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Emily's Abortion Video

VoodooV says...

ahh more dodges, false equivalences and strawmen from lantern53.

do you even know what a logical fallacy is?

Can't actually answer the challenges made to you, so change the subject am I right? standard troll tactic.

lantern53 said:

You people are all believers in euthanasia, aren't you?
If a person is unwanted, just kill them.

Why not have abortion to the 19th month? or more? The mother decides she doesn't want the child, she should be able to terminate it, right? It probably is not participating to her satisfaction.

why do we prosecute such women for murder after the child has exited the birth canal?

Obama Delivers at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

VoodooV says...

take a look at your own comment history chum.

textbook trolling. doesn't contribute to the site...hasn't submitted a single video...all your posts are negative/racist/bigoted and run away or dodge when challenged. You've got the "I know you are but what am I?" defense down pat.

You and bob are the only trolls here. The benefits of living in an evidence-based society. You don't even know what the definition of a troll is.

I notice you're not defending yourself when I accused you of not watching the video.

lantern53 said:

Ok, you win, you have this troll thing down pretty good.

Obama Delivers at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

VoodooV says...

your comment history says otherwise. I love it that you seem to think we can't see your comment history and we don't know what you've said in the past.

nice attempt at another dodge, like how you don't quote my posts because you hope I won't see them. You're so smart figure it out for yourself.

Thought you didn't have conversations with non-adults? say one thing, do another I take it.

If only there was a way out of this.

lantern53 said:

I don't discriminate on skin color or sexual orientation. I discriminate based on actions only.

So explain your little devil toy avatar.

Obama Delivers at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

VoodooV says...

your comment history says otherwise. I love it that you seem to think we can't see your comment history and we don't know what you've said in the past.

nice attempt at another dodge, like how you don't quote my posts because you hope I won't see them. You're so smart figure it out for yourself.

Thought you didn't have conversations with non-adults? say one thing, do another I take it.

If only there was a way out of this.

Obama Delivers at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

VoodooV says...

wOw, you and bob are just kings of the dodge aren't you.

People who discriminate on the basis of skin color and orientation aren't adults.

I ain't going away bigot. Time for you to make a decision.

lantern53 said:

Come back when you're ready for an adult conversation.

Skateboarding with dogs

poolcleaner says...

I do this with my dogs as well, but not this EPIC! As for the stop signs, when you skate for many, many years it's easy to stop, go, dodge, evade, etc. It's mostly cringe worthy for others who don't understand the tempo and law of the board.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

enoch says...

i am a man of faith.
do you feel as strongly about me as you do @bobknight33.
do you speak about me in the same tone?

everything i do.
everything i say.
every minute of every waking hour is based on my faith.
is born from my faith.

maybe it is because of my faith i read bobs commentary different.
when he states that human morality has moved on from biblical morality..he is correct.

and i thought it very prescient of him to recognize that fact.

in his second commentary i watched him attempt to express how the picture had become so much larger..and grander,which only served to cement his faith even stronger.he was not dismissing science,he was incorporating it into his faith.

which some here viewed as a dodge.
now maybe that is due to a pre-conceived idea of who bob actually is.
if you think bob is a fundamentalist then yes..his commentary may seem a

but if you see bob as a man of faith,then his comment revealed a curiosity and desire to understand and an absolute awe at the way of things unfolding before us.

if we look at science as the understanding of the physical universe by way of theory,testing and repeatable applications of said testing.then science is actually the search for god/creator (from a faith viewpoint).

were you aware that 60% of surveyed scientists regarded themselves as people of *gasp* faith?

i see a lot of people making assumptions and presumptions about other sifters here on this thread.

so you need to ask yourself one question:
how did you come to your assumption in regards to anothers:motivations,intent,feelings,faith?

what tool did you use?

was it a crystal ball?
ouija board?
did you fall into a vat of nuclear waste and gain the super power of peering into another humans soul to discern their true intentions?

as humans we all assume to differing degrees,but if you are not a person of faith,then try to avoid those assumptions.

why not just ask bob?
he is usually gracious enough to interact with those he is full aware disagree with him..almost always.

enough ranting today.
you kids stay awesome,im off to get my pool ready !

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

VoodooV says...

wow...did you have a stroke or something bob? Nice attempt at another dodge. We're talking about YOUR claims of the superiority of biblical morality, not evolution. nice copy and paste from a right wing blog btw

no pissing matches, just changing the subject. gotcha. I can change the subject too. Hey look at the pretty flower!!

prove it or gtfo. I knew you'd fail like you always do, The best minds in the world can't prove your claims, so it's a given that a guy who has problems with constructing basic sentences sure as hell isn't going to be able to prove anything.

It's my fault though, I actually did give you the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn't be a coward and change the subject.

It's time for you to go back yelling at kids to get off your lawn. You can't handle the internet, too many people willing to call you out on your cowardice, bullshit, and bad ideas. Off to the nursing home with you. grandpa.

bobknight33 said:

I don't care to get into a pissing contest with you but there are things that just don't fit the evolutionary thought.

If evolution is the order of the day why would we need to have multiple dimensions. Physicists theorize that there are about 10 or 12.

Where does Quantum physic fit into evolution?

We all believe in the big bang theory but where did all the matter come from? What evolutionary reasoning explains this?

There are stuff out there that just make you stop and think otherwise.

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

newtboy jokingly says...

And where's the 'conservative' calling him out for dodging the question?
I didn't hear him explain his plan, did you? I really wanted him to say something like "that's classified".

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

newtboy says...

I know OF folks involved in human trafficking who are opposed to slavery. I don't have to know them to know they exist. Some of these kids for instance have probably been killed for saying so or refusing to enslave others.
(report on Joseph Kony)

..and yes, I did understand you were likely being facetious, but you didn't hit 'sarcasm', so who knows? Way to dodge!

Trancecoach said:

You know folks involved in human trafficking who are opposed to slavery?


Pete Holmes Interviews UFC Champ Ronda Rousey

lucky760 says...

Agreed. I don't hate Pete, but his annoying personality is not my cup of tea. (Although, admittedly, I did laugh at him a little in this video.)

Ronda's an awesome fighter and has an ethic I respect. I liked her in The Ultimate Fighter, despite that many people now hate her after that.

UFC 168 was her best fight. Unfortunate how unexpectedly and abrubtly UFC 170 against Sara McMann ended. Definitely looking forward to her next fight. I hope she learns to block and dodge punches. She's doing great with her stand-up considering she's a judo practitioner, but she's taken quite a few head blows in those last two fights. If she doesn't start defending herself from those, one of them is going to knock her out.

eric3579 said:

*promote Not the biggest fan of pete holmes but now a fan of Champion Ronda. She has quite the winning personality.

Ford Model A oil change after sitting for 50 years

chingalera says...

Bought a 72 Dodge Dart from a mail-carrier that used to drive the thing up to a store I worked at every day after work to get his nightly beers-Paid $400 bucks for it and he told me, you might wanna change the oil-Same thing but a bit less hardcore sludge-

Changed the oil about three times in as many weeks to give it a good clean-out....then, about 3 weeks later, after the car was running just fine (put about 200 or so miles onnit so far by then), I decided to on a back road one day, punch-it and see what it could 'do'??

Engine seized, and when I took it to my mechanic at the time, he had to pull both the engine and tranny together, because the transmission had seized as well and he couldn't get them apart!

Had to ditch the car, wasn't worth the cash to get that pos back on the road

He had loaned me a car while he had the Dart in the shop, and Idid a similar thing to that car trying to get some speed out of her Windsor engine....threw a rod!

He gave me all kinna shit for THAT dumbass move!

Bad car year, doing stupid shit with old junkers!

Questions for Statists

oritteropo says...

I think it might have been Dodge v. Ford Motor Co that established the principle that the business owner has a responsibility to profit his shareholders, rather than the community as a whole or employees... however, on reviewing the case itself, it seems rather shaky. Ford appears more interested in withholding funds from rivals than the public good, and I think the result reflects that.

I'll see if I can find my original references, my googling wasn't conclusive either.

RedSky said:

Care to link to it? Had a quick google and I can't find the specific court case. I'd be interesting in reading about how it was previously interpreted and the judicial rationale for its removal.

Duck Dynasty Is Fake!

Jinx says...

I thought shiny summed it up pretty well tbh.

Apart from the bit about needing Jesus obviously.

ps. Rich peeps tend to prefer the interpretation where the "eye of the needle" is a small gate in the city of Jerusalem, i.e. it's a tight fit and you'll have to leave your shit behind but it is possible. I'm not sure how they dodge the next bit though. Sometimes I feel sad about not being able to meet these people in the afterlife just so I could see their faces when St Peter turns them away. It might just be worth the damnation.

Muhammad Ali Avoids 21 Punches in 10 Seconds

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