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xkcd Loves The Discovery Channel - Animated!

Shpydir says...

>> ^StukaFox:
Fuck xkcd. It could be renamed "Badly-Drawn Webcomic for Self-Important Cunts" and completely explain both its purpose and short-comings.

Spoken like someone who doesn't get it. Just type "Dane Cook" in the search box and all this horrible thinky shit will go away.

TRAIN versus COW - no blood / gore ( 13 seconds )

videosiftbannedme says...

Larry, I don't think that's a good idea.

No seriously! I saw it on Discovery channel. You know those triangular things mounted at the bottom front of a train? That's to push cows off the track! It won't even hurt's just gonna push me off to the side.

Yeah, but I don't think modern trains...

Will you just trust me? It'll be fun! Watch, here comes one now.

Pentagon Investigation Evidence Contradicts Official Story

IronDwarf says...

You clearly didn't read my post. The site I listed discredits the video. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't hold it past Dick Cheney to knowingly allow this to happen. The flight hit the pentagon almost an hour after the flights hit the towers. Protocol is to scramble and shoot down any civilian flight off its flight path and that isn't responding to hails, particularly if it is headed towards a high valued military target. For Dick Cheney that should be an easy call. If it wasn't, I seriously question whether he was qualified to be in that position.
At the very least, the south side of the building should have been evacuated as the target was moving in, not after.
I agree the question you pulled out is bullshit, but questions about exactly what orders were given to whom, when, are not unreasonable questions. These are even more relevant if what we'd like to understand how to avoid this sort of thing in the future.
I'm not willfully ignorant as you imply. I won't entertain fantastic stories about fly overs, or detonation squads. I just wouldn't hold it past these particular assholes to allow something like this to happen. They didn't need to do anything active, just don't give the order to fire.
In my mind... the "truthers" are getting paid/encouraged/coverage in order to keep the heat off the real question of was the negligence criminal or plain vanilla incompetence?
FDNY and all that... but the chickenhawk, neocons can go to hell. The fact of the matter is we've spent more money investigating Bill Clinton's blow job than we have the largest attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor, accusations of human rights abuses, and unconstitutional expansions of executive power by the previous administration.
I ask you sir...

I did read your post and yes, it does discredit the video, but it brings up other questions just as absurd.

The protocol was never been to shoot down any civilian aircraft that deviates from flight plans and doesn't respond to hails. That is absolutely false and you know it. That policy may have been tightened and changed since these events, but before 9/11 there is no way that the government would shoot down a commercial airliner for those reasons. The simple fact is that no one knew what was going on and where these planes were headed until it was too late.

Like I said before, things were absolutely chaotic that day and people were trying to use their best judgment based on what information they had, which was minimal at best. Watch any of the excellent Discovery Channel or National Geographic Channel documentaries about that day and you'll see how little people had to go on. It is easy to look with hindsight and second guess what people should have done, but in the moment, things are not that simple.

Dick Cheney had no say regarding shooting down anything, so I'm not sure why you are going after him, aside from your obvious anger. Belief in conspiracy theories are so dangerous because they essentially become like a religion: people believe what they believe because they believe it and nothing can persuade them otherwise once they have decided to believe. Even a "moderate" conspiracy theorist like yourself must realize that you have no real evidence to back up your claims, especially claims that the government was complicit, passively or otherwise.

TYT: Cutest Animal Ever??

kronosposeidon says...

Those are external gills on the sides of its head, BTW. The water it dwells in must be oxygen-poor. Every once in a while the Discovery Channel posts an interesting fact about something, and somehow I miraculously retain that knowledge. Then it returns to its normal programming of blowing shit up, a là 'Mythbusters.'

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel...well...not fine.

It's The End Of The World As We Know It by REM

Uwe Boll Fights His Critics...Literally

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'discovery channel, boxing, fight, worst director today' to 'discovery channel, boxing, fight, worst director today, lowtax' - edited by ponceleon

Attenborough - Nature's Great Events: The Great Flood

jimnms says...

They just played these on the Discovery Channel a few weeks ago, but replaced Attenborough with some other narrator.

Banned History Channel promo

Roller-coaster freakout - Build It Bigger

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'danny, forester, discovery, channel' to 'danny, forester, discovery, channel, roller coaster' - edited by deedub81

"Blog post titles must contain at least 3 Roman (ASCII) alphabetic characters" (Blog Entry by laura)

Farhad2000 says...

I recently watched TV as well, only I was looking at National Geographic, The History Channel and Discovery Channel.

That shit is really vapid when it's supposed to be all about learning something.

Every fucking show is presented like it's a Michael Bay movie with bombastic voice overs, fast needlessly annoying editing, stupid isometric CGI for really inane things and loads of green screening for out of work actors.

And the shows! The bloody shows like OC Chopper and American Chopper which are basically soap opera dramas for men. Why can't they fucking buy shit made by Ken Burns? His civil war series, the Jazz chronology or his work on World War 2? What about David Attenbrough? The Planet Series? King Kong? So many brilliant documentaries from Journey Man Pictures and many other sources. It's not hard. But no we must make everything stupid.

Thank god for Horizon, PBS, MVGroup and all the documentary shows that are made in the UK.

Take a Bath with Piranha

spoco2 says...

Interesting bit of information, BUT it highlights the growing painful trend in Discovery Channel stuff. It all has to be SO SENSATIONAL! The zooming in camera work, the cuts to random shots of piranha that aren't actually the same ones that are eating the meat.

That, and I hate how pretty much every episode of Mythbusters now has to have at least 2 stories involving shooting something. ENOUGH WITH THE GUNS.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Sargassum Fish ~ No, not the sarcasm fish...

AeroMechanical says...

From what I recall, it really wasn't until the late nineties when animal shows became garbage. Reality shows wrecked them. All of a sudden the Discovery channel went from interesting, fairly in-depth documentaries about the lives of animals to THE WORLD'S DEADLIEST SNAKES! and other sort of low attention span oriented shows with just a string of thirty second segments. Aside from that, now it's all shows about asteroids destroying the earth.

Millions/Billions of Roaches

Planet Earth (Blog Entry by jwray)

mauz15 says...

It is horrible. One of the things that makes those series stand out is Attenborough's love for nature and his ability to communicate the beauty of biology no matter what it is. How they went from a biologist experienced in documentaries to some American actress is beyond comprehension. But then again, we are talking about the Discovery channel.

Slicing Decades of Video for New Life on the Web (1sttube Talk Post)

Eklek says...

Discovery channel's preditors discover their ad-hungry Killer Clips (a.k.a. "Animal faces of death") - a series of highly popular 30- to 40-second clips of animal takedowns featuring a.o. "cheetahs killing gazelles the same way they did (just to be on the safe side) 3000 years ago" - in their deep digitized video vaults..

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