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newtboy jokingly says...

Run, Jenny. Run.
You want nothing to do with a crazy jealous liar and thief, and she has no respect for your right to make your own choices or even chose your own friends.
This relationship will end with you finding your pet cooking in a pot.

Binging with Babish: Bob's Burgers

HugeJerk says...

I'm alright with medium... rare seems like you're eating part of it just like it was before cooking.

Now I need to find a local source for black garlic.

newtboy said:

Great video, but I really can't dig the bloody burgers.

Burger Flippers Beware! Robots Are Here To Take Your Jobs!

RFlagg says...

Not sure why you need a bot to flip the burger. McDonald's uses a double sided grill that comes down on top of the burgers and cooks the top at the same time. You just need a way of moving the burgers from the storage, to the grill and from the grill to the holding trays, and insure the holding trays are emptied when the food expires (compared to the usual, just rotate and hope they sell before they technically expired)... based on my time in McDonald's you could also automate the fries, as the machine already dispenses the pre-measured amount into the basket, from there it would be easy enough to move that basket right into the fryer and then out and into the tray and salt them as needed.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

But Rotorua also had all the volcanic parks. They were awesome, geysers galore!
Queenstown was the epicenter of excitement when I went in 88. We bungied there, rafted and jetboated the Shotover river, flew to a glacier (Cook?), and hiked the Milford track starting and ending there. Good times....thanks dad.

eric3579 said:

And that's Rotorua on the north island. Wait till you get to the south island. That's when the fun really begins (at least in my experience).

Why these LEDs glow at all?

visionep says...

They've hooked up a power source to the orange which is why it is cooking as it sits there and starts spilling liquid on the table.

I was waiting for the reveal and disappointed that they didn't show what it was hooked up to.

Gordon Ramsay Blindly Guides Amateur Cook to Make Crab Cakes

Esoog says...

That was great. The guy was so bad. I consider myself a pretty good cook, but I'm not even sure I could keep up with Gordon at that pace. I'd watch more of those style videos.

Pac-Man Cereal Commercials Collection

There are now More Solar Panels than people in Australia

Asmo says...

Few points...

We have no options for serious load shifting to utilise all that solar power in the evenings when it would make a difference. And power companies refuse to trust it for baseload power, so they still generate what they estimate they need for base load,and pay for rapid generation to handle spikes. Most electricity generated from home solar in Aus is wasted.

Without battery backups, the best production of the day goes to the energy company for 8 cents, and we buy back power from them (generated by coal of course) at night for 36 cents. Our energy companies aren't going to pay a premium for power they really don't give a crap about.

Most panels in Aus face north/east, to generate the largest amount of energy. When most people aren't home to use it. Instead, panels should face north/west to generate the most power in the afternoon when we come home from work/fire up air conditioners/start cooking etc. And even then, the power than is generated is but a fraction of what is consumed during peak periods due to the setting sun.

Annnnd most people in Australia do not even check their systems to see if they're still doing anything... It's estimated 14% of all home solar systems are currently non-functional due to faulty panels, inverter or both.

Until the point in time comes when energy companies can create a way to load shift solar production to ensure continuity of power, or household power storage units pricing comes down enough to be viable, non industrial solar in Australia is mostly feel good propaganda.

And while a number of coal plants have closed recently, it's not due to lack of demand as solar take up reduces requirement for coal fired power... It's because the plants are not viable any more to run and owners do not want to run at a loss. Each one that closes represents a significant portion of our overall generation being lost, with no core plan for continuity (wind and solar are not being considered as a core strategy currently).

I'm all for saving the planet, but the science/facts on solar outweigh the feel goods. Perhaps instead of patting ourselves on the back, we should be thinking about a better plan.

Where you going with that chicken leg, girl?

Jason Bourne Cooks Thanksgiving

Irish People Taste Test Thanksgiving Food

ChaosEngine says...

Hipster millennials might have to put up with that shit, but I never had anything but amazing turkey in my youth.

To this day, my Xmas in july (Southern Hemisphere winter) dinners are the stuff of legend.

If you dare impugn my countrymans amazing turkey, you will have to come to NZ and I will cook a fantastic meal for you! That'll learn ya...

Engels said:

I can't believe the dry obviously commercial breastmeat slabs they gave them. Yerk. Turkey must really suck in Ireland to have that sad excuse of a lunchmeat be praised.

Irish People Taste Test Thanksgiving Food

poolcleaner jokingly says...

Cornbread stuffing is what my family has traditionally eaten in California. Oh wait, we're from Florida and South Carolina originally -- Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh. *lightbulb* Black people food is actually just southern cooking!!!!!!!!!!

(Oh hey, I actually used the sarcasm thingy. I'm never doing that again. Makes it too transparent that I'm just fucking with people.)

littledragon_79 said:

WTF...pecan pie? And cornbread stuffing? Southern states Thanksgiving I guess.

MasterChe...I mean WalmartChef

The Moistmaker Thanksgiving Sandwich

How To Cook With Cast Iron

newtboy says...

Ok...I have a hard time taking cooking tips from someone that leaves the tops on their carrots.

I know I do it wrong, but I scrub mine down with steel wool before cooking, to bare metal, then heat it with oil. Stuff doesn't stick, and my iron levels are nice and high.

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