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TDS on Obama's Broken C-SPAN Promise

Psychologic says...

^ I was trying to say that a few promises don't matter as long as there are no serious alternatives in the election. Palin would claim to support those ideas you listed, but I can't imagine her ever getting the votes to challenge Obama.

He could certainly screw himself somehow, but I doubt it will be over CSPAN access.

Where do you stand on HCR without a public option? (Politics Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

I'm 6:
Not even THEY know what they're voting on...

They're rushing it beyond reason for no reason. Something so large, so extremely risky, and so experimental ought not to be dived into with such reckless abandon. They spent FAR more time on "no child left behind" and even with that amount of time, it was still less than ideal to be generous. I vote dump the entire thing and start over with some actual bipartisan consideration. As with any bill this large, I say if you can only convince half of those whom we've elected to lead us that it is a good idea, the whole thing is a failure. In addition, last I checked, a large majority of US citizens don't want it to pass. The Dems are worried they'll lose their political capital if they can't pass it? Maybe, but if they DO pass it, they'll anger an enormous number of voters, more or less sealing their fate in 2010. Meanwhile, the media is only interested in the craziest loons on both sides. After all, they make good headlines and talking points. The people with their heads screwed on straight aren't getting their message out 'cause no one wants to feel like their watching CSPAN.

Sam the Eagle is self-serving

JiggaJonson says...

It seems like everything i've been watching on here has been Glenn Beck latley. This is like CSPAN by comparison.

Thanks blankfist, I needed some hard hitting politics for a change.

So What Does *Quality Do, exactly? (Sift Talk Post)

radx says...

I quality'ed three videos (1, 2, 3) and tried to find out the effect of the invocation. My observations: zip.

But since it's the only use for my power points anyway, I might as well shove 'em down this black hole. Might potentially do good or bad, but I don't notice either way.

Maybe it's only useful for fresh videos ... damned if I know.

Republicans Really Understand Climate Change

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^honkeytonk73:
Our government at work. Look at all the empty chairs.
Climate change is a lie. But magic people living in the sky with bird wings is real.

This looks like a special session speech, which are scheduled by members of Congress during off hours. It's basically an opportunity to rant about something on record, and for the benefit of late night CSPAN junkies. I remember one of my old congressional representatives, the idiotic Bob Dornan, used to give crazy special session speeches on a regular basis, before he was ousted by Loretta Sanchez.

Fox News' Video Cropping Shenanigans

ShakaUVM says...

>> ^Mashiki:
Apparently people have never payed attention to news services like AP, AFP, and Reuters. Or watched, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, BBC or any of the other major news outlets in the world. This is normal operating procedure for everyone.
Whether or not it's right is moot. Don't get up in arms over Fox doing it, unless you're willing to do the same to the rest. Otherwise you're simply a hypocrite.

No, you don't understand. Since FoxNews is a right wing propoganda machine, it's right and proper to criticize them for pretty much anything, even if the left wing propoganda machines (for more examples, see the coverage of the Tea Parties) such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, AP, Reuters, BBC, and pretty much everyone not Fox or CSPAN.

Remember, to a left wing point of view, small truth (factual truth) is subservient to the big truth (that only left wing viewpoints are justified and allowable). Pravda means truth.

Hillary's Eloquent Response to Republican on Woman's Rights

Congressman Gives Preemptive Apology For Extramarital Affair

The US economy came within 3 hours of total collapse

Letterman's Revised and Updated Top 10 George Bush moments

Official Election 2008 Thread (Subtitled I VOTED) (Election Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...


It's not big government that results in subversive use of power, its the politicians who possess that power and what stance they take, it's the people who claim that for America to be free it needs to spy on it's citizens, that it can rewrite laws and impose torture.

Its not a symptom of big government, its a symptom of misguided and failed leadership. The day America imposed torture, spying and elimination of heabus corpus was when the president was a fiscal social conservative who ran on a platform of reducing government, yet over the next several years created new agencies, increased military and defense spending, and subcontracted government agencies to private firms (Blackwater and AEGIS), and increased the national debt.

Did his policies fulfill the single objective he put forward? The elimination of terrorism? Or even the capture of Osama Bin Laden.

I understand Bush came into a difficult times and situations, but your claim that his actions were because of big government is a misreading of history, it gives no voice to the actions of Dick Cheney and David Addington (John Yoo) who together had the view that the actions of the President are infalliable and should not be criticized, that documents regarding policy are secret, that all communications should be monitored, that torture is okay and the other 750 signing statements articulated by them that bypass the democratic process of the US.

Watch Addington claim that the Vice president's office is not part of the executive branch.

David Addington on torture:

There is thousands of hours of testimony, documentary, news and papers and articles that outline the failure of leadership and subversion of America's legal stance by a small cadre of hawks in the Bush Administration.

It was not simply because it was BIG government. It was a implementation of a policy views held by those in power.

PS: Al qaeda may watch CSPAN.


Your basic criticism is that a socialist state equals a imperialistic state based on government expansion over the last 70 years of American history.

Some socialistic states (to various degrees) in the world currently include: Japan, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and many others.

They are not imperialistic and have high social and economic indicators. Japan happens to be one of the largest self contained economies in the world. All the countries possess a system of subsidized health care provided by the state.

Are they invading nations? Taking out the rights of their citizens? Are they failures socially and economically because they have socialistic principles like universal healthcare? Welfare?

How are you going to follow the election on election day? (Election Talk Post)

McCain defends his rallies

13352 says...

I thought from this clip Obama made his points better.

In other Debate News
this Sunday October, 19
8:00 pm EST --Tune to CSPAN--
confirmed candidates
-Ralph Nader (Independent)
-Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party)
-Cynthia Mckinney (Green Party)
*Bob Barr please be in the debate*
(Feel free to copy and paste This)

AIG Execs Spent 430000 Dollars at a Spa Resort After Bailout

You Liberals are jealous of Sarah Palin. (Politics Talk Post)

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