24-7 is created by studios, not musicians. So much of what I hear is produced by guys sitting at mixer boards and computers.
My comment isn't aimed at every person out there making music, in fact I know there are lots of musicians out there with talent and skill..., but we never get to hear them over all the crap being dealt out by the industry which is breeding Egos as musicians. (I'd choose Beck over Beyonce any day of the week.)

Sure, I know, it may seem like I'm digging a hole and jumping in but the system is broken and the good music is being squelched. Maybe not 100% of the time, but listen to the music. The electronic age is filtering everything out of the music, no more drummer, no guitar, auto tune, synthetic voice. where is all the character? Where are all the happy accidents that real music serves us. How many of today's artistes (on the charts) can serve us music without a guy mixing it to make them sound good, double tracking, and keeping their voices in tune? I know these tricks have been used for years but never to the extent they are being used today.

I remember a quote by Niel Young, way back when he was recording. The guys at the board keep telling him he wasn't hitting the note, and his answer was "Hey, that's my style man!" So they had to leave it in, and the result was great. Pure Niel Young.

So, I guess it's not so much the musicians out there, so much as it is the recording studios, and the system of pump out the next clone hit...

It was Tony James that initiated this era, back when he created Sigue Sigue Sputnik. He had a dream, a vision of what the band looked and sounded like. He hired people that looked like what he wanted, none could play music, he taught them three chords and they they became the number one, unrecorded, unsigned band in history, and EMI finally Won (relative term) by offering them the most money. From that point all the music was produces electronically in the studio. It sounded like crap, but I loved it. It was new and sounded different. And people ate it up. The studios caught on, and realized they didn't need musicians any more, they always wanted money. It made more sense to hire nobodies, they were a dime a dozon and they could be made to sound any way they wanted them too. Just like the Boy Bands and Girl Bands (Spice girls, Pussy Cat Dolls)

Okay... so I'm rambling now..., it's been a long day...
The industry feeds us synthetic garbage because it's cheep, makes money and is easily replaced by the next song/artist.

Meanwhile the real artists are doing everything they can to get recognized and struggle to make a living giving us their soul served in a song and doing everything they can to be heard over the sounds of the industry.

ChaosEngine said:

That's great, but your second post is a pretty far cry from

Second Graders React to Lammily Doll (realistic proportions)

Fascinating autism test for "theory of the mind" in children

ghark says...

I mighta made it a bit easy in my example, but the idea I think is to ask the important question clearly, which I don't think happened in the vid, and to use an example a boy can relate to, rather than use dolls.

robbersdog49 said:

But isn't this rewriting it to remove what they're looking for? Personally I thought the story is very simple, with no unnecessary adornments and all the information to make the correct answer is given. If you spell it out too much then you're just showing that the kid can follow instructions, not testing how much they can figure out for themselves.

Zawash (Member Profile)

Second Graders React to Lammily Doll (realistic proportions)

lucky760 says...

Not really high science.

Q: Which doll would you want?
A: I already have this one, so I'd want that one.

Wow. So meaningful, and it provides such deep insight. Not.

I like the doll and definitely think there needs to be more products like this, but this video is mostly pretty lame.

Second Graders React to Lammily Doll (realistic proportions)

Second Graders React to Lammily Doll (realistic proportions)

bareboards2 says...

I want to hear the other interviews that didn't follow the party line. And only one boy would participate? Or only one boy had things to say that supported the viewpoint of the filmmaker?

Don't get me wrong -- I love this doll. I LOVE THIS DOLL.

Fascinating autism test for "theory of the mind" in children

ghark says...

wow I gotta say, I would have failed that - there are certain clues in sentences that let you figure out what the rest of the sentence is going to lead to, and when it started with "where will...." you are automatically assuming you need to find where something is - in this case the marble. Without paying very careful attention to every word (which the lady didn't enunciate very clearly) I think it's fair for the mind to start to think about where the marble is rather than where it was.

So a couple of things:
1. The lady should have simplified the whole story, and made it more fit for a boy (how many boys play with dolls called Sally?) She also should have setup the final question more clearly, i.e.

"When Jack comes home from school, the first thing he does is play marbles, he always keeps his marbles in his top draw.

One day Bob takes the marbles while Jack is at school

When Jack comes home, where is he going to look for the marbles?"

I think that is a lot more fair because the important, final question, starts by setting the scene in Jack's house, so your mind is picturing being in Jack's house and you're in Jack's shoes.

Mom Does Doll Do-Overs With A Natural Look And Wins Internet

Mom Does Doll Do-Overs With A Natural Look And Wins Internet

CelebrateApathy says...

As a 30 something male I can't say I've had much experience with dolls, so when I first saw the thumbnail for this video I was angry that someone would take a perfectly nice looking doll and make it look like that. Of course, I had no idea that the one on the left was the original and frankly can't fathom subjecting children to such a product.

Mom Does Doll Do-Overs With A Natural Look And Wins Internet

Second Graders React to Lammily Doll (realistic proportions)

Mom Does Doll Do-Overs With A Natural Look And Wins Internet

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