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Australian bus racists abuse French woman [w/ commentary]

Bruti79 says...

>> ^spoco2:

It's so hard to not just want dickheads like this just removed from society, just taken out of altogether because they just have no right to live around other people. I've seen a share of fucktards like this on trains/at stations, and I just wish they were fenced off from the rest of the country and allowed to die off.
But that's not really the solution is it? The reason these fuckwits exist is fear and lack of education. This absolutely horrible, abhorrent mindset is born out of living a life that is insular and not exposed to people of other cultures and backgrounds and discovering that really it's ok that people exist that are 'different' to you, and the vast majority of people from any culture are really nice and just want a happy life. And the fear comes from thinking that these 'other' people are going to make you the minority instead of them, and thinking that you're losing your 'power'.

promote this horrible reality of some people in Australia. I'd love to believe that all of us here were as accepting as the majority of us are, but the fact is there's this entire set of horrible, racist shitheads, and there's an entire other set of people who aren't 'bad' people but have this racist undercurrent to them that comes up every now and again, and you are taken aback and go 'Fuck me, I'd never have guessed that you could feel that way about a whole race of people'
It just fucking saddens me. Any time I see something in the media about people being racist here I so want it not to be true.

Don't feel too bad, that exists in every country. It's not a racist thing, it's a human thing =(

Australian bus racists abuse French woman [w/ commentary]

spoco2 says...

It's so hard to not just want dickheads like this just removed from society, just taken out of altogether because they just have no right to live around other people. I've seen a share of fucktards like this on trains/at stations, and I just wish they were fenced off from the rest of the country and allowed to die off.

But that's not really the solution is it? The reason these fuckwits exist is fear and lack of education. This absolutely horrible, abhorrent mindset is born out of living a life that is insular and not exposed to people of other cultures and backgrounds and discovering that really it's ok that people exist that are 'different' to you, and the vast majority of people from any culture are really nice and just want a happy life. And the fear comes from thinking that these 'other' people are going to make you the minority instead of them, and thinking that you're losing your 'power'.


*promote this horrible reality of some people in Australia. I'd love to believe that all of us here were as accepting as the majority of us are, but the fact is there's this entire set of horrible, racist shitheads, and there's an entire other set of people who aren't 'bad' people but have this racist undercurrent to them that comes up every now and again, and you are taken aback and go 'Fuck me, I'd never have guessed that you could feel that way about a whole race of people'

It just fucking saddens me. Any time I see something in the media about people being racist here I so want it not to be true.

States Want to Secede? Givers and Takers -- TYT

chingalera says...

Down Voting once again, smug, obnoxious Cenk banter.....The guys a choad who's most-likely, never been to Texas. Newflash, dickhead: Everyone in the U.S. has the same fucking disease and developmental disabilities. Californias' got a few more putties than Texas, though of a somewhat different ilk.

Sorry douchebag, but anyone who names their son, Prometheus Maximus has some fucking ego issues...They told him to piss off at MSNBC though, so he's obviously doing about as well with chump news as he did with his law degree.

TYT - Romney: Blacks & Hispanics Wanted Gifts from Obama

Red Letter Media Talks About Prometheus on DVD

gwiz665 says...

There was a clear problem in that you didn't care for any characters. The most likable character was the homicidal robot, which is a failure in my book. In the original Aliens, you grow to like Ripley and you like the camaraderie going on in the beginning of the movie, even if most of them were fucktards. The marines in Aliens were also likeable, even if you sorta recognized them as the dickheads from high school - some of them were our hook into the world, ripley, hicks, hudson all good. Even in alien 3, you still ahve ripley to hang on to, even if it's a desolate despairing film. Alien 4 you have Winona Ryder-robot to like, where ripley is more.. well, alienated.

in prometheus, I liked the Captain Janek and in a twisted way Fassbender-bot, because he was played well. All their motivations didn't make all that much sense though. I hated Holloway, hated Shaw, hated Vickers, fucking hated all of them. Gah, it's so irritating, because the universe of it is so interesting! aaargh.
>> ^Fletch:

In reply to this comment by EvilDeathBee:
I think there could have been a much better movie with the same source material, I think the concept could be really cool, but it's beyond a simple reedit repair job. The characters need a total rewrite to not be selfish, unlikable fucktards. There needs to be a lot more explanation and more time spent soaking in each of the more important subject matters and not this jump from one scene to the next with no flow and no reason.

I don't know. It seemed like it needed more "epicness". Like you said (or, as I understood you), more time for the viewer to parse the implications of the much bigger picture before they throw up a scene of some slimesnake tickling someone's uvula. Maybe a scene where they just stand around and go "OMFG! We've discovered the greatest discovery in the history of mankind! Oh, shit! That's a fucking alien structure! The first one ever discovered!! This is fucking amazing!!" They just didn't seem too impressed with anything. And I wish they had left the Alien stuff out completely. They didn't need it. There's just a bigger, better story here than the one we've already seen again and yet again in the sequels. Most of the characters did have that ST:TOS red-shirt aura about them, and really served little purpose outside of biting it in creative ways. Could have been better, but I still dug it, and I think the sequel(s) has a chance to be great. I just hope the Engineer homeworld isn't overrun with alien queens or some dumb shit like that.

Prometheus Actually Explained (With Real Answers)

EvilDeathBee says...

Christ that video was annoying. 2 try-hard dickheads trying to defend that piece of crap movie and that indecipherable robot voice.
When you have a movie that raises so many questions and answers none of them, relies heavily on external media and lots of tiny hints that is so easily missed to attempt to explain the story, hasn't a single likable or believable character, when it's own DVD release's marketing tagline is "Questions Will Be Answered" just to sell the POS, you simply have a bad movie and no amount of explanation will fix that.

EDIT: I actually believe there could have been a good movie there, and an interesting and mysterious story. However, it was so poorly executed, it's just pretentious wankerey

Anonymous Outs Amanda Todd's Bully - Siftable? *discuss (News Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

Yeah, I have issue with this.

Basically you're saying that this person deserves no trial, is found guilty by a clandestine group who assure people they've got proof that it's really the person. Where's the proof it's the person that did any of this?

Surely this proof should be brought before a court and the evidence looked at.

I'm going to invoke the 'slippery slope' argument here.

If you start letting 'Anonymous' decide who is guilty, and let them mete out the punishment as they deem appropriate, well, don't then start crying when they make a mistake, and accidentally identify the wrong person, or take their 'justice' too far and kill someone.

It's not the way to handle this. Person gets bullied to death, so they think the best course of action is to bully the bullyer? Let's just go back to the dark ages and eye for an eye then shall we?

Also, it's stupendously stupid to try to boil down everything that happened to the poor girl and lay it at the feet of the original dickhead who got her to show him her breasts. Attacking him is not punishing the school kids who tormented her until she killed herself.

This is all simple minded, stupid, ill thought through and makes things worse, not better.

Insane 18 wheeler driver scares the crap out of Motorists

TheFreak says...

I hate when dickheads are caressing all my blind spots.
>> ^entr0py:

Yes, notice how the truckdriver even signals before changing lanes, unlike the tailgating SUV dickhead. I'm sure he checked his mirrors before changing lanes too, but that doesn't' do much good when little SUVs are caressing your all your blind-spots.

Insane 18 wheeler driver scares the crap out of Motorists

entr0py says...

Yes, notice how the truckdriver even signals before changing lanes, unlike the tailgating SUV dickhead. I'm sure he checked his mirrors before changing lanes too, but that doesn't' do much good when little SUVs are caressing your all your blind-spots.

Fighting the terrorist with road terror

CaptainObvious says...

Above link- no rap music/editing - also shows why they need to drive against traffic sometimes. Just so people understand, it is vital to;

1) Always move faster than the current traffic
2) Always avoid stopping for more than a minute
3) Do not allow other cars to follow closely.

Most people in Iraq know to keep their distance from NATO vehicles on the move.

Bumping the vehicles is a necessity - the horn is worthless in this traffic as you can tell from the link I posted in this comment.

Warning shots are also sometimes necessary if someone follows too closely.

Of course there are dickhead soldiers out there doing dickhead things (I think I saw a vid of solders running over some poor taxi for no reason), but these guys are just trying to get from point A to point B without having an RPG coming through the window.

Louis CK - "Apologize"

budzos says...

Put me down as Louis CK is being a fucking dickhead in this video. I agree with the poster above who said that forcing insincere apologies seems like training people to be sociopaths.

Your kids are not the center of the universe either. The world doesn't need to stop just because something rude or unpleasant happens to your little shitstain brat.

Being a Dickhead's Cool! (Ode to London Hipsters)

The Dickhead Song

The Dickhead Song

The Dickhead Song

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