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Winstonfield_Pennypacker (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

(You're right. Its a global conspiracy perpetrated by the Discovery Channel and National Geographic magazine to boost revenue. Just like the microbial theory of disease, there's no possible way for you to prove that we're lying about global warming! Muahahah!!!... well, except you could actually fairly easily test the assumption of either of those in your backyard... but I'm not telling how! Muahaha!)

In reply to this comment by Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
The problem being that newspapers (or 'the media' nowadays) has abdicated its objectivity - much like the scientific community abdicated its objectivity in regards to the whole global warming debate. In so doing it has become unworthy of trust and severely damaged its credibility. In time past the media was able to keep its mask of objectivity even if it really wasn't objective. Now the mask has not just slipped, it is completely off and what has been carefully hidden for years has become an in-your-face bias. When the media acts in such a manner it cannot be viewed as 'news' any longer. It has to be seen for what it is...


The Memristor Will Replace RAM and the Hard Drive

bamdrew says...

perhaps memristors will be our final undoing...

perhaps the brain of Richard Hart will rule our world for a century, seated atop a towering, mobile colossus, powered by the mortal bodies of ignorant humans, descendant from those who did not watch his show on Discovery Channel...

Classical music and a deadly chopper go so well together!

GeeSussFreeK says...

I know the footage. It was on some discovery channel thingy about weapons and was showcasing the mini-gun/helecopter combo during Vietnam. And it has been on the net with a death metal track instead of the classical one. It is kinda old, like 2 years I would say.

Levi's Trademark - Surreal 70s commercial

Croccydile says...

This was on a very old Discovery Channel documentary about early CGI, the part with the flying Levis logos at the end is CGI.

Robert Able and his team used high resolution vector monitors with colour filters and multiple passes for that and other CGI they did at the time (along with the sequence that was in TRON). "Solid" graphics were simply lots and lots vectors since it was film scanned and not realtime, which would have been impossible on systems back then.

critttter (Member Profile)

SawStop Tested on Inventor

Discovery Commercial: I love the whole world

Krupo says...

>> ^randomize:
XKCD did a thing on this.

I call *science!

>> ^Peroxide:
Why do they gotta put the gun in there, that is dumb! If your going to put a gun into a happy song like that it should include some lines about the reality of weapons.
"I love killing other people, who maybe love this world, I love destruction, I love to kill the kurds."
Why you gotta be a dick discovery channel? Huh? Why you gotta pretend like guns are cool, and just 'science' not tools for killing.

Because they ARE cool!

Discovery Commercial: I love the whole world

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'I love real dirty things, discovery channel, boom de ah dah' to 'Boom De Ya Da, I love real dirty things, discovery channel, boom de ah dah' - edited by Krupo

MythBusters Paint With Leonardo 2.0 on YouTube Live

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

curiousity says...

Nice post; it was a pleasure to read. Thanks.

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Coming from you QM that's just hilarious, especially since you have said that my entire region should be nuked countless times. I mean the middle east doesn't really dictate shit in the world over the US. But it's cool you do have a valid point. Yes I was angry as well.

Regarding the litany of comments trying to understand why and how this person came to be this way, its simple, there is no real focus on the rights and civic responsibilities of the citizenry in the US. Before you all get railed up and say this was cut and pasted into a clip to make news BS, this point of view has been pushed around and expressed countless times, its like endemic now.

It's a given to be thought controlled into trusting your government, only through a seasoned analytical education looking at maybe just the last 50 years of political history can you readily understand how the US government in most cases works against it's citizenry rather then for it (bay of pigs, star wars, vietnam, watergate, countless shit form both sides of the aisle).

But we don't need analytical thought provoking education anymore, we need fact machines that are just enough to earn a GED and maybe work a computer to succeed. Half of your education now is based more around studying towards test taking rather then actual information or processing that information, since accumulation of facts is not the same as actually thinking through those.

I mean look at something like Discovery Channel, before you could actually watch that a learn something new about Quantum Physics or the Cuban revolution, now it's all a sitcom about busting some dumb fucking myth or Orange County bikers or some rebuild of some fucking car.

But it doesn't matter really though, for most people in the US the only place that exists for them is the US. That's why it's so easy to rally around bombing some poor third world nation from the bronze age back to the stone age, its so far and unimportant and our media paints such a nice picture of it.

This all connects back to belief and comfort, its comforting to let your blind belief in God or the FSM dictate your life, because then you aren't responsible for your actions, because then everything becomes preordained.

Think how comforting it is to know that God made 9/11 happen because America is a sinful nation... rather then a passive aggressor who has push into action countless covert and non covert military operations in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan because it thought it was doing the right thing without actually thinking of possible blow back stemming from supporting religious nut case such as the Taliban.

What's easier to believe and swallow? God or Facts?

Yes there are many people in the US who are not like this person and are actually aware, and engage in educated discourse from both sides of the coin but really that doesn't count at all for me.

Because this person is demonstrating a total lack of BASIC FACTUAL knowledge about what has happened in this (once great) nation for the last 8 years. I mean seriously. WTF. That's just intolerable, its like decades later we will all do an about face and declare Bush some kind of great war hero, even though he terminated some of the most basic tenants of what make America a kick ass nation (no torture, haebus corpus, no spying on its own citizens and so on)

Discovery Commercial: I love the whole world

Peroxide says...

Why do they gotta put the gun in there, that is dumb! If your going to put a gun into a happy song like that it should include some lines about the reality of weapons.

"I love killing other people, who maybe love this world, I love destruction, I love to kill the kurds."

Why you gotta be a dick discovery channel? Huh? Why you gotta pretend like guns are cool, and just 'science' not tools for killing.

I can't imagine a President being named Obama!

Farhad2000 says...

Coming from you QM that's just hilarious, especially since you have said that my entire region should be nuked countless times. I mean the middle east doesn't really dictate shit in the world over the US. But it's cool you do have a valid point. Yes I was angry as well.

Regarding the litany of comments trying to understand why and how this person came to be this way, its simple, there is no real focus on the rights and civic responsibilities of the citizenry in the US. Before you all get railed up and say this was cut and pasted into a clip to make news BS, this point of view has been pushed around and expressed countless times, its like endemic now.

It's a given to be thought controlled into trusting your government, only through a seasoned analytical education looking at maybe just the last 50 years of political history can you readily understand how the US government in most cases works against it's citizenry rather then for it (bay of pigs, star wars, vietnam, watergate, countless shit form both sides of the aisle).

But we don't need analytical thought provoking education anymore, we need fact machines that are just enough to earn a GED and maybe work a computer to succeed. Half of your education now is based more around studying towards test taking rather then actual information or processing that information, since accumulation of facts is not the same as actually thinking through those.

I mean look at something like Discovery Channel, before you could actually watch that a learn something new about Quantum Physics or the Cuban revolution, now it's all a sitcom about busting some dumb fucking myth or Orange County bikers or some rebuild of some fucking car.

But it doesn't matter really though, for most people in the US the only place that exists for them is the US. That's why it's so easy to rally around bombing some poor third world nation from the bronze age back to the stone age, its so far and unimportant and our media paints such a nice picture of it.

This all connects back to belief and comfort, its comforting to let your blind belief in God or the FSM dictate your life, because then you aren't responsible for your actions, because then everything becomes preordained.

Think how comforting it is to know that God made 9/11 happen because America is a sinful nation... rather then a passive aggressor who has push into action countless covert and non covert military operations in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan because it thought it was doing the right thing without actually thinking of possible blow back stemming from supporting religious nut case such as the Taliban.

What's easier to believe and swallow? God or Facts?

Yes there are many people in the US who are not like this person and are actually aware, and engage in educated discourse from both sides of the coin but really that doesn't count at all for me.

Because this person is demonstrating a total lack of BASIC FACTUAL knowledge about what has happened in this (once great) nation for the last 8 years. I mean seriously. WTF. That's just intolerable, its like decades later we will all do an about face and declare Bush some kind of great war hero, even though he terminated some of the most basic tenants of what make America a kick ass nation (no torture, haebus corpus, no spying on its own citizens and so on)

Mike Rowe on QVC - Obsessed Caller

CNN Turns Video of Great Boobs Into Bad Television

The Universe [complete season 1]

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