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Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

surfingyt says...

I know you're crying because you said you're not crying LOL

You are so easy. A simpleton of sorts.

bobknight33 said:

I'm not crying. This a not story.

Sheep are fast glued to fake news .

Actually the streets are a little safer tonight because of this kid can no longer become a thug.


Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

bobknight33 says...

I'm not crying. This a not story.

Sheep are fast glued to fake news .

Actually the streets are a little safer tonight because of this kid can no longer become a thug.


surfingyt said:

It is non-stop tears from you and I devour your sadness like you chug stupid.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I forgot, you fully support lying, even under oath. Sorry, my bad. Funny you seem incredibly bothered if Biden misstates anything.

Least affected is a far cry from what you and they claimed, and a far cry from safe from it's effects, short and long....but a few tens of thousands of dead children and hundreds of thousands with permanent disabilities, maybe your kids among them, doesn't bother you either as long as you get back free daycare? Great parenting.

bobknight33 said:

Does not matter what letter they fudged. Facts are FACTS
Kids are the lest affected and should be in school.

Elmo & Robin Williams Outtakes

How Can a Glass of Beer Demonstrate the Quality of a Tank?

Developers vs Quality Assurance

spawnflagger says...

For software/hardware designs of any substantial size, there's usually a separate (from the developer) person/team that does Quality Assurance (QA) testing & verification on a design. This has proven (over many decades) to be useful methodology to catch bugs because a developer has pre-conceived notions of how it should work and be used - so they don't think about edge cases. The QA person's job is to find a way to break it, so the final product has less bugs.

In the video above, the developer is on the left - you assumed she made the bucket lid and the pieces that go in the various holes. The QA person is on the right, demonstrating the problem(s) with the implementation. They get bonus points for making the dev's cry.

olyar15 said:

I ... Don't get it. Is this supposed to be funny?

Godzilla VS Kong - Trailer

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't think that word means what you think it does. It does not mean "trumpster", they are NOT conservative.

No, today's "conservatives" are not people of law, respect, or respect for the law. That's a lie you tell when the law is on your side and discard the instant it isn't. Conservatives only respect the law when it's on their side, and disrespectfully ignore it whenever it isn't. Let's talk mask mandates just to start. "Conservatives" are all for the right to refuse service over sexuality, political affiliation, and privately race, but when it's the right to refuse service to dangerous morons that refuse to follow public health guidelines suddenly refusing service is violating their rights and warrants violent outbursts, up to and including kidnapping a governor....Those aren't liberal Karen's throwing violent tantrums, they're Trump's "good people" and he loves them....your conservative heroes.

"Conservatives" just attacked the government of the United States with bombs, fire bombs, guns, tasers, hand ties, and a hanging noose set up. To do this, they murdered one officer and injured 60 more. Hardly respecting the law. Pretty much the opposite of patriotic.

In the last 4 years, every single instance of domestic terrorism was perpetrated by "conservatives". Every attempted assassination. Every cowardly mail bomb. Almost every death threat against representatives, including right wing representatives that simply weren't in close enough lock step with Trumpler.

Lol...try feeding your patients, they won't get so thin.

The rest of us, +- 4/5 of the country, have had our patience worn thin by the hypocritical infantilism from the right, led by the biggest spoiled rotten baby to ever hold office (but never win an election). He is the absolute best at getting impeached....congratulations.

"Conservatives" demean, debase, lie, cheat, bully, and even commit treasonous terrorism to get their way, and turn on anything and everyone who doesn't go how they just turned on the USA because it elected the other guy.

Now, after 4 years of legislating unilaterally with absolutely zero interest in bipartisanship, not even including Democrats in discussions over legislation much less letting them have a say in them, they suddenly want nothing less now that they aren't in power. Fuck you bitches, bitch, whine, moan, and cry me a river. Better not fight, though, you don't know how to do it legally, and can't control the majority that want war with America....and you fuctards kill more of yourselves than your enemies when you fight.

I'M CALLING FOR A TOTAL TRAVEL BAN ON "CONSERVATIVES" and a moratorium against hiring them for any government job until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Bob, don't use words you don't know, like ilk. You invariably use them wrong and just look foolish and uneducated. Just because it's a small word doesn't mean it's for you or your ilk.

Never heard a more spoiled two year old sounding statement in my life. It boils down to 'If we can't get what we want all the time, we're burning down the country....because we love it and are the only real patriots. ' Disgusting self centered stupid bratty babies you are. You're like abusive spouses that, now that the divorce is nearly final, are planning the kidnapping, rape, and murder of your loved one and children because you and no one else loves them, so no one else will have them....and you think you're the sane ones.

If WE keep pushing!? After 4 years of your non stop shoving party you're suddenly against it?! Eat a bag of baby dicks and send me a review.

Bring the fight, pussy, and enjoy gitmo if you survive. You babies aren't the only ones who can shoot, and the rest of us have the law, the international community, patriotism, police, and army on our side. You have the Q Shaman, Putin, some fired bad cops, and actual crackheads (like advisor to trump, Mr my pillow).

bobknight33 said:

Conservatives are people of lawful respect. Which after last 30 years our patients are wearing thin.

Liberals are bitch moan and fight to get their way.
Liberals are the party of ilk.

The fight is coming if your ilk keeps pushing.

Election hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

newtboy says...

You didn't correct the misleading title either.

I don't care about crybaby losers making a show over contrived accusations they aren't willing to make in court. Why should anybody? It's clearly snowflake liars and never Bideners crying over sour grapes because they got clobbered.

I care about election integrity, so I listen to professionals that know about it, not liars and demented conspiracy nutjobs. The only actual evidence based cheating caught in Pennsylvania were both Republicans voting as their own relatives. Prosecute them to the fullest, and anyone else caught, but stop the bullshit lies that won't hold up in court. They're infantile.

But as usual, your cranial rectosis is flaring up.

bobknight33 said:

I didn't title it.

But as normal you head is up you back side.

But clearly you don't care about election integrity.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I came into the world with my legs forward:

The midwife wonder'd and the women cried
'O, Jesus bless us, he is born with teeth!'
And so I was; which plainly signified
That I should snarl and bite and play the dog.

Then, since the heavens have shaped my body so,
Let hell make crook'd my mind to answer it.

I will be deaf to pleading and excuses;
Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses:
Therefore use none:

my opinion of people like this has changed -

Save your lectures for people who need them. Talk to my mother who is afraid to wear a mask because it might give her covid.

BSR said:

I know exactly how you feel.

The damage is being done to YOU.

Let him go. Let him do what he needs to do. Just don't let him manipulate you into what you are becoming.

Just know there are people on your side. I am one of them. You won't change him. He will only give you his fears and anger and frustrations and rob you of your happiness. Don't accept it.

Let him go knowing that he has to do what he needs to do until it comes back on him. He is in charge of his life and you are in charge of yours. It's not worth giving up your happiness or your time if he won't listen or just can't hear you to begin with. Let him fall. That's how he will learn.

Focus your attention on those that want and need you.

Share your happiness. Don't waste it. Not even a minute.

Let's talk about Biden outsmarting Trump's transition trap..

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

cloudballoon says...

Since when it's the opposition/challenger that got the means to rig the system and NOT the incumbent in power?

If there's cheating, you can bet your house it's Trump & the Republican that's cheating in this election.

Trump's been saying the system's rigged since 2015. Yeah, in HIS (and the Republican's favor) due to the decades long gerrymandering of the districts. A true leader, when he/she sees something wrong (Covid-19, voting system, etc.) they'll try to fix it. What did Trump do to "fix" this? He only accuses & blames with no basis of proof and he made it harder for people to vote because voter suppression works in the Republicans' and his favor. Duh.

All the vote rigging and they still lost. Sore, sore incompetent loser cry babies.

Trump Gets Fired

newtboy says...

Never backs down.....Except when prosecuted for fraud, or redlining (denying black people access to his buildings), or charity fraud, or finally admitting he repeatedly paid for sex while married, or when Mexico refused to build or pay for his wall, or when he promises to fix our infrastructure, or when he claims massive 2016 vote fraud, or when he promises to simplify taxes so they fit on a postcard, or about Covid/masks.... Seems like he often backs down....almost half as often as he's wrong.

The too close to call/recount is bullshit. Georgia, where he claims it's too close, requires the campaign asking for a recount to pay for it, and Trump is flat broke with a zero credit rating and his campaign is deep in massive debt. Good won't change the outcome even if it flips the state, which it won't. Remember, when you donate to the legal defense fund, most of that money goes to pay Trump's bills, some into his pocket, and what's left might pay Rudy to rant in a parking lot. It's not paying for decent lawyers to try a case, they're consistently being laughed out of court for having zero evidence of their baseless accusations, most of which wouldn't change results if found to be credible. Decent lawyers won't touch these frivolous cases.

The cheating and interference was 99.9996% from your team. >300000 missing mail in ballots because Trump's guy ignored court orders, slowed mail to a crawl, and refused to search mail sorting rooms for ballots like he was ordered to by a federal judge. Armed intimidation at polls. Last minute voter purges. One collection box for counties of 4 million. All republican tactics that kept it from being a massive blowout, but couldn't stop the tide. All you have to claim democrats cheated are words from untrustworthy liars, no evidence whatsoever.

It's funny you think your best argument for a second trump term is that he was incapable of presiding over a free and fair election or of accepting the results.

It's ok, Bob. You can admit you're crying in your beer. It must hurt to be forced to realize your world view is a fantasy.....just a dream.

bobknight33 said:


incognito yes, maybe, just sitting idle and watching.

Waiting for results Some states too close to call- recount?

MEGA landslide-- no so -- At least I can dream.

Some cheating/ interference-- yes-- big enough -- don't know.

1 thing for sure is that Trump never backs down.

Let's talk about Mitch McConnell's great fiction...

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