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Australian Phone Rage - (With Subtitles.........Very NSFW)

Georgia Sheriffs Draw Blood for ALL DUIs Without Consent

ChaosEngine says...

Someone else is a dickhead, so we should all be dickheads.

Awesome logic.

Yogi said:

Nope fuck that, I'm not willing to give cops this ability. If cops can do this, than I can do it to them because Cops drink on the job all the fucking time.

What Drugs Will Make You Do For a Dollar...

chingalera says...

Thank You. If a dollar offered by punks is what indeed prompted this man's leap may the dickheads making light of the plight be overcome with lesions and sores from head to toe and their balls drop off, after.

eric3579 said:

Lets watch the down and out drug addict potentially hurt himself for a dollar so we can call him an idiot.

Is California Becoming A Police State?

chingalera says...

I have serious issues with authority of any kind, especially uniformed thugs employed by cities or counties. The state of law enforcement in America is absurd-I do not believe you can remain a cop with noble ethics or morality; YOU WILL compromise any noble intentions you had to"protect and serve" eventually.
I never give police factual information when I do not absolutely have to. I will of necessity or impulse, reaction or response, engage injustice when I see it, regardless of personal safety or violation of statutes.

I don't know you, don't strike a woman in my presence: I don't care if she hit you first and don't need any "whys", I won't stop pummeling you until you are unconscious.

I have met about 5 fair cops in the hundreds I have ever had to engage.

Sorry porky, you chose a douchbag profession. Sorry Velocity5, I suppose I simply don't have my "life" together enough to appreciate Mr. Badgy. I do however get wood when I consider the noble fireman or EMT. Used to hang out at the firehouse with my son once a week in Durango. You can't "hang out" at a police station....If you did, some dickhead would start asking questions and probably arrest you for loitering. Fuck the PO-Leece.

arekin said:

If that is the context then the person on whom the cops were called could simply let the cops in, verify that no one is in danger, and then request the cops investigate the asshole who is calling the cops on false pretenses. It is after all a criminal offense to make a false call. However, when you refuse entry in what could be an emergency because you want to stand on principle, you are asking the cops to act in a fashion of utmost precaution and kick your door down to make sure that there is not a women locked in your basement that you and your wife are keeping hostage. The cops had probable cause and no judge in the country would argue that seeing this video. The officers where very clear as to why they were demanding entry.

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

chingalera says...

I used my skateboard for my primary means of transportation while living in San Francisco-Once, a cop approached me (never had been for 2 years while on my daily commute) quite gruffly with obvious control issues telling me to get off the board now. I did, and he proceeded to rant about ordinances and threaten me with arrest. I reminded him that I had immediately complied and began walking away from him. He escalated his rant, I dropped the board, mounted and sailed away.

My only encounter with the po-po on a board happened to be with a dickhead. I run from dickheads, especially alphas with issues that have been given unlimited power to fuck me.

All that to say, these skaters were dicks and had it been my property, I'd have taken the kids board and cracked his deck on my property, then given it back....or perhaps I would have simply pummeled them with eggs, grease, water, etc. from a window.

Hecklers...Beware of Colin Kane!

Hecklers...Beware of Colin Kane!

Hecklers...Beware of Colin Kane!

Hot Wheel World Record Jump

More Faux Rage from Ann Coulter

chingalera says...

He's serious man, he'll fuck your shit up...Dag, you sure can be a real dickhead sometimes!!

*edit: hehehe, checked that sarcasm box for the first time ever, had second thoughts...just made me feel....I dunno, dirty.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Don't call him a faggot, son. Seriously - please tone down the name-calling. This is an official warning.

Skater Grinding A Rail With Chopsaw Sets Himself On Fire

Mark Wahlberg Is A Bit Of An Ass - Graham Norton

spoco2 says...

Yup, Wahlberg is a dickhead who blinded a guy in one eye and beat people up in his youth.

He's become all religious now and thinks that him going to church is recompense enough for his horrible deeds, and he doesn't need to make amends at all for what he did over and above that.

Horrible man.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Isn't he really, I mean really an Ass? Didn't he beat up some vietnamese guy for being Asian?

Sea Foam Surprise in Australia

Piers Morgan vs Ben Shapiro

Pretty Much The Best Weed Dealer There Is

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