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July 4th Tea Party - Oregon

longde says...

To add to Citrohan, I would ask Debbie where the constitution talks about socialism or capitalism for that matter. Capitalism was in its infancy, and socialism hadn't even been conceived when that document was being crafted. The founding fathers would be surprised at the ideological weight you give this 'conflict' between capitalism and socialism.

We are not a welfare state? What about medicare, medicaid, timber payments to alot of the folks in Oregon, and actual welfare. I disagree, we do help people all the time; it's only delusional people like you who think your prosperity (or potential---ha ha--prosperity) is due solely to bootstrapping it.

You said the current administration is scrapping the constitution. Where? Name the amendment and what the Obama administration has done to weaken it. Is that question making your head spin? Do you know what an amendment is?

I can certainly point to a few amendments and tell you specifically how the Bush administration and the republican-led congress have diminished my freedoms.

Citrohan, they were not only silent at the surplus was transformed into a record deficit, these yahoos on the video cheered Bush on as he wasted our money on tax cuts and bullshit wars.

July 4th Tea Party - Oregon

rougy says...

Debbie, telling somebody to educate themselves after the kind of post you just made up above is the height of irony.

You've merely reinforced the sadly accurate stereotype of the uneducated conservative who is too ignorant to realize that the people they vote for and support politically are the very people who are screwing them over.

Debbie Downer Visits Disney World

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'debbie, downer, snl, depressing' to 'lindsay, lohan, horatio sanz, jimmy fallon, amy poehler, kenan thompson, fred armisen' - edited by burdturgler

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Summer blockbuster: Megashark vs. Giant Octopus!

poolcleaner says...

>> ^spoco2:
Since it's not blocked anymore: nochannel
terrible Actionpack Cinema Nature

One has to ask:
How the hell do movies like this ever get made
And what happened to poor Debbie Gibson, she used to be a cute singer, she... oh... what? She posed nude... ooooooh

Because posing nude is a sign that the devil is working within you. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit they knew shame. That's why God invented clothes and that, children, is why we should shun those who show us their bodies.

And, ye, through the ages God's decree destroys the mediocre careers of pop singers and actresses -- unless they're mega whores like Paris Hilton and, then, WOOHOO! God doth decree that they star in hamburger commercials and reality television shows.


Summer blockbuster: Megashark vs. Giant Octopus!

spoco2 says...

Since it's not blocked anymore: *nochannel

*terrible *Actionpack *Cinema *Nature

One has to ask:

How the hell do movies like this ever get made

And what happened to poor Debbie Gibson, she used to be a cute singer, she... oh... what? She posed nude... ooooooh

What's your first memory of rock & roll? (Rocknroll Talk Post)

blahpook says...

I'd have to say it was my parents, who listened to Linda Rondstadt, the Eagles, and the Beatles. Except that they also listened to Tom Jones, Englebert Humperdinck, and Conway Twitty, so maybe I'm just so awesome I figured out the whole rock and roll thing on my own. That and I have been in love with the idea of the musician alone on stage with his/her guitar. There's something really romantic in the image that I've always liked. A few of my family members play guitar and some of my favorite childhood memories are of them playing guitar while various others took turns singing.

After getting over my horrendous Debbie Gibson/Tiffany phase, I picked up Queen, Guns and Roses, REO Speedwagon, The Motels and Joe Cocker from an uncle who had them lying around. Talking Heads and then, later, 90s grunge was the first rock I got into that felt like it was not inherited from someone else, and now I'm inclined to pretty much give a listen to anything at least once, because who knows what might be out there...

Current favorites at the moment: Death Cab for Cutie, System of a Down, Yeah Yeah Yeahs (though most of the new CD is kind of a drag), Weezer, Silverchair, etc.

Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World" For 04/24/09

World's Fattest Monkey Found in Backyard

kulpims (Member Profile)

Superbowl Porn Accident (2009)

PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad: "Veggie Love"

14209 says...

>> ^gwiz665:
Bookmarked for future reference.
The more you know.
>> ^peggedbea:
>> ^White:
my (lesbian) friend dated a vegetarian once. she said they taste better. i've never had the chance to date a vegetarian, so i'm taking her word for it.

its true, they do taste better.
things that make your semen taste..well... more palatable:
stinky cheeses
honeydew melon
things that make your semen gag a girl and force her to hate you:
little debbies brownies
arbys roast beef sandwiches
mexican food

It's sad but true.. Beer is also bad for taste..

PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad: "Veggie Love"

gwiz665 says...

Bookmarked for future reference.

The more you know.

>> ^peggedbea:
>> ^White:
my (lesbian) friend dated a vegetarian once. she said they taste better. i've never had the chance to date a vegetarian, so i'm taking her word for it.

its true, they do taste better.
things that make your semen taste..well... more palatable:
stinky cheeses
honeydew melon
things that make your semen gag a girl and force her to hate you:
little debbies brownies
arbys roast beef sandwiches
mexican food

PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad: "Veggie Love"

peggedbea says...

>> ^White:
my (lesbian) friend dated a vegetarian once. she said they taste better. i've never had the chance to date a vegetarian, so i'm taking her word for it.

its true, they do taste better.
things that make your semen taste..well... more palatable:
stinky cheeses
honeydew melon

things that make your semen gag a girl and force her to hate you:
little debbies brownies
arbys roast beef sandwiches
mexican food

im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

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