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Betty White in the Mother of All ‘SNL’ Episodes

The Other 100 Best Movie Quotes of All Time

joedirt says...

From The Other 100 Best Movie Quotes of All Time

100. “I love my dead gay son. —Heathers
99. “Where was ya, Wang? We was worried.” — Murder by Death
98. “Tell your girlfriend to shut up before I fuckstart her head.” —The Way of the Gun
97. “How am I not myself?” — I Heart Huckabees
96. “Welcome to Debbie Country.” — Singles
95. “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!”- - Zoolander
94. “Well, this piece is called ‘Lick My Love Pump.’” — Spinal Tap
93. “This is the guy behind the guy behind the guy.” — Swingers
92. “I hate you, and I hate your ass face!” — Waiting for Guffman
91. “Back and to the left.” — JFK
90. “No, I said ‘allo,’ but that’s close enough.” — Labyrinth
89. “That’s bee-YOU-tee-ful, what is that, velvet?” — Coming to America
88. “It’s a moral imperative.” —Real Genius
87. “Go do that voodoo that you do so well!” — Blazing Saddles
86. “No dice, soldier.” —Brick
85. “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.” — Conan the Barbarian
84. “Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam.” — Uncle Buck
83. “Do you concur?” “Damnit! Why didn’t I concur?!” — Catch Me If You Can
82. “The place where a U.S. soldier goes to defecate, relieve himself, open his bowel, shit, fart, dump, crap, and unload, is called the latrine. The la-trine, from the French.” — Biloxi Blues
81. “Big bottoms, big bottoms, talk about mudflaps, my girls got ‘em.” — Spinal Tap
80. “My life is as good as an Abba song. It’s as good as Dancing Queen.” — Muriel’s Wedding
79. “Guns are for show. Knives are for pros.” — Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
78. “I shall call him Squishy. And he shall be mine. And he shall be MY Squishy.” — Finding Nemo
77. “I’ll sleep with you for a meatball.” —Victor/Victoria
76. “Follow me, or perish, sweater monkeys.” — Bring it On
75. “What’s a nubian?” — Chasing Amy
74. “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side, kid.” — Star Wars
73. “You’ve got red on you.” — Shaun of the Dead
72. “I touched the earth, and he loved me back.” — Secretary
71. “Not you, fat Jesus.” — The Hangover
70. “This pile of shit has a thousand eyes.” — Stand By Me
69. “Oh God, not another fucking beautiful day.” —White Mischief
68. “She’s been fucked more times than she’s had a hot meal.” — Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
67. “I can’t believe I just gave my panties to a geek.” — Sixteen Candles
66. “It’s a veg-e-ta-ble.” —My Blue Heaven
65. “Goddammit, I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d do any good! ” — War Games
64. “I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How have you been?” — Grosse Pointe Blank
63. “Now, you’ve got a corpse in a car, minus a head, in a garage. Take me to it.” — Pulp Fiction
62. “Ever since I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster.” — Goodfellas
61. “Wolfman has nards!” — Monster Squad
60. “He’s an angel. He’s an angel straight from heaven!” — Raising Arizona
59. “Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup.” — High Anxiety
58. “Somebody’s got to go back and get a shitload of dimes.” — Blazing Saddles
57. “You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!” — Spaceballs
56. “Bratwurst? Aren’t we the optimist?” —10 Things I Hate About You
55. “Sabrina, don’t just stare at it, eat it.” — American Psycho
54. “I take your fucking bullets!” - -Scarface
53. “I’m kind of a big deal.” — Anchorman
52. “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes it rains.” — Bull Durham
51. “We deal in lead, friend.” — The Magnificent Seven
50. “I don’t know, I mostly just hurt people.” —Alien Resurrection
49. “Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn.” — Better Off Dead
48. “All every woman really wants, be it mother, senator, nun, is some serious deep-dickin’.” — Chasing Amy
47. “Let’s shag ass.” —The Royal Tenenbaums
46. “That’s atomized colloidal silver. It’s being pumped through the building’s air conditioning system, you cock-juggling thundercunt!” — Blade: Trinity
45. “I don’t understand. All my life I’ve been waiting for someone and when I find her, she’s … she’s a fish.” — Splash
44. “Demented and sad, but social.” — The Breakfast Club
43. “This is so bad it’s gone past good and back to bad again.” — Ghost World
42. “GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!” — The Goonies
41. “Beautiful, naked, big-titted women just don’t fall out of the sky, you know.” — Dogma
40. “They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.” — Anchorman
39. “Richie, would you do me a favor and eat my pussy for me… please?” — From Dusk til Dawn
38. “I’m hungry. Let’s get a taco.” — Reservoir Dogs
37. “They’re coming to get you, Barbara!” — Night of the Living Dead
36. “Maybe you’re the plucky comic relief.” — Galaxy Quest
35. “We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26…we were of that disposition.” — High Fidelity
34. “I used to fuck guys like you in prison” — Roadhouse
33. “Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.” — Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
32. “Strikeouts are boring. Besides that, they’re fascist.” — Bull Durham
31. “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room! — Dr. Strangelove
30. “Shut the fuck up, Donny.” — The Big Lebowski
29. “If God did not want them shorn, he would not have made them sheep.” — The Magnificent Seven
28. “He was always a rather stupidly optimistic man. I mean, I’m afraid it came as a great shock to him when he died.” — Clue
27. “Nobody fucks with the Jesus.” — The Big Lebowski
26. “Meet me in Montauk.” — Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
25. “Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?” — Heathers
24. “That’s just the way it crumbles … cookie wise.” - The Apartment
23. “Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.” — The Rock
22. “Why didn’t somebody tell me my ass was so big? — Spaceballs
21. “I aim to misbehave.” — Serenity
20. “People are so stupid I can’t bear to be around them anymore.” —Imaginary Heroes
19. “Fuck my cock!” — Wet Hot American Summer
18. “I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.” — The Big Lebowski
17. “The swan ate my baby!” — Drop Dead Gorgeous
16. “I’m gonna punch you in the ovary, that’s what I’m gonna do. A straight shot, right to the babymaker.” — Anchorman
15. “My grammy never gave gifts. She was too busy getting raped by Cossacks.” — Annie Hall
14. “The Hammer is my penis.” — Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
13. “The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool.” — Almost Famous
12. “SQUIRREL!” — Up
11. “Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive.” — Airplane
10. “Inconceivable!” — The Princess Bride
9. “I’ve been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I’ve come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains.” — High Fidelity
8. “My God. I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.” — Fight Club
7. “You’re killin’ me Smalls!” — The Sandlot
6. “I was born a poor black child.” — The Jerk
5. “Ray, next time someone asks you if you’re a god, you say YES!” — Ghostbusters
4. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” — The Shawshank Redemption
3. “I want my two dollars!” — Better Off Dead
2. “Son, you got a panty on your head.” — Raising Arizona
1. “It ain’t white boy day is it?” — True Romance

Cryonics ~ Discussion Welcome ! :)

ponceleon says...

I have very mixed feelings about it.

First of all, I do not intend to criticize the OP(s) for being "members" of alcor.

It is a VERY cool idea and I would do it in a HEARTBEAT if I was a bit more confident in their science.

The way I understand it is that yes, there are organisms that can survive being frozen and then reanimated in either simple or complex ways. That said, I do not believe that human beings are built to make this probable.

The questions are ones of time, money, and science. Science right now CANNOT do this. The methods by which Alcor (and the other place) are "preserving" bodies has not been proven to encourage a non-existent procedure of reanimation.

This technology will not be available for a LONG time, if ever. I don't believe it is impossible, but I believe it is the sort of thing which would come FAR in advance of where our medical science is now. I believe that the science involved would have to not only have to unfreeze but reverse certain aspects of decomposition that happen WAY too fast for this to be possible. Unless you are being frozen almost instantly while still alive, which I do not believe is legal since it would be tantamount to euthanasia. So in my mind, we are talking about advanced techniques of cell manipulation and reconstruction which don't remotely exist. This brings me to

Will Alcor still exist in 300-1000 years? What provisions are being made for this?

I hate to say it, but I think the partial answer lies in Alcor's profits. I doubt they would ever release their financial statements, but you can probably tell a LOT by what their financial situation is.

If Alcor is actually legit, and not just to separate the future-minded person with expendable income from their money, they won't exist for long. The money involved in keeping these bodies in suspended animation for hundreds of years will not allow them to stay in business forever and eventually the plug will be pulled on these tubes and that will be that.

That's the best case scenario.

The worse case scenario is that this is a scam. They probably know damned well that they are banking on solutions that don't (and probably won't) exist in their own lifetimes. Therefore they charge money to people who like the idea, enjoy their Ferraris and dump the bodies in about 50 years when there are no living relatives so the inheritors of Alcor can continue the business. Another clue: their staff is volunteer based with little to no medical background... yeah.

I know I'm being a bit pessimistic, but it is very much akin to UFOs... there are lots of people that believe in UFOs and there are lots of people who make product for those who believe in UFOs. Some of them also believe in UFOs, but I suspect a vast majority see a market that is booming and money to be made. Whenever someone is trying to sell you something, you know that they know it is bullshit.

It is like all the 2012 hysteria. Why am I seeing commercials for SUVs and McDonald's tie-ins for a movie about the end of the world? Why do we have major corporations sponsoring shows on the Discovery channel "analyzing" the Mayan predictions about the last few years we have left? Money... it's always about selling me something.

But seriously, I really don't mean to be a debbie downer about this, but it is just a flash in the pan. I just really hope that you aren't spending money that could be better spent elsewhere.

Finally, I REALLY question the idea of preserving just the head. All I can think of is this scene:

Skip to 2:12

The Jazz Passengers w/ Elvis Costello and Debbie Harry

choggie says...

i dunno man, I'm voting it up because you like it IK....Harry never had much of a voice, EC's lilt just runs together on every song he performs, but he does revive some obscure trad jazz tunes-the lyric, "Passing fad" inna duet with Debby Harry....that's just mean!

Elvis Costello on the Sift by youdiejoe (Playlist)

Blondie - Call Me by "In This Moment" - Check It Out

Payback says...

Go to or in Canada, and search "blondie call me"

Debbie Harry was better looking even in late 70's fashions, sang better stoned out of her gourd, and had more talent in a strand of her bleached hair than this person will ever experience.

This being said... Debbie, and her voice, haven't aged well.

Blondie - Call Me by "In This Moment" - Check It Out

The Health Channel is Finally Here! (Health Talk Post)

The Health Channel is Finally Here! (Health Talk Post)

Lego Matrix Trinity Help!

Amateur Video World Trade Center - 9.11.01

Who wants chowdah? (Kids Talk Post)

UsesProzac says...

I was in second grade. My friend Sonia and I were on the bus heading to school. She and I were drawing a stick figure family in the condensation on the window. When we pulled up to the school, I erased it with my sleeve. The bus driver saw me wiping something off the window and starts screaming at me how I was writing swear words. Sonia and I looked at each other, confused. I said, "We were just drawing stick figures."

I shouldn't have said anything because the bus driver started frothing at the mouth, literally. She got spittle all over my face when she told me to get my butt to the principal right now. She wrenched my arm and dragged me off the bus. My feet didn't even touch the steps down.

Debbie Versch was the assistant principal and when she heard I was accused of writing swear words on a bus window, she called my father. Didn't even ask me if it was true. Didn't even consult Sonia. She just immediately called my father and asked if she could paddle me. He said yes.

So she tries to get me to turn around and place my hands on the arm of a chair. I flat out told her no. I didn't do anything wrong. She says how can I prove that. I say prove that I did it! She started getting red in the face. How dare a second grader talk to her like that, I guess..

She grabs me by the arm. The arm the bus driver grabbed. I would find bruises all over my upper arm at home. She starts paddling the crap out of my upper legs. I am now furious, at this point. I turn around in a rage and grab the paddle out of her hands. I throw it in her waste basket so hard it spills over. I turn to her and say, "FUCK YOU. I didn't do any FUCKING THING WRONG." I kick her in the shin and I run out the door, out the front of the school and, because I only lived two streets away--which makes me wonder why I had to ride a bus to school anyway--I run home.

Now, the best part of this story happens years later. My mother and I do a lot of volunteer work with Rotary. Debbie Versch and my mother and I happened to be on the same committee for planning events with a local guardian's home for children. Debbie remembers me and studiously avoids me. After a few weeks of this, I go up to her. "You know, I never did write any swear words on that bus window. You paddled me for no reason. Funny how you claim to care so much about children when you were so eager to beat them." She at least had the courtesy to blush and mumble a mostly incoherent apology. Lame revenge, some would say, but it sure made me feel better about it.

Laser Pointer Dog Attack

poolcleaner says...

>> ^EndAll:
ugh, that's sickening what they do to the ears there. dogs can be your pets, but they are not yours to sculpt, fashion or alter physically as you see fit, disregarding the suffering they might endure because of it. this ain't right at all.. unnatural and unnecessary. it's a beautiful dog already. sorry to be a debbie downer about this otherwise hilarious video.

No, what's sickening is that we cannot dock our own progeny. I'm currently raising an attack child and it fucking pisses me off to no end that I cannot continue its docking procedure. I thought this was America. 28th amendment anyone? I have this huge list of things that I think should be legal.

Laser Pointer Dog Attack

EndAll says...

ugh, that's sickening what they do to the ears there. dogs can be your pets, but they are not yours to sculpt, fashion or alter physically as you see fit, disregarding the suffering they might endure because of it. this ain't right at all.. unnatural and unnecessary. it's a beautiful dog already. sorry to be a debbie downer about this otherwise hilarious video.

Fake/Banned/Leaked German Sprite Ad - BJ !!!

deadgoon says...

>> ^conan:
Sorry but this isn't a "banned ad". It isn't an official Sprite ad. You can easily tell by the usage of the wrong claim. Original german Sprite claim is "Folge Deinem Durst", this vid uses "Befolge Deinen Durst". The meaning of the two is somewhat similar, but you wouldn't use the verb "befolgen". "Befolge Deinen Durst" is pretty much what you would get when a software translates "obey your thirst". Like i said: Meaning is similar, but no one would use it.

Way to spoil the fun, Debbie Downer...

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