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fixing engrish (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

Well, the teeth work fine as a substitute for touching the roof of the mouth, but still, any initial L requires blocking airflow over the middle-front of your tongue. Some dialects get lazy with final Ls and let them drag on without a crisp ending as if it was an extra kind of vowel. But Rs never involve blocking the airflow over the center of your tongue.

LOST -- What Will Happen Next? Episode 1

choggie says...

What will happen next is, the 8 episodes they have in the can will play out, the writers will have all developed new addictions, arrangements, etc., they'll give this silly-ass hack stream-of-consciousness story to a new group of monkeys with typewriters, and the die-hard fans of this awful program will stop believing....

and the adverts for dishsoap, flavoured crisps, and new cars, will still be the best thing on the idiot box.....

A drive through fiery Malibu Canyon (no sound)

Microwave Skinheater Weapon demo video from DOD

sometimes says...

shrink it down, put it in a box, and...

Paul slowly put his hand into the box. He first felt a sense of cold as the blackness closed around his hand, then slick metal against his fingers and a prickling as though his hand were asleep.

"What's in the box?"

"Pain." He felt increased tingling in his hand, pressed his lips tightly together. How could this be a test? he wondered. The tingling became an itch... The itch became the faintest burning... It mounted slowly: heat upon heat upon heat... . The burning! The burning! He thought he could feel skin curling black on that agonized hand, the flesh crisping and dropping away until only charred bones remained.

It stopped! As though a switch had been turned off, the pain stopped... "Take your hand from the box, young human, and look at it." He fought down an aching shiver, stared at the lightless void where his hand seemed to remain of its own volition. Memory of pain inhibited every movement. Reason told him he would withdraw a blackened stump from that box. "Do it!" she snapped. He jerked his hand from the box, stared at it astonished. Not a mark. No sign of agony on the flesh. He held up the hand, turned it, flexed the fingers. "Pain by nerve induction," she said. "Can't go around maiming potential humans. There're those who'd give a pretty for the secret of this box, though."

Menomena - Evil Bee

Rice Krispies Propaganda Film

Shoplifting Seagull

Amiga, Commodore and Atari - the new hotness (circa 1985)

Woland says...

A classic TV show. A shame it finally went off the air.

Amazing that we used to think these demos were "unbelieveably cool!"

"The base configuration has a monochrome monitor which has a resolution of 640x400, which is a little higher than what people are typically used to seeing; very crisp and solid." ~$799-$2,000.

"There is today 3 operating environments: 2 from Apple and 1 from IBM; it seems unlikely the available pool of software developers is expanding rapidly enough to support even one more operating system."

Deep Fried Candy Bar

MINK says...

ketchup is sugar, red colour, gunk, and one tomato per 1000 bottles.
tomato sauce is normally just fucking ketchup unless you are in a fancy restaurant.

look, in england, if you ask for fries you sound like an idiot. the only place it is used is in a burger king or whatever, because if you say "chips" then they look at you funny and say "certainly sir, one regular FRIES" because they have like an implant in their brain which checks they are using the correct trademarks for stuff.
And you wouldn't say "chips" because they are going to give you FRIES which are NOT CHIPS.

If you are in a restaurant, you might see french fries on the menu, that means thin fries that look like mcdonalds but taste more like potato.

If you are in a restaurant and you order chips, they will probably not be soggy, they should be crispy and THICK like your thumb.

If you buy frozen chips and cook them in the oven at home they will be SHIT. Full stop / period.

But the best is if you go to a CHIP shop which do actually change the oil and get chips wrapped in paper and wait until they go soggy.

The thin slices of fried potato in a plastic/foil bag are called CRISPS not CHIPS. you know why? because they are crisp, and they are not chip shaped.

A chip is chunky, like a sculptor knocks chips of stone off a sculpture. Why you use the word "chips" for totally flat round SLICES of potato is a total fucking mystery to me. I don't know how your sculptors sculpt over there. And look at a computer chip one day. Is it a round slice? No it is a chunk like a british chip kind of shape.

so NOW whut?

Deep Fried Candy Bar

spoco2 says...

They aren't french fries... you're all wrong, it's nothing to do with sogginess vs non sogginess, it's down to thickness.

A thin chip is a french fry, a thicker chip is, well, a chip... the crispiness doesn't come into it, I've had soggy fries and crisp chips.

The best? Crisp chips with a fluffy inner and chicken salt.

Ooooh yeah.

Oh, and ketchup and tomato sauce, two different things people. Very similar, sure, but different. Ketchup has more herbs/spices in it.

Old Dutch Chips Commercial 1985

choggie says...

What the hell is Poutine?? (checking)...
Whhoa!!! Poutine sounds freekin' delicious! French fries covered in cheese curds or feta cheese and brown gravy???! Serve that shit up!!! Can see how that could never be caputured and interpreted with artificial extracts!!
Hey, one thing that never looked good but turned out to be, those Vietnamese shrimp flavoured crisps. How about those ®Marmite-flavoured cup cakes?? MMMMMm!

maudlin (Member Profile)

Derren Browns trick of the mind - subliminal shopping

Various UK Ads

pho3n1x says...

mainly i posted this for the MicroMachines ad, but then i realized that first clip was the basis for Prodigy's Charly.

UK Television Ads from 1988:
Charlie The Cat Public Information Film (featuring the voice of Kenny Everett), Hoover Turbopower Vacuum Cleaners, Simple Toiletries (featuring the voice of Joanna Lumley), The Spastics Society (featuring the voice of Ray Brookes), Abbey National Sterling Asset Account, Burton's Snap Jack Biscuits, Winalot Prime Dog Food, Smith's Square Crisps, Kellogg's Frosties Cereal, Anchor Butter, McCain Meal Maker Ready Meals, McDonald's Chicken McNuggets, Micro Machines Toys, Roadhogs Toy Cars, Fisher Price Smooshees Toys, Cherry Coca Cola (featuring the voice of Bill Oddie), Transformers Toys, Action Force Toys (featuring the voice of Patrick Allen), Action GT Orbee Toy, My Little Pony Toys

Drum Machine

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