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Wiki Leaks founder walks out from interview with CNN

Yogi says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 27th, 2007" class="profilelink">chilaxe
What's the more important issue here:
1. The murder of 100,000 innocent people by a coalition of top governments.
2. An eccentric pissy hacker that swiped some Swedish side-boob.
Like kranzfakfa said, vegetarian painter was Hilter.
By your logic that means that the Nazi party probably did great stuff!
Back to the main issue tho.
"Hundreds of documents released on October 22, 2010, by Wikileaks reveal beatings, burnings, and lashings of detainees by their Iraqi captors. Iraq should prosecute those responsible for torture and other crimes, Human Rights Watch said."
"These new disclosures show torture at the hands of Iraqi security forces is rampant and goes completely unpunished. It’s clear that US authorities knew of systematic abuse by Iraqi troops, but they handed thousands of detainees over anyway."

HOW DARE YOU! Hitler WAS NOT a Vegetarian! So sayeth QI so it shall be remembered!

Wiki Leaks founder walks out from interview with CNN

GenjiKilpatrick says...

What's the more important issue here:

1. The murder of 100,000 innocent people by a coalition of top governments.

2. An eccentric pissy hacker that swiped some Swedish side-boob.

Like kranzfakfa said, vegetarian painter was Hilter.
By your logic that means that the Nazi party probably did great stuff!

Back to the main issue tho.

"Hundreds of documents released on October 22, 2010, by Wikileaks reveal beatings, burnings, and lashings of detainees by their Iraqi captors. Iraq should prosecute those responsible for torture and other crimes, Human Rights Watch said."

"These new disclosures show torture at the hands of Iraqi security forces is rampant and goes completely unpunished. It’s clear that US authorities knew of systematic abuse by Iraqi troops, but they handed thousands of detainees over anyway."

UFO Conference 9/29/10

Eukelek says...

>> ^krazyety:

What could they possibly gain from that?

Fear is a very useful tool, distraction is also, while a sense of belittlement might help one control the masses. I´ve asked myself that question many times, but not so much governments I think, but more people with power. I don´t mean to sound paranoid or conspiratorial, but more skeptical; you look at various things like the disclosure project, history channel: UFO documents, etc, x files, etc... Not all, but most seem to be coming from right wing biased sources or military links or news corp: fox.

Like so many falacies without proof, from ghosts, the coming of christ to 2012 doomsday and stuff, people that have a reason to want to believe because it gives meaning to their lives for x or y reason, doesn´t mean its part of everyone´s reality. Although I still maintain an open mind.

Obama on the DISCLOSE Act

Israeli Woman Finds Out BF Is Arabic, Sues Him For Rape

Don_Juan says...

If a human female opens to sex with a human male, and a human male opens to sex with a human female, and political or racial disclosure is paramount instead of human male to human female and human female to human male intercourse, then BOTH are perverted and engaging in (instead of honest and real human sex) political, racial , agendas, NOT a human agenda.

CNN: Almost All Exxon Valdez Cleanup Crew Dead

entr0py says...

I wonder if that's true about most of the Valdez workers being dead. Anyone know what her source was for those numbers? There were several thousand Exxon Valdez cleanup workers, it seems like this should be a huge story at the moment if most of them are dead, and most related to causes that could conceivably be linked to chemical exposure.
According to the above article Exxon went to great efforts to avoid reporting respiratory illness, releasing medical records of cleanup workers, or granting access to the workers. As a result they completely blocked the federal investigation. There was never a class-action suit, but every worker who managed form a case good enough to go to trial was given a settlement ensuring non-disclosure and no admission of fault. However towards the end the article states that activists are trying to track down the old workers, and that was in 2003. So maybe they really have done a proper survey since then.

Ron Paul: I Think They're Going To Destroy The Dollar!

NetRunner says...

@Lawdeedaw, the Dodd bill isn't a knockoff copy of Audit the Fed, it's a bill that mostly focuses on regulating banks to try to prevent the super-craziness with derivatives, leverage, and repo, as well as a bit in there about trying to regulate disclosures for regular consumers.

However, Paul's exact Audit the Fed language will be introduced as an amendment by Bernie Sanders (I-VT, and has in the past called himself a Democratic Socialist).

Paul's sending out e-mail to supporters asking them to call their Senators to vote to kill the Dodd bill.

He's not asking them to call and support his Audit the Fed amendment, he's asking them to kill the bill that it might be an amendment to, while at the same time I'm getting campaign e-mail from several Democrats (not just Grayson) asking me to call my Senators in support of the Audit the Fed amendment.

I find it sad and infuriating that Paul's PAC is whipping against the bill on the same day he's out mugging for the cameras about an amendment to the bill he wants to kill.

If it becomes law, it will be despite his efforts, not because of them.

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

choggie says...

The southern borders to the south are porous by design.
Mexican nationals have been here for over 2 centuries and only when the ramped-up destabilization of the U.S. by the elites who really run the show entered another phase did the signs of real strain begin to show.

Ike saw a reason to curtail the dark elements within the power elite (Imperialism) with his MIC speech on his way out as well.
The real enemies of humanity use race-baiting and propaganda in the form of spokespeople like Maddow..... constant newsspeak programs piped into every home, 24-7/365. (see Orwell's epic rant) Their agenda has been the same for a long, long time....Empire-building, consolidation of power, dominion.

Simple formula really-The elements of a successful takeover include destabilization of economies and nations through tactics we are experiencing worldwide.This shit is not unique to any one nation anymore because power and dominion over the planet have reached planetary proportions and is no longer relegated to individual nations. Next phase is coming soon......... one big country called the NAU.

This shit (National News cunts taking sides) is diversion. The real issue is how the systematic dumbing-down of populations while distracted by infotainment has kept most of the planet's landless peasants in a state of hypnosis ala bread and circuses and endless legalities with a view to enslaving far it has been utterly successful, evidenced here in the delusional reasoning in most of the comments above.

The regime that may become our future (if you all don't pull your collective heads out of the asshole of television) will be totalitarian, and worldwide.....Corporations exist on the scale they do nowadays, because we forgot how insidious consolidation of power is.

I don't believe people will continue to sleep though, I have more hope for humanity than that.

The elimination of currencies, free energy and full-disclosure of the crimes of our keepers is the next step in human evolution.There is simply a cabal of fucking human garbage who have successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of us for too long and these times are either the birth pangs of awakening, or the prelude to more complete global enslavement.

Hey Earthlings....Open Yer Noggins (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

>> ^dag:
I don't know Choggie- although the setting of that video at the National Press Club lends it a lot of credibility- I didn't see any really persuasive evidence. My feelings are that actual in-the-flesh alien visitation is possible, but highly unlikely.
>> ^choggie:
Now....those of you who choose to, go back to sleep.
@dag-Their agenda,according to those in the know, is a benevolent, transformative awakening from our current rush to render this planet uninhabitable-
Individuals have not done it, save through complicity with thise who have created this framework for the destruction of our planet through the raping of her resources.
Corporations and governments must be eliminated before we can take the next step.

As unlikely as free energy? As unlikely as self-replicating nanorobotic manufacture of anything? As unlikely as anything that would render your current world view extinct should you suddenly be able to see 50 years into the future of the planet?

Why since this very public and formidable testimony to the press,has this issue not been placed before congress? Ask yourself this and afford yourself cushy answers until your brain explodes, they are scared shitless of what panic may occur-The world is so much bigger than what we as peons have access to-so much bigger.....

I personally knew a SAC pilot who when asked what he had seen during his over 40 years flying everything there is to fly for the military, he used the nick-name they used in the force for a UFO, said he saw them, then would speak no more on the matter-These people who came forward from the military in the NPC event a few years back, did so knowing that the people who swore them to secrecy could and would easily have taken everything from them, including family and friends.

Hiding shit is the only way people like the Bushs' can go on living-If we knew half of what Bush senior has done he would immediately be arrested, and sumarilly executed,by an enraged world.....You people think he was bad for the shit we DO know??!! Jesus man, truth is ALWAYS far stranger than fiction.

The logistics of disclosure include the inevitability of widespread panic on the part of the masses should they be shocked into consciousness with information hidden from them by their governments....UFO's are mild compared to the crimes commited by our so-called leaders past and present, some of them still breathing air thanks to files classified for over 40 years(assainations, coops, etc). The truth is not that hard to find, but people need to sto beingprogrammed like cattle by the machine(television,wage-slavery,endless legalism, etc.) The world is groaning for information..they are given half-truths, infotainment,and flat-out bullshit to shape their world views.

Tax Day Tea Party

choggie says...

Federal Income Tax is theft by degrees-I ain't filed in years-Come and get me babies-tag my collection of stuff,I own no property, no vehicles, no assets, no bank accounts-Just yer average American here.....

And what of the interviewer's knowledge of the big picture and his trip to show all his friends how uneducated he is regarding the workings of the government like these passionate lackeys in the ssme sinking ship.-A better reason to march on Washington?
Full disclosure-Classified documents pertaining to the NSA,CIA,UFOs',Covert ops,rigged elections,systematic undermining of the infrastructue...the list of valid reasons to protest the government is extensive-Look for the word to get out on many of these issues, before 2015-Stick around, the worlds' gonna get interesting very soon.

Bush and his family belong in the Hague in a plexiglass cubicle, then in bodybags. Obama needs to drop a major nut,and stop pussy-footing around trying to pretend he's a leader. Like one of the interviewed says here, "I've been brainwashed my entire life"

Earth to Humans, You all have!

Obama Orders Hospital Visitation Rights For Same-Sex Couples

choggie says...


Marriage as an institution is damaged anyway,divorce is more popular-Activism should be a force of nature akin to rescuing a country from earthquake relief-Taxes are bullshit,so the tax break argument is secondary to gay folks simply wanting to be accepted as equals-(no problem with that)-but these folks would do better to use their energy to fight REAL injustice perpetrated on all Americans/Individuals who have to suffer the criminality of the IRS, the non-disclosure of classified documents relative to political assinations and UFOs', and alllll the billions of dollars and hundreds of lives affected by projects funded by the criminalization of drugs and trafficing of the same by elements in the background, of our so-called,democratic government,to fund projects that effect the WHOLE of humanity,not simply a group of flagrant, incensed, outspoken queers.

To sum up, gay marriage is about as important in the grand scheme of things for the country as a whole, as new laws regarding jaywalking, relative to midgets without legs.

Get behind a band-wagon of the real, babies.

Southland Tales Trailer

Crake says...

I thought this movie was great. Full Disclosure, I didn't know it was a Richard Kelly movie until half way through when I imdb'd it out of sheer wtf-ness. I thought it was some kind of comedy version of Von Trier or David Lynch.
Not to say that it didn't make ANY sense though, i thought the casting of the Rock and various icons of L.A. superficiality (Buffy the valleygirl, JT, etc) was nice, and added to the feeling of airheaded people taking themselves VERY seriously and not having a clue what's going on.

Also, This.

Grenade throwing fail by Chinese Army rookie

calvados says...

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^Drax:
As of 08:00, please implement the following revision to all grenade tossing instruction manuals:
1) Pull Pin
2) Throw
1) Pull Pin
2) Throw Upwards

Thank you,
High Command

I think you mean forwards. Upwards could be quite disasterous.

Up AND forward, I say! And always twirling, twirling, twiiirling!

Full disclosure: I'm not real good at throwing the damn things. Although I have gotten to the point where I usually manage to lob them a reasonable distance instead of spiking them into the ground just past the throwing-bay wall.

How to open a privacy chain from outside using a rubber band

NordlichReiter says...

Security does not make a person completely safe. It only makes them less likely to be unsafe.

But the purpose of the chain is to give an occupant time to setup a proper defense, or make good an escape.

Still an excellent video, Full Disclosure.

Isn't it Time to Change Member Levels Again? (User Poll by KnivesOut)

Kevlar says...

Let me channel my inner John Boehner and say hell no. How much harder do we want to make it for new members who want to feel some sense of contribution to or ownership in the site? Who really wants to come to Videosift, fresh off the Internet Boat, and have to painstakingly clear 100 videos out of the queue - fighting against gargantuan pqueues while they're at it - in order to be able to confirm a called dupe or add a meaningful tag? I don't see what continually raising the member levels accomplishes aside from making the site more inscrutable and less accessible to newbies.

And in full disclosure: I got screwed too in the last shake-up.

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