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Join The Ron Paul Youth; Help Undermine Your New President!

lestat_B says...

Ron Paul is an active youth organizer and deserves to be in the limelight of presidency. Keep things up in the good work. The Bernanke testimony on the Federal Reserve and its role in the current state of economic affairs was hotly awaited, and anyone that knows anything about him knows that Ron Paul was waiting in the wings. The Fed and its chairman are the favorite targets of the Texan libertarian, and he pulled no punches in letting Bernanke know he wants him out of business, and running for payday loans if necessary. The Representative known as Dr. No grilled Bernanke about the fed's activities, disclosures, and interaction with the International Monetary Fund. Ron Paul is sponsor of a bill which would grant auditory power to Congress over the Federal Reserve.

DON'T GET HURT: Federal Medication Ban

Stormsinger says...

Seems like this video is mixing up the arguments a bit. The panel recommends getting rid of acetaminophen because of potential liver damage...I don't think the rate of addiction was their rationale, although it's hard to tell from the way it's presented here. There are certainly alternatives to it's not like their recommendation even leaves you without effective pain meds.

That said, I don't really support banning any medication that has solid proof of its effectiveness. I certainly support full disclosure of the risks, but that's a different issue.

CIA Video Of Missionary Plane Shootdown

rougy says...

Full Disclosure: I didn't watch this vid, yet I'm going to comment on it.

I saw this many years ago.

This was a crime, not a mistake.

And crimes such as this have been committed a hundred fold since then.

I am not "Anti-American."

I am "Anti Shit Like This."



The Peruvian Military is yet another extreme invention of the USA and they are some of the most blood-thirsty, cruel-assed sons of bitches you'll ever meet.

George H.W. Bush heckled while ordering pizza

NordlichReiter says...

Once you know, you can't go back.

Here is a list of things, in my opinion, that they do not teach in public schools:

Ben Franklin's Interpretation of why the Revolutionary War took place

The refusal of King George to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution.

To which some fools created the same monster bank, First Bank of the United States Thanks in part to one, Robert Morris a signer of The Declaration. Our nation's banking history is fraught with banking scams and controversy. Just take a gander at the Wikipedia pages above.

Even Woodrow Wilson would see the error of his ways in the end after singing the Glass Owen act into law. The FED is not a Government Agency if it were ththen our system of money would be Nationalized. We often here that word, "We can't nationalize the debt!" But we sure can socialize it!

A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the Nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men... We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men."

The 1999 repealing of the Glass-Steagall Act. Thanks to a Democratic Presidency.

Throughout all of our history there is nothing but sleight of hand, cronyism, and corruption. I do my best to follow a strict code
of ethics why can't they? I know I'm not perfect and I often find myself but I always think "Am I doing the right thing?" If I can't answer yes to that question within moments then I know I'm not doing the right thing.

I leave you now with a few quotes:

Harry Truman once said there are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of other people, the hundred and fifty or sixty million, is the responsibility of the President of the United States. And I propose to fulfill it. - JFK

From a good man no matter how suspect:

In my opinion the best speech ever given:

Full Disclosure even if it damns you. Someone said, "The Truth will set you free," or something like that. Sure it will but who's truth is it?

An Ex-Microsoft Employee Describes Why He Was Fired

An Ex-Microsoft Employee Describes Why He Was Fired

An Ex-Microsoft Employee Describes Why He Was Fired

An Ex-Microsoft Employee Describes Why He Was Fired

An Ex-Microsoft Employee Describes Why He Was Fired

StukaFox says...

I don't think this is real.

If Ballmer were holding a meeting about Bing! it would be to either a small audience of high-level VPs, or a larger audience of lower-ranked personnel. In either case, there would have been other people telling this story. I've heard Ballmer's, uh, "enthusiastic" at times (like the iPhone incident during this year's all-hands at Safeco Field), but I can't seem him being this crazy.

Full disclosure: I work at Microsoft on one of the Bing verticals. I've never heard this story before this video.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

that being said,understand that what i say here is in no way an attempt not to change your viewpoint but rather to give historical context.

I am not one who is threatened by hearing other points of view. Have no fears concerning my mental status. I recommend that you yourself also do not have any need to feel threatened when I point out that some of what you call 'historical context' is - in fact - personal opinion and interpretation.

a governments role concerning business should be fraud protection

No argument. That's government's only real role in this matter.

when a corporation can buy legislators to enact laws that benefit their own bottom line in the form of lobbyists we move closer to a plutocracy rather than a people run government.

I will argue again that the real issue here is not 'corporations buying legislators'. The problem is corrupt legislators. Companies can't 'buy' what isn't 'for sale'. Again - your argument when you strip away the rhetoric is not against companies. Your argument is one that calls for greater limits on government.

you state that you are immune to such manipulations and indoctrinations

Specifically, I have claimed that no company controls my life. And they don't.

if this is true then why do you constantly use terms like "lib" or "leftie

To accurately (though informally) describe persons of a specific political philosophy.

it was only 20% "stupid borrowing" while 80% fraudulent,predatory and deceitful lending practices.

Please supply your sourcing for this claim. If 80% of lending was 'fraudulent' as you claim, there would be massive prosecutions going on. There are no such prosecutions, because the lending agencies were (in fact) operating within the law. In harsh reality, many of the so-called 'predatory' lending tactics were encouraged by the federal government for the express purpose of increasing the number of people with homes (see repeal of Glass-Steagal).

when the government and our representatives are in bed with the very same companies that can create/destroy on such a huge scale we should all sit up and take notice

Yes - by changing the political system so that politicians are held accountable for their actions. By not allowing politicians to pass laws without full disclosure, 75% full congressional majority votes, and tons of other restrictions that would prevent them from being able to influence the system. The problem is not companies. The problem is politicians who are never held accountable.

All political offices should have a single term limit, and then the candidate is banned for life from all political activity except voting in congresional & presidential elections. Politicians should not be elected. They shoudl be randomly drawn up for service akin to jury duty. All laws should require a 75% majority vote of the entire congress before passing. Only one law should be allowed per bill - no 'omnibus' bills. If some 'bad event' happens that is tied to the passage of a specific law, then all the politicians who voted for that law should be the ones held responsible. And on and on...

I've literally got a BILLION great ideas along these lines of "How to stop corporations from influencing the political system by imposing limits on politicians."

Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

NordlichReiter says...

DGhandi, I suppose open source Application writers are Naive too. But it's a wonder that their applications, and Encryption are made better by letting the Open Source community rip it to shreds.

I am a proponent of Full disclosure. when it comes to things that involve a large amount of people. Namely the whole fucking planet.

Couple Arrested for Not Paying Tip

kymbos says...

It's not a tip if it's compulsory - it's a tax. It should be rolled into the total and not hidden as a 'gratuity'.

Full disclosure: compulsory tipping is up there with the 'guns don't kill people' aspect of American culture that makes no sense to me.

Fall of the Republic - The Presidency of Barack Obama

marinara says...

1. Disagree with Alex Jones, he's not going to save us from a conspiracy, as the conspiracy doesn't have a list of members. More like a book written long ago:

The problem is people are willing to do anything to preserve their wealth and power. Wreck a constitution, they'd love to. Own the media, of course they will. Plunder the assets of the innocent, all in a day's work.

So I want to say this Destruction of our sovereignty isn't anything new to us. Think of a western movie. There's an evil sheriff that is buying up all the land. At the climax of the movie you learn he's in league with the cattle rustlers, and he's ran off every last honest rancher.

Anyway, putting up a new world currency to protect the banks, isn't the culmination of a conspiracy, just the next step after deregulation allowed paper wealth to surge past any physical limitations. Deregulation has worked so well for them, now they have to move on to the next step- capital free of the limitations of the U.S. Dollar, which has been used as a worldwide tax for every nation that uses the dollar, but is now losing exactly that power.

But anyway, in full disclosure, I also believe that fluoridation is harmful, so i might be a cracked nut.

Jon Stewart interviews historian Jennifer Burns on Ayn Rand

Jon Stewart interviews historian Jennifer Burns on Ayn Rand

demon_ix says...

Is anyone really surprised they pick the parts about her they like and ignore the parts they don't like? They've been doing it with the Bible for ages.

Full disclosure: I've been doing it with the Matrix trilogy as well.

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