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Air-Conditioned Jackets - Turn up the Heat!

rottenseed says...

Well if they were to comply with the Montreal Protocol, Japan would be switching over to R-410A refrigerant which does not contain the ozone depleting haloalkines. In the States, the making and distribution of R22 (chlorodifluoromethane, which has haloalkines) will stop in 2010. Being in the air conditioning business, this means many good things for service-based air conditioning system conversions.

These jackets are, in my opinion, unnecessary, however, at least they're thinking outside of the box.

CNN Confirms Israel Use Of White Phosphorus

Israel's apartheid wall in the West Bank

Irishman says...

Who's more retarded? The retarded people in the middle east squabbling and fighting for 100 years, or the retarded government in the US who picks a side, sells them F16s, tanks and depleted uranium shells, and hopes for the best?

10768 (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

Would you like me to google it for you?

In reply to this comment by mharvey42:
In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Was this busy market collateral damage?

What about civilians executed on the street during the last 18 months by Israeli police enforcing illegal blockades?

What about the civilans being given 7 minutes to abandon their homes before blowing them up?

What about the Depleted Uranium being used in Gaza right now?

After another few days of this you will see how very wrong you are.

Yes, the market shelling is collateral damage: a sad but predictable result of Hamas' aggression. The blood is on their heads.

"Illegal Blockades" you give no example.

"Civilians given 7 minutes to leave their homes" Extraordinary efforts by the IDF ti avoid civilan casualties. If Hamas were half so humane, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

"Depleted Uranium" You make me laugh!

"Another few days" We'll see. It's going swimingly so far. Hamas will never be an honorable foe, but the more sent to allah, the better.

Irishman (Member Profile)

10768 says...

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Was this busy market collateral damage?

What about civilians executed on the street during the last 18 months by Israeli police enforcing illegal blockades?

What about the civilans being given 7 minutes to abandon their homes before blowing them up?

What about the Depleted Uranium being used in Gaza right now?

After another few days of this you will see how very wrong you are.

Yes, the market shelling is collateral damage: a sad but predictable result of Hamas' aggression. The blood is on their heads.

"Illegal Blockades" you give no example.

"Civilians given 7 minutes to leave their homes" Extraordinary efforts by the IDF ti avoid civilan casualties. If Hamas were half so humane, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

"Depleted Uranium" You make me laugh!

"Another few days" We'll see. It's going swimingly so far. Hamas will never be an honorable foe, but the more sent to allah, the better.

10768 (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

Was this busy market collateral damage?

What about civilians executed on the street during the last 18 months by Israeli police enforcing illegal blockades?

What about the civilans being given 7 minutes to abandon their homes before blowing them up?

What about the Depleted Uranium being used in Gaza right now?

After another few days of this you will see how very wrong you are.

In reply to this comment by mharvey42:
In a battle of this intensity, there will be collateral damage. Israel goes to extraordinary efforts to avoid this, even calling neighbors before they bomb Hamas facilities, warning them to evacuate. Hamas on the other hand routinely targets civilains as their S.O.P.

If "Medics" have been injured, perhaps they shouldn't use ambulances as troop carriers. (See my post at link)

Bin Laden To Outdo 9/11?

BoneyD says...

I've heard it said by some reports (sorry, I can't site them at the moment) that Al'Qaeda don't want to do another big attack, because that would catapault them again to issue #1 on the US agenda. Currently they're working on the slow and steady depletion of American strength by means of these ongoing forgotten wars.

Al'Qaeda feels they have decades to get their 'vengence'. They don't need to rush things.

Michael Pollan on Food Sustainability: The End of Cheap Food

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'food, sustainability, agriculture' to 'food, sustainability, agriculture, oil, fossil fuels, depletion, the oil we eat' - edited by calvados

How to create a $1,000,000,000,000 industry!

jwray says...

Educated people who preach total deregulation are being willfully ignorant of externalities, monopolies, contract enforcement, copyright/patent enforcement, eminent domain, ignorance of most consumers, how little success in competition has to do with the price/quality of the product in many cases (advertising FTW), and how food labels could lie and get away with it.

Between two competitors in the same fixed market, advertising is basically a zero-sum game that wastes revenue and increases the price to consumers.

Pharma companies spend half their revenue on advertising to convince people to buy drugs that most of them don't need. If all the money were spent on research instead, all the drugs could be a lot cheaper. The US economy already produces much more than enough to satisfy the real needs of most people, and the rest of the economy revolves around brainwashing people into thinking they need things that they don't need through advertising.

You don't make money by providing the best or cheapest product to your customers, you make money by making them THINK that whether or not it involves actually doing it. Someone has to call advertisers on their bullshit. A typical corporate executive's only imperative is this: make a profit by any means necessary, even if it means lying to shareholders, customers, etc.

Most of the great advances in basic science did NOT come from anybody working for a company. Immediate get-rich schemes do not involve trying to understand the universe for the sake of understanding the universe. Newton was a professor, Darwin was an unemployed med school dropout who went with a ship captain to keep him company, Galileo was on state patronage, Einstein worked for the patent office, etc.

But I digress. The crux of the argument is externalities. Taxing negative externalizes and subsidizing positive externalizes are essential, as you'll see in any modern economics textbook. Otherwise we'd all kill each other with pollution and toxic waste, while neglecting to eradicate polio. If you've studied game theory at all (i.e. the prisoner's dilemma or the pollution game), you'll see that individual self interest often leads to an equilibrium that is bad for everybody. Government can adjust the payoff matrix so that the optimal (utilitarian) outcome is also an equilibrium for self-interested agents.

The reason private companies aren't mass-producing solar and wind power without subsidies is because it's still more expensive than oil and coal. Without government regulation, oil and coal would remain cheaper until we deplete the world's supply of oil and coal. If we deplete the world's entire supply of oil and coal, we'll breathe soot while Miami is underwater. Clinton's statement that massive amounts of wind/solar power would be in the interest of corporations only applies when governments tax fossil fuels or subsidize alternatives. The moral justification for taxation of negative externalities is basically the same as the moral justification for the government punishing somebody for beating up somebody else.

Rage Against the Machine RNC - 09.02.08 (Speech + Acapella)

thinker247 says...

How do you peacefully protest something? Ask nicely for the government to quit raping the earth and committing genocide against millions of innocent people, all while funding wars that deplete our national reserve of both money and soldiers? Offer them brownies in exchange for peace? Get real.

I advocate violence, not in irrational amounts that cause chaos, but in specifically utilized methods that bring down the establishment and allow for the emergence of a true republic. All while peaceful protesters are constantly ignored, because nobody in power listens to peace.

Oh, and did you just say my icon is a joke? First of all, "avatar icon" is redundant, like your junk DNA. Secondly, it's meant to be a joke. Either that or Zombie Bush just ate your entire family, peacenik. Fuck off.

>> ^cigaro78:
"Overturn cars! Knock over reporters!"
Haha listen to you pencil neck in front of your PC, criticizing a peaceful protest and advocating violence. You're a joke, you and your avatar icon.

American Addiction to Foreign Oil - Pickens Plan

10715 says...

QM, Oil, regardless of environmental impact, is not a long-term solution. Exploration and drilling is a long process, and the relative depth and scarcity here make it a very expensive process...which is why we import it. And, as oil resources are depleted, too much in the way of this nation's disappearing wealth is used to secure those resources (see Iraq) not to mention the f-ing chaos that ensues.
we are all addicted to oil. It is the reality that we know.

Scientists Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013

Krupo (Member Profile)

Scientists Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013

Death on the Sift... (Philosophy Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^NinjaFish:
and btw i think i have cancer. seriously.

Sigh. How do you follow that? Let's hope not, NinjaFish. Jesus, man. I had a whole death joke thing worked out with KP being the butt of it, but nooooo! You had to bring reality into the mix. Fuck balls. Well, I personally hope you are healthy, otherwise the comedy of cancer jokes will be seriously depleted from the Sift.

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