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*terminated: nestlebutterfinger (Member Profile)

*terminated: nestlebutterfinger says...

Did you know about our video contest?

All you have to do is create a video making the most of any moment with a Butterfinger, Butterfinger Crisp bar, or the Finger icon ( under “How to Enter”).

Submit your video at by 11/1 for a chance to win a Mobile Movie Studio (professional digital camera + Mac Book Pro) or other great prizes.

Your Friends at Butterfinger

Beer Bottle smash in Slow-Mo

Float. Very cool clip.

bamdrew says...

Pretty nice. Their letter layer is too crisp in some of the shots; doesn't match against a sunny sky, and doesn't match how they would look a large distance away. Just needed a little more haziness in shots like 1min in. Blurred shot at 1:37 played with layers to great success, as is my favorite.

MySpace Video - Soccer Shot

Steorn - Free energy technology, or hoax?

haggis says...

There's nothing free about it, ren - I don't know how much it takes to take an ad out in the Economist but I guarantee it's more than a bag of crisps.

Which leaves me asking the same question as you - what would be their possible motive to lie about this (assuming they're not just confused about what they've done)?

Stories of these kind of devices have been turning up on the internets every so often for years now, and they're usually followed by a HTTP 404 or a claim that 'the yakuza stole the technology'.

Still, this does seem like a fairly audacious move. And they're not claiming to violate the principle of conservation of energy. Strictly speaking, a windmill has a coefficient of performance > 1.0, and a century ago nuclear fission would have been thought of as free energy, just because we wouldn't have been able to explain where the energy was coming from. So I'm prepared to reserve judgment until the results come in - maybe they've found a way to tap zero point energy or something exotic like that.

The Goddess Bunny

PinkGlitter says...

"Johnnie Baima is an American drag queen.

Baima suffered a difficult childhood, being struck by polio and severely abused as a boy. As an adult he became a drag queen and changed his name to Sandie Crisp, gaining an enormous following in the Hollywood gay and transgendered subculture.

The Goddess Bunny is both the name of his alter-ego and the name of a rare 90 minute VHS documentary about Baima.

As well as Johnnie's following in the gay and transgender community, he has also attained some notoriety in mainstream culture by appearing in Marilyn Manson's Dope Show music video"

The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see (Jake Shimabukuro)

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