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John Oliver - Mike Pence

bcglorf says...

One of Jordan Peterson's claims, that the left has settled into higher ed and wants to shutdown debate in favor of indoctrination, is openly on display in the video. All 3 staff from Wilfrid Laurier state it as contrary to the university environment to present a debate on use of pronouns, or to allow the subject to be debated, save that student's are FIRST taught and thoroughly prepared to know which side of the debate is right before hand.

One of them even dismisses Peterson's claim that you can be convicted for failing to use the pronouns requested by others as baseless and contrary to all evidence. Mean while the Ontario human rights tribunal clearly states that is exactly the case. link below.

If you are find with higher education abandoning reasoned debate in favor of indoctrination then you don't need to care. Of course, here in Canada we aren't facing the same risk you American's are of finding the tables turning and the indoctrination landing in the hands of tea party or trump types.

Still, keeping free speech and reasoned debate a cornerstone of education is extremely important to maintaining a free society in my opinion and the video is a window into dark corners hell bent on shutting that down.

ChaosEngine said:

I fail to see the relevance of that. Whether the staff are right or wrong only changes my opinion of the staff, not of Peterson.

If I tell you I hated Hitler because he was a vegetarian, I'd imagine you think that was a pretty stupid reason to hate Hitler, but I doubt you'd change your own opinion on Hitler just because I'm being unfair about one thing.

MiniDOOM - Launch Trailer, play now!

JiggaJonson says...

Idk, kind of not in the spirit of the original game at all.

The whole thing with Doom was it was alarming to turn a corner and have a monster RIGHT THERE in your face. Gameplay was FAST too, which added to the feeling of immersion.

I hear the pew pew pew of this plasma rifle that's firing anything less than 20 rounds a second and weep digital tears.

Cancer Screening Myths

transmorpher says...

Pseudoscience? You cannot get more scientific than reading from the actual study - which is what this video is. The visuals are the actual text from the study, which is published in an actual medical journal, by non-vegan scientists. In the corner of the video it even lists which article it is so you can go and read it for yourself.

Every single video on is in this format, there is nothing on the site that is not supported by quality science, and I challenge you to prove otherwise.

ChaosEngine said:

I would take everything said in this video with a truckload of salt. are a pseudo-scientific organisation that push the idea that cancer can be cured with a vegan diet.

Stolen Truck Attempts GTA Getaway In Train Tunnel

mxxcon says...

One very cool aspect of this video is helicopter footage in the lower left corner shows realtime street addresses including building numbers. I've never seen that before.

How to use a fully stacked M416 in PUBG

00Scud00 says...

I've never played it, but my brother does. I've found SovietWomble over on Youtube has some good PUBG and Arma videos.
Also, FFS always check your corners kids.

World's Dirtiest Song

NaMeCaF says...

Reminds me of this old nursery rhyme we used to sing as kids...

Mary had a little lamb, she also had a duck
She took 'em round the corner and taught them how to...
Fried eggs for breakfast, fried eggs for tea
The more you eat, the more you drink, the more you want to...
Peter had a boat, the boat began to rock
Up jumped Jaws and bit off his...
Cocktails and ginger ale, forty cents a glass
If you don't like 'it, you can shove it up your...
Ask no questions, tell no lies
I saw two men doing up their...
Flies are bad, mosquitoes are worse
And this is the end of my dirty, rotten verse

The Legend of Roy Moore

TheFreak says...

I can give you a description of the bit and my opinion.

A Tom Thumb bit is jointed in the middle and has shanks for leverage. So it has a dual action. When light pressure is used it works on the gums and corners of the mouth. When the reigns are pulled harder the jaw is squeezed while the shanks multiply the force and the center joint folds upward to apply pressure to the roof of the mouth. It's kind of like the volume going from 1 to 11.

In theory it should act like a traditional Western bit with the added advantage of rotating the shanks you can make pressure changes on each side of the mouth independently. In actual practice, it pinches the horses lip in this situation and horses tend to react by tossing their head up or holding their head in an unnaturally high position. With a strong pull it becomes extremely severe. Using it requires a very light hand.

I have used a Tom Thumb successfully with a well trained horse that required no head control but had developed a bad habit of testing his rider by picking up his gate and then bolting. The bit allowed me to ride with no hand but when the horse stretched his neck to take control he ran into the bit. When he relaxed back to the correct position, the pressure was gone. Eventually he didn't want to cause his own discomfort and once he'd broken his bad habits the bit wasn't necessary.

In my opinion, the Tom Thumb appears to check a lot of boxes but in reality it does few of them well. It can work for the right horse, with the right rider, in the right circumstances.

Roy is clearly an inexperienced rider and his personality demands that he assert control, even when he's out of his depth. He's riding a gaited horse (I think it's a Tennessee Walker but my daughter disagrees) and he seems to be trying to make it move like a Quarter Horse. My guess is he's trying to ride in like a cowboy but the horse naturally moves like pretty princess horse. Chaos ensues.

I hope that makes sense. I tried to avoid horse-people terms. If something's unclear or if anyone feels I'm wrong, then I welcome comments.

Fairbs said:

he seems to be a phony through and through

can you explain what a tom thumb bit is? would a good rider be able to use one effectively?

Why Do People Still Think The Earth Is Flat?

RFlagg says...

It doesn't really explain WHY they would believe such things outside they saw lots of YouTube videos. What would cause a person to reject known science that is over 2,000 years old, which was based on super simple observations? I've seen some people blame the Bible, but you'd really have to stretch things to get to the Bible saying it was flat (it makes reference to the four corners, but that's it), unlike using the Bible to claim the universe is 6,000 years old, and the Earth being the center of the universe, both of which it supports directly. So at least, in this case, we can't blame the Bible, though I'd be interested in how many of these people believe the universe is 6,000 years old and the center of the universe, as I'd expect a high correlation. Even rejecting human-caused climate change makes more sense than accepting the flat earth. It just so far beyond stupid to accept it that I can't wrap my head around it.

Cannabis commercial mocks prescription drug commercials

StukaFox says...

Daaaaaaaamn! I ain't been "You're the wizard stoned" in AGES!

Every now and then, I get a little misty-eye'd for the days of yore when ultra-high-grade pot wasn't available at every corner store.

I recall the days of lurking narcs in city parks; being out in the middle of a drought; going to a head shop to buy a bong then getting kicked out 'cuz I asked for it wrong (the magic word was "Tobacco", not "pot", you twat!)

The pot was stemmy, the sellers seedy, and I didn't care because I was hella needy.

But once a year, just 'fore November, would come the time I most remember because it was in those shortening days when I'd hear a rumor of Purple Haze, Ghost Train OG -- I'd be stoned for DAYS! Finally, the good stuff came from coastal plots, a plethora of the finest pots; time to dance and restore my stash: shit, I might even score some HASH!

My friends would come by and we'd all get high, never aware of time passing us by. We laughed, we munched, we floated along with hits from the joints and pulls from the bong. We never imagined dabs or wax, we were satisfied with bud: nothing wrong with those facts.

Now I buy an a gram or two -- Dirty Girl; Gorilla Glue -- and satisfied that my wife's in bed, I once again become a Head. I remember all those days gone by when there was no greater goal than just getting high. I recall them fondly -- if somewhat hazy -- and know that life without pot is just a little too crazy.

newtboy (Member Profile)

radx says...

A different type, but yeah, they can be found under just about every pot these days. Every somewhat covered crevice seems to harbour some, really.

I had only seen singular examples in damp corners until maybe 3 or 4 years ago when they started popping up in ever increasing numbers. Nowadays, go outside and lift any pot, you'll find 5+ of them scrambling. When I pulled up the edge of an old sheet of rolled roofing the other day, there were dozens of them.

newtboy said:

Since you've noticed such a decline in insects where you are, have you noticed a corresponding increase in pill bugs (really crustaceans)? I have here in N Cali

That's How A Real Driver Backs Up His Trailer!

MilkmanDan says...

I drove a semi sometimes for a couple years for my family farm. Didn't drive a whole lot, and pretty much all on back dirt roads and in lots/fields, to get some experience before possibly getting a CDL. Never ended up getting the CDL because I moved and changed jobs. I was around and learned from skilled drivers (my dad for one), so I know a little bit, but I'm certainly no expert. That being said:

Backing up a vehicle with a trailer is quite difficult because compared to a normal vehicle with no trailer, all your intuition is wrong and little mistakes get amplified quickly.

Backing up a car and want your tail end to go right? Turn the wheel right. Want the same thing to happen in a semi with a trailer? First turn the wheel left while you back up, which will push the tail end of your tractor left, causing a reaction like pressing on a lever that pushes the tail end of the trailer right. But don't overdo it, because that same lever-type action causes more movement the further you get away from the fulcrum point, so a tiny move there can result in a BIG swing.

Complicating that, you have no central rear view mirror. Side mirrors work, but distance can be obscured by the huge trailer very quickly.

Basically, backing up is one of the most daunting things about learning to drive a truck, particularly for people new to it. The "pull ups" he mentioned are the best way to overcome that. Pulling forward a short/medium distance gets the tractor and trailer back into alignment, so that straight back should result in the trailer going straight back. From that point, you can try to make small corrections. If it starts to swing a lot, pull up again and straighten out, lather rinse repeat.

The guy in the video does a good job (way better than I could do), but he seems to think he's the shit. I don't think you earn real trucking community bragging rights until you can reverse double trailers, or even triples if you want to be worshiped as a god.

Here's a video with doubles:

One of the full-timers on my family farm was quite good with doubles. Not "obstacle course" good, but I saw him reverse a slow circle around a grain bin. And he liked to tell stories about a some semi-mythical whiz guy that could reverse triples around a corner, etc.

Elon Musk's 'Dota 2' Experiment is Disrupting Esports

dannym3141 says...

Does anyone remember the early days of bots in FPS games? I'm not impressed by the bot winning because of those early FPS bots.

Walk round a corner with an old fashioned Quake 1 bot? BAM you're dead as soon as a pixel of your head appears (headshots existed in QTF); you probably won't even see the bot because of your refresh rate.

The learning is incredibly impressive, but as someone said earlier the impressive thing would be filling in as a player in a 5v5, or maybe a team of them. I'd always expect a bot to win a duel of reactions unless they are programmed to miss. The bot makes its decisions and performs them instantly, so if you make better decisions than it, they still must be better enough that you can beat that huge speed advantage.

Phil Mickelson takes golf advice from young fan

MilkmanDan says...

Found it in my history:

Had to momentarily turn off uBlock to make sure. FFS! Not only is the endcard annoying and obscuring, there was also a Thai banner ad (since I've got a Thai IP) flashing directly on top of the entire bottom third of the video, and another massive ad in the top right corner. How in the hell can the plebs that don't use ad blockers put up with this crap?! Drives me nuts.

ant said:

Where is this "bad" video? I'd like to see that version.

He-Man and Skeletor | Dirty Dancing Dance Tribute

Bryan Fischer Says It's Time Ban The Rainbow Flag

ChaosEngine says...

It's div-EYE-siv, not div-e-siv, you fucking inbred hick moron.

And plenty don't want to get rid of the confederate flag because it's divisive. It's because it represents slavery and oppression.

Look, if you feel this is "white washing history" (an argument so ironic it's almost some kind of amazing meta-criticism on itself), then just think of the confederate flag like the swastika.

Should we forget it? Hell no... it's an important part of history and we should see it in books and museums and movies.

That doesn't mean we want the fucking thing hanging on every street corner.

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