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How I Trained My Cats

Vox: Why the rise of the robots won’t mean the end of work

RFlagg says...

Pretty much everything @ChaosEngine said, and as pointed out in the Humans Need Not Apply video. There are far more factors going into this than the economists are willing to look at.

Shelf checkouts might result in slightly higher theft rates, and each person might be at the register than they would be with a properly trained cashier, but you now have one minimum wage employee watching 6 or 12 registers, rather than 6 or 12 people... that is a huge savings. That's 5 to 11 jobs lost, and at the low end, where people can least afford to lose job opportunities. It's just a matter of time until McDonald's, Wendy's and the like all add app-based ordering, or ordering at a kiosk, and that saves a couple employees there (Chick-fil-a already has that in their app, order, notify when you are there, they process the order)... and it wouldn't be too difficult to automate the McDonald's cooking line either... the burgers aren't flipped, the grill cooks both sides at the same time, drop them in place, grill down, cook, up, then put them in the stream tray, easy for a cheap bot to do. Portion control would be far easier with a bot too... there are huge incentives for them to move to automate...

The only real incentive not to automate as fully as everyone can is the fact it would cause a huge disruption to the economy if a Universal Basic Income isn't in place. I'd expect the biggest push for a UBI to eventually come from the various industries that want to automate, who'd gladly pay an automation tax to help pay the UBI in order to greatly increase their bottom lines, because we are very close to where a UBI, even based on an automation tax, is still cheaper than employing people.

Steve Jobs Foretold the Downfall of Apple!

Mordhaus says...

As a former employee under both Jobs and Cook, I can tell you exactly what is wrong with Apple.

When I started with Apple, every thing we were concerned with was innovating. What could we come up with next? Sure, there were plenty of misses, but when we hit, we hit big. It was ingrained in the culture of the company. Managers wanted creative people, people who might not have been the best worker bee, but that could come up with new concepts easily. Sometimes corporate rules were broken, but if you could show that you were actively working towards something new, then you were OK.

Fast forward to when Cook started running the show, Steve was still alive, but had taken a backseat really. Metrics became a thing. Performance became a watchword. Managers didn't want creative thought, they wanted people who would put their nose to the grindstone and only work on things that headquarters suggested. Apple was no longer worried about innovating, they were concerned with 'maintaining'.

Two examples which might help illustrate further:

1. One of the guys I was working with was constantly screwing around in any free moment with iMovie. He was annoyed at how slow it was in rendering, which at the time was done on the CPU power. Did some of his regular work suffer, yeah. But he was praised because his concepts helped to shift some of the processing to the GPU and allow real time effects. This functionality made iMovie HD 6 amazing to work with.

2. In a different section of the company, the support side, a new manager improved call times, customer service stats, customer satisfaction, and drastically cut down on escalations. However, his team was considered to be:

a. making the other teams look bad


b. abusing the use of customer satisfaction tools, like giving a free iPod shuffle (which literally costs a few dollars to make) to extremely upset customers.

Now they were allowed to do all of these things, no rules were being broken. But Cook was mostly in charge by that point and he was more concerned with every damn penny. So, soon after this team blew all the other teams away for the 3rd month in a row, the new manager was demoted and the team was broken up, to be integrated into other teams willy-nilly.

Doing smart things was no longer the 'thing'. Toeing the line was. Until that changes, nothing is going to get better for Apple. I know I personally left due to stress and health issues from the extreme pressure that Cook kept sending downstream on us worker bees. My job, which I had loved, literally destroyed my health over a year.

Vox: Why America still uses Fahrenheit

entr0py says...

For everyday use Fahrenheit seems pretty handy. 100 °F is dangerously hot, 0 °F is dangerously cold, you know you have to take extra care if it gets out of that range. And a body temperature of 100 °F is the start of having a fever.

The only number you need to remember is that water freezes at 32 °F. I doubt you'd ever need to know the boiling point of water to cook.

Plus the much smaller increments are nice. °C is good if you're a sciency type and need to convert from Kelvin, but otherwise I don't see many advantages.

Pushy CNN Reporter Can't Take A Hint

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, this went "wrong"?

From CNNs point of view, this couldn't have gone better. "Witness the human tradgedy, see the real emotion", or to put it more cynically, "come on bitches, cry on camera!"

Fuck, you see this shit on fucking COOKING SHOWS. "Why did you cook this? Is it because your INSERT DEAD RELATIVE thought you how to cook it? Come on, cry motherfucker, we have ratings to think of"

It's fucking disgusting

Vox: Why America still uses Fahrenheit

TheFreak says...

Maybe there's no logical reason to have different systems but the reasons to have only one system are kind of thin. I am perfectly capable of using more than one system and I find that I prefer different systems for different uses. I can use imperial measurements when I build a shed and metric when I do engineering calculations. When I cook, I might use cups and tablespoons to make chili but I use grams to measure ingredients when I bake bread. And if you prefer one or the other, I can adapt. Humans are good at that. ;-)

Extend the argument and it's not logical for the world to speak more than one language. Translating between languages is a whole lot more work than translating temperature scales. We should all speak Mandarin, because it's the most spoken language in the world. But my best friend's 2 year old speaks Mandarin AND English. I suspect he'll be just fine.

Anyway, long story short, I agree we should all know how to use the metric system. That doesn't mean we all need to use it for everything.

ChaosEngine said:

Nope, she proves it.

"but you can easily convert it!!"

Yeah, but it's a pointless waste of time. It took 10 secs for that conversion in the video. There are 323 million people in the US. If 1% of the population did the conversion once a month, that's still over 100,000 hours wasted every year (and in the real world, the figure is likely several orders of magnitude higher).

There is no good reason whatsoever to use imperial measurements.


worthwords says...

this must be BS? How about technical details. Does it grind the salt? can you put different salt in it (pink, sea salt etc).
As a cook this would be infuriating since you often keep adding pinches of salt until the flavour is right.
Also - monitor sodium intake. Again from a health point of view this is limited since it will only be salt that you added yourself to an individual portion. E.g if you make a family meal then your not eating all the salt that was dispensed.

Theres the media logos at the bottom of the page which shows A.V club. But if you search for it you get a hardly complimentary article

It must be one of these 'how far can we go with this' products

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Highway to [Hazmat] Hell!

SFOGuy says...

Driver was so scared he ran into the opposing lanes of traffic; trying to put concrete between him and the cooking off cylinders...If I was seeing that correctly...

LiquidDrift said:

Ha, if you see the driver running for it, probably a good idea to BACK UP!

Kale Chips - You Suck at Cooking

shagen454 says...

That looks tasty. Boiling Kale and adding it into soup is also really good. It's amazing how shite kale tastes unless you cook it somehow and then it springs it's flavor.

Why Is Salt So Bad for You, Anyway?

transmorpher says...

Chicken and cheese are two very salty foods.

Depending on the cheese it's 25-50% RDI of salt.

Chicken is often injected with saline solution to plump it up, and also as a cheap way to make it weigh more. When you cook it the water is boiled out, but the salt remains.

It's worth getting used to unsalted peanut butter too (the 100% peanuts is the one to go for). You can sweeten it to your liking later with jam or maple syrup.

If you can keep your salt intake down to 1500mg your blood pressure returns to that of a child! (you also have to eat plenty of greens to create nictric oxide which prevents things sticking to the arterial walls.)

Blood pressing increasing as you age doesn't need to happen at all.

Eat more whole foods, and less processed foods essentially, and you need never have hypertension or erectile dysfunction.

Why you should never pour grease down the drain

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

Mystic95Z says...

Yep, no marinades here too when cooking a good cut of beef. My fav is a nice grilled Porterhouse. About the only thing I marinate is beef strips i've cut up from a roast to dry for beef jerky.

RFlagg said:

I really dislike marinades. I want the steak. Pure. Simple.

I like Ribeye, but there ends up being so much thick fat cut to the side, that I feel I got ripped off, and my 12 oz steak is basically an 8 oz worth of edible meat, while the New York Strip gives more meat for the buck, and if done properly is normally good enough.

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

OverLord says...


I just buy cheap rump steak or whatever bulk from Costco, lightly season, and pack individually in heat seal bags and freeze. Chuck in overnight or first thing in morning before going to work.

Tastes fantastic, just as good as the expensive cuts. I do them at 54°C for med-rare.

Thing is, wife likes well done, so I cook them all the same and just leave hers on the skillet for longer. It fully cooks, but it stays tender and melty, so much better than just doing a well done steak in a pan.

TheFreak said:

You can also sous vide it for about 4 hours. That breaks down tough steaks. A brisket flat cooked at 141° for 72 hours is as tender as a ribeye with tons of flavor.

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

TheFreak says...

You can also sous vide it for about 4 hours. That breaks down tough steaks. A brisket flat cooked at 141° for 72 hours is as tender as a ribeye with tons of flavor.

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