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Ron Paul warns of Worldwide Economic Collapse

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cspan, ron, paul, crash, dollar, deficit, spending' to 'cspan, ron, paul, crash, dollar, deficit, spending, congress, economy' - edited by Grimm

Ron Paul's Inspiring Speech at the "Rally for the Republic"!

Olbermann comment on Hillary's RFK statement

doremifa says...

He skirts from comical to angry and I have had a difficult time taking this guy seriously when he intends to be. From blah-smirky-chuckle to raising his voice, addressing the camera makes me shudder to think what this guy's intentions are. And when he builds up a poorly executed statement from Clinton into an false encouragement to assassinate Obama, me thinks Olbermann a megalomaniac, a partial, Dr. Jeckel/Mr. Hyde kind.

When Jim Lehrer or Judy Woodruff starts commenting into the camera or if CSPAN mornings has someone who talks back to the callers then I will have to start watching BBC News for unbias U.S. news.

It's Over.

NetRunner says...

>> ^doremifa:
After following the news for some time I have come to this conclusion:
Fox News = anti-Obama
CNN = Pro-Democrat
MSN = Pro-Obama (except morning Joe Scarbourogh show)
I admire NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS) and CSPAN.

Really, CNN is Pro-Democrat? I don't watch a lot of CNN, but I generally think of them as Fox-lite these days.

MSNBC is all over the map in my opinion. Olbermann is strongly pro-Obama, but the rest of the network is pretty neutral. Except all the Republican analysts are uniformly pro-Clinton, though I find that's consistent right now across all media everywhere.

PBS is wonderful. It reminds me what real TV journalism looks like. They try their best to provide an even-handed report of the facts, sans spin.

It's Over.

doremifa says...

After following the news for some time I have come to this conclusion:

Fox News = anti-Obama
CNN = Pro-Democrat
MSN = Pro-Obama (except morning Joe Scarbourogh show)

I admire NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS) and CSPAN.

Bush Has Officially Gone Off the Deep End

Obama press conference concerning Rev. Wright (4/29)

bamdrew says...

I watched Rev. Wright on CSPAN yesterday. He passionately fought to answer nearly every leading question in the most selfishly defensive way possible. It was truly a spectacle.

It was odd because he would note how the media takes sound-bites and cuts and edits his words, then in the very next question he'd provide a long answer that could ONLY be cut down to 'Wright believe HIV may have been a Government conspiracy'. Over and over and over again he'd do the same thing, present a long answer to a leading question that could very clearly only be summarized as 'Yes, Rev. Wright is basically trying to bring down Obama's campaign, or he's just an unreasonably selfish person'.

And the only reasonable explanation is that he literally feels like this is about him and about people attacking his character and the character of people like him, when in fact its just an extra bullshit hoop that a candidate (especially a black candidate) would have jump through.

Are Ron Paul's Questions For Petraeus Relevant?

marinara (Member Profile)

curiousity says...

I have browsed FORA quite a bit because I like to hear intelligent debate on subjects instead of a one-sided news story. It gives me a little more information from both sides to help build a base for an semi-educated opinion.

One of my strong passions is for personal liberty. With personal liberty comes personal responsiblity and personal rights - it's a group package in my mind. Being American has no doubt subjected me to countless years of conditioning of the great dream is to own your own house and land. (Of course being more aware, I know this is not strictly an American dream.) Eminent domain is needed for public function, but I've seen it abused (and then justified by the Supreme Court) to not build public projects, but buildings for private profit. I think that is wrong.

It's akin to picking on the unpopular kid in grade school. It's akin to police using the Patriot Act to spy on regular criminals when the entire basis of it was to catch terrorists. It's used because it shortcuts personal liberties. It is supposed to be hard to convict someone. That what protects personal liberties. In my experience when I bring this up, people will question if I don't want the criminals caught. WTF? Any functioning society needs rules and 'punishments' for those who break the rules. In every society there will be criminals. Period. Not every society will value or protect personal liberties though. Which is more important? On which side shall we error?

Well, I seemed to go off on a mini rant there. Have good day!

In reply to this comment by marinara:
In reply to this comment by curiousity:
Glad you enjoyed it. It's an issue that seems to whimper through the night unless it is your property they are taking.

I never thought I would be interested in eminent domain, but the video was exciting, perhaps it was the personality of the debaters?

I have a housing forclosure crisis playlist here on videosift, and I like CSPAN type stuff.

So do you just browse through the FORA website to find stuff? or what focused you on the eminent domain issue?

curiousity (Member Profile)

marinara says...

In reply to this comment by curiousity:
Glad you enjoyed it. It's an issue that seems to whimper through the night unless it is your property they are taking.

I never thought I would be interested in eminent domain, but the video was exciting, perhaps it was the personality of the debaters?

I have a housing forclosure crisis playlist here on videosift, and I like CSPAN type stuff.

So do you just browse through the FORA website to find stuff? or what focused you on the eminent domain issue?

Blaming the Media coverage for Vietnam Loss

qbert says...

I heard a CSpan interview with Nixon dated around the same time, in which he insisted the war was a great idea and not at all a waste of human life. In his autobiography, I believe it was, Nixon argued that America had "won the war" but "lost the peace"--which seems to demonstrate his own confusion, about the possibility of "winning" a pointless contest of mass-killing.

The dominoes never fell. Vietnam went right to war with its ancient enemy China, shortly after the departure of the Quixotic, merciless Americans. And now right-wing scum celebrate the Cambodian Genocide as a gift to vile revisionism, ad infinitum. George W used it not so long ago, in contending that the USA never should have left Vietnam--you can guess what argument he was making with that pretzel logic.

i have a dream, today. ty, MLK. (Blog Entry by my15minutes)

bamdrew says...

you know who wouldn't like this clip? VP Richard 'Face-Shooter' Cheney.

(I watched a speech by Obama today on CSPAN, given at Ebenezer Baptist in Atlanta. He is a natural. As a political speaker, he is very decidedly a combination of JFK and MLK,... compelling and direct, poetic and powerful, pastor and politician. Sure he goes into some hackneyed territory, but then in detail defines his choice of hackneyed words, and damn does it sound amazing. Its incredible to hear a candidate give long speeches around the importance of an America unified across parties through mutual sacrifice to achieve difficult and trying objectives. I'd be pissed if I were Hilary. She put in her dues, and knows how to fill out the paperwork, but that Obama... he is a natural.)

Awesome Ron Paul smackdown on Fox moderator cheapshot

News Media Doesn't Give Kucinich Equal Time, So He Takes It!

Constitutional_Patriot says...

No, you didn't dream it, Obsidian.. both candidates have talked about having the other as a running mate.. Ron Paul talked about it on a CSPAN interview and Kucinich talked about it at some event when asked. You can easily find the vids on the interwebs.

I think they'd make a really good pair and hehe.. I'd love to see them appoint Gravel in charge of the Pentagon. That would be so intense. Complete reform for the USA.

Keith Olbermann on the Fake FEMA News Conference

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