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Jon St. John (Duke Nukem) Prank Call

ant says...

*nsfw *geeks *wheels

Haha. I should had done this too with David Braben from E3 (2014) to my Elite fan friend (he would freak out I bet!).

Mother - Roger Waters in Lockdown

StukaFox says...

Oh for fuck sake! Roger can't let a single goddamn thing go, can he? He's spent so long grinding axes that I'm surprised the entire planet's not covered 3 inches deep in metal shavings.

I'll bet he got short-changed by a waiter in 1965, and on his next album there's going to be a song called 'Oi! That Was A Fiver, You Cunt! Gimme My Bloody Three Pence! Also: Fuck David Gilmour.'

oblio70 said:


In his subsequent “Announcement”, he shares more of the disfunction of Pink Floyd (aka? Spinal Tap).

BSR (Member Profile)

lurgee (Member Profile)

Portrait of Lotte, from birth to 20 years old

eoe says...

I think it was David Letterman who made a comment in reference to something like this about at which point are you not allowed to see her naked in photos?

Western prudishness is weird.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, David Mitchell: Victoria doesn’t know this, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 375 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Does Planet 9 Exist?

"Magic" by The Cars from 1984

BSR (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Seems like something you might catch me sifting The Monkees tv show was my absolute jam as a kid.
I do however love the German version they use in the JoJo trailer. The David Bowie "Heroes" song also seems amazing in German.

BSR said:

The knife in the leg.. LOL LOL

Here's the original English song by the Monkees if you are curious.

What is the Second Civil War

shinyblurry says...

Rick Joyner is a false prophet. Unfortunately, people from his circle, which is the most abhorrent wing of the Charismatic church, have become the public face of Christianity.

Christian teachers should be evaluated by the scripture. The scripture will expose their wrong teachings and motives, and what they really are will be proved out over time. If someone is pushing an abhorrent form of Christianity, they should be called out and condemned.

This session that we watched is extremely unfortunate. The participants failed to discern that Rick is a false prophet, and like the false prophets described in the bible, he comes with dreams and visions he claims are from God but are actually against the purposes of God.

I do not condemn Jim Baker, or David Barton or the others..I think they are sincerely deceived. They need to be corrected and discern the true spirit behind the false prophet Rick Joyner.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't recall David and Goliath. (As cartoons) you mean Davey and Goliath, the basis for Moral Orel? Somebody actually watched that?!

I have tons of Speed Racer stuff....shirts, rc mach 5, die cast models, etc. The movie was a big disappointment and a treat at the same time. I actually used Speed Racer clips in a public speaking presentation describing how cartoons mirrored the evolution of cultural norms from the 50's to 90's.

I never liked Clutch Cargo much, but I knew it. Kind of a poor man's Johnny Quest.

BSR said:

I remember 1,4,5,6. Always sang the Speed Racer song when it came on.

Clutch Cargo
David & Goliath

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

I remember 1,4,5,6. Always sang the Speed Racer song when it came on.

Clutch Cargo
David & Goliath

newtboy said:

Member Tennessee Tuxedo? (With Don Adams)
Tooter the Turtle with Mr Wizard the Lizard?
Aesop and son?
Commander McBragg?
I know you recall Speed Racer, my hero.

I loved those old classics.

Why This Anesthesiologist Quit

newtboy says...

Know who you take advice from....
Just gonna leave this here....

Dr Michael Klaper-In August 1993 Klaper issued a medical certificate for the insurers of two movies that River Phoenix was working on at the time, Dark Blood and Interview With the Vampire. The certificate was signed by both Klaper and Phoenix and stated that Phoenix had never used "LSD, heroin, cocaine, alcohol in excess, or any other narcotic, depressant, stimulant or psychedelic. At the time Phoenix was deeply into the drug scene and died from a drug overdose two months later on October 31, 1993. Phoenix's death resulted in Dark Blood being scrapped, and his role in Interview with the Vampire being replaced by Christian Slater. A total $US5.7 million was paid out by the insurers of both movies as the result of Phoenix's death. Since Phoenix's death, insurance rates have increased significantly, medical certificates are no longer accepted, and actors are required to undergo more rigorous medical examination prior to being insured. [23]

According to oncologist David Gorski "Klaper subscribes to the all-too-common claim that a vegan diet is better than any other and supplements that claim with a belief that undergoing fasts, in which one consumes only water, is a major part of the path to health and wellness". He supports multiple pseudoscience medical claims such as acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy and border-line "germ theory denialism". Klaper also gives "highly dubious advice for cancer patients, even claiming that fasting can shrink malignant tumors. Klaper claims that fasts will clear up inflammation, eczema, arthritis and other issues. "The situation" according to Gorski, is "way more complicated than Dr. Klaper paints it". As a surgeon himself, Gorski is appalled that Klaper claims that fasting encourages "faster wound healing" a statement that Gorski calls "Bullshit!". Magician Penn Jillette reported on multiple podcasts that he has lost over 25 pounds on Klaper's water fast diet, Gorski responded that of course he will lose weight on a water-only diet. In Gorski's opinion as a medical doctor himself, "Jillette has fallen "hook, line, and sinker for a whole lot of dietary pseudoscience and promoting it on his show with a credulous interview with someone like Dr. Klaper". Gorski hopes that Jillette will eventually realize "that Dr. Klaper is peddling highly dubious claims (at best). Basically, the product Dr. Klaper is peddling in terms of science is a massive exaggeration based on dubious science, cherry picked cases, and bad evolutionary analogies. Worse, fasts, even when supervised by a physician, are potentially dangerous"

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