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Flee from the scene? NOT ON MY WATCH!!

bamdrew says...

Oh, its in Phoenix. Its too damn hot to try hard there, especially in an all black outfit... makes perfect sense to throw suspected miscreants against cement walls to stop them from sweatily sauntering away.

Really she's lucky she wasn't drive-by tased from an air-conditioned squad car. Too hot for Lady Justice in Phoenix.

CN worker captures double track washout on video

messenger says...

Well, to my Fermi eye, that hanging section of rail and ties weighs several orders of magnitude more than I do, especially the right one which looks like it has poured cement ties rather than wood, so I'm not worried about that. Also, I'd have put most of my weight on the rails, which is where the strength obviously is.>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
Not a smart move,I think, the railroad ties (the crossbeams/sleepers) are not built for hanging from the rail, but rather as resting blocks, and to keep the rails from pulling apart. They propably have some vertical hold, but I wouldn't bet on it, infact, you can see one of those closest to his side has already fallen off by the end of the video.

Jackie Chan smashes blocks with an egg in his hand

residue says...

wtf is he breaking? I'm not so sure that's cement based, it must be some sort of baked clay, but regardless it looks pretty weak. Watch other clay cement breaks and you'll see that the hand generally has to travel through all the layers.. He pulls back after the first brick on all three breaks. Watch the third one, it's really obvious there. Still awesome, I just wonder what he's breaking

Jackie Chan smashes blocks with an egg in his hand

Atheist Experience ep. 702 - Ray Comfort Interview!

westy says...

TLDNR : Science is not agnostic about specific claims in varoise religouse txts and thats why atheists use science and facts derived from scientific method to dispute religion.

Sceince cannot anser if there is a "god" or not in the brad sense of the word but it has certainly disproven Literal interpretations Christainty ,and many other main stream religions , science and the facts derived from science have also helped us understand that morality certainly does not come from a book claming to be the word of god.

The reasons atheists keep going over the same thing is because Manny people are rleigouse in a way that has a negative impact on other peoples lives , such as helping governments pass legislation to ban gay maradge , or banning stem cell research.

Christains and religoise people in general are very active at spreding what they belive ( chirches in big cities iconography and centries old culture left over from old times) active athiests and sceptics are doing a service to socity helping exsplain scienctific methadoligy and proven things about the world.

You may not convert a christain in a conversation but talking to people who are religouse will help you develop critical thinking skills identify falicies and evan help people listneing understand things better.

>> ^VoodooV:

I'm about half way through this video and I'm so fed up already because they're just trying to quibble over minutia as if that would convince anyone.
Again this is another tiresome example of people trying to use facts and logic against someone who rejects facts and logic.
This whole thing (so far) can be summed up by the same statement Dillihunty has used over and over again: "I can't think of any other better explanation, therefore, God did it"
What I hate about atheists is that they've fallen into a trap laid by theists. Science and the Scientific method is AGNOSTIC to god and religion. It doesn't care. Let's be real here, there COULD be a creator, this supposed god could just be so beyond us and beyond our comprehension that set life, the universe and everything up and we are just too ignorant to detect it yet.
But, again, that's not what science is. Science is just making observations and recording them. I did X and Y happened. I did R and S happened and so on and so on. Over time, you make enough observations and you eventually learn something about the world around you. You make more observations and eventually you learn enough to make things like cars and computers and rockets and telescopes. A long time ago, theists said they knew something like lightning was a creation of god and indicated whether or not god was angry with you. If you make enough observations, you know that lightning is independent of whether or not you've been a good person or not. Ever since that day. Theists have been afraid of science and have viewed science as the opposition.
Science is not the opposition of the idea of a god. Theists have set science up as the enemy and Atheists fall for it and unwittingly play that role. The public perception is Atheists and Theists are fighting for dominance, but that's not true...or at least it shouldn't be. Right or wrong, the public perception is that Atheism is anti-god and "debates" like this just cement that mentality. Theists make the argument all the time that all morality flows from god and if you're an atheist then that means you're anti-morality. No one is attacking that argument and they should be.
Science is just saying, "I don't know, but I've made the observation that if I do X, then Y happens, and so far, when I have my friend over there also do X, Y happens for him too. Science is AGNOSTIC to god.
It's like Dillihunty said, He supports freedom of religion. It's only an issue when people of religion use religion as the reason they want to dictate what happens to other people...people who probably don't share that faith. The obvious question then gets raised: "Why should that religious view take precedence over another religious view, or a view that comes from no religion."
I'm sorry, but quibbling over bacteria and evolution accomplishes nothing as a means to prove god exists or doesn't exist. Besides, god isn't the problem. It's the people that use god as an excuse that are the problem.

Atheist Experience ep. 702 - Ray Comfort Interview!

VoodooV says...

I'm about half way through this video and I'm so fed up already because they're just trying to quibble over minutia as if that would convince anyone.

Again this is another tiresome example of people trying to use facts and logic against someone who rejects facts and logic.

This whole thing (so far) can be summed up by the same statement Dillihunty has used over and over again: "I can't think of any other better explanation, therefore, God did it"

What I hate about atheists is that they've fallen into a trap laid by theists. Science and the Scientific method is AGNOSTIC to god and religion. It doesn't care. Let's be real here, there COULD be a creator, this supposed god could just be so beyond us and beyond our comprehension that set life, the universe and everything up and we are just too ignorant to detect it yet.

But, again, that's not what science is. Science is just making observations and recording them. I did X and Y happened. I did R and S happened and so on and so on. Over time, you make enough observations and you eventually learn something about the world around you. You make more observations and eventually you learn enough to make things like cars and computers and rockets and telescopes. A long time ago, theists said they knew something like lightning was a creation of god and indicated whether or not god was angry with you. If you make enough observations, you know that lightning is independent of whether or not you've been a good person or not. Ever since that day. Theists have been afraid of science and have viewed science as the opposition.

Science is not the opposition of the idea of a god. Theists have set science up as the enemy and Atheists fall for it and unwittingly play that role. The public perception is Atheists and Theists are fighting for dominance, but that's not true...or at least it shouldn't be. Right or wrong, the public perception is that Atheism is anti-god and "debates" like this just cement that mentality. Theists make the argument all the time that all morality flows from god and if you're an atheist then that means you're anti-morality. No one is attacking that argument and they should be.

Science is just saying, "I don't know, but I've made the observation that if I do X, then Y happens, and so far, when I have my friend over there also do X, Y happens for him too. Science is AGNOSTIC to god.

It's like Dillihunty said, He supports freedom of religion. It's only an issue when people of religion use religion as the reason they want to dictate what happens to other people...people who probably don't share that faith. The obvious question then gets raised: "Why should that religious view take precedence over another religious view, or a view that comes from no religion."

I'm sorry, but quibbling over bacteria and evolution accomplishes nothing as a means to prove god exists or doesn't exist. Besides, god isn't the problem. It's the people that use god as an excuse that are the problem.

Vader Plays a Ditty For You on the Pianer!

Giant Ant Hill Excavated

From Ants! Nature's Secret Power:Digging up a plastered nest

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

The shell for my parents water fountain is finally done, as of eight minutes ago. Now to figure out how to get Grout/cement mix to stick to my glue impregnated T-shirt fabric.

Easy parts done, now for the hard thinker part.

9 Reasons Why Youre a Christian

shinyblurry says...

Ignorance comes in all shapes and sizes, mostly the ironic kind. Isn't there something inherently stupid about telling someone they're wrong about their beliefs because "no one knows"? Well then, how would you know dummy? The whole thing is actually more dogmatic than any religious belief I've heard of yet. We're all one? So, if we're all one, then why is your belief valid and mine isn't? Are some of us just more special than others? Wait, you said we weren't special, so it can't be that. Maybe you're just a prophet from the vast and endless void of unbelief. Preach on, brotherman. It's a sick kind of irony to do the very same thing you're accusing someone else of doing, especially whilst doing said accusing.

I find this video disturbing, not just for its blatant idiocy, but for the fact that it just further cements this mainstreaming of militant antitheism. How is it that atheists seem to believe they can just go around and treat someone like garbage and talk down to them like children because they think they're right about something..why is this socially acceptable? I'm sorry, but just as atheists like to say that Christians don't have the license on what is good and moral, atheists don't have licence on logic and reason, as this video clearly proves.

I'm a Christian and I didn't come to be one because I was brainwashed. I didn't grow up with religion, nor was I interested in it. I saw it as counterproductive at best. I wasn't sure if Jesus even existed, and if He did, that He was surely a man and nothing more. I would even entertain myself by going into Christian chatrooms to argue with them against the existence of their particular God. Being agnostic, I didn't rule out that the Universe could have been created, and I knew that humanity, not even having left the solar system, could not possibly have enough information about what is going on to know either way. However, due to my pitiful understanding of the bible and Christianity in general, I believed they were all brainwashed too.

What changed my mind? Direct revelation. God proved to me, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that He existed. Yet, even then I did not become a Christian. I simply had faith in a Creator, and I believed that all religions and paths (eventually) led to Him. It was not until some 5 years later that I was born again. The reason I became a Christian and not a muslim or what have you is simple. God showed me who He is, and what His nature is like. I knew before I became a Christian, because of what God had taught me, that God is a triune being. Three persons, One God. I knew this about His nature before I ever correlated it to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God showed me that He is indeed the God of the Christian bible, and when I finally read it, everything I knew about Gods true nature was contained within those pages.

So, as you can see, not every Christian fits into these convenient little molds atheists like to trot out. I am a highly rational and logical person , who has reasoned these things out to a much deeper level than any of you would be willing to give me credit for, mostly because of this derogetory label you have in your mind, of an unthinking unsentient idiot who believes in pretty lies and convenient truths. It is a common prejudice and one Christians do not deserve. I don't particularly like the way that Christianity is practiced in this country either but is it some big revelation that human beings do stupid, ignorant and hypocritical things? Do you think atheism has cornered the market on rational behavior? Find me a stupid Christian, ill find you a stupid atheist. Quid pro quo. It's videos like these that divide us, and stifle rational discourse, not encourage it. Nothing born of intolerance will lead to understanding.

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

The Art of Throwing Cement

Porksandwich says...

Interesting and all, but that's back breaking stuff right there. I can't imagine how this was decided upon to be the best way to do the work. I mean a cheaper and much more effective way is two or three buckets, scoop it right out of the wheelbarrow after the cement is mixed, hand it up to the guy, hand down empty bucket, repeat.

Im thinking this is the art of looking like your doing your best, but keep the job moving along slowly. One bucket would be 4-5 shovel fulls in that shovel the guy would have to mix more often and the guys up top would have to lift more and set more bricks/blocks or whatever they are doing before they have to get another bucket full.

bstensland (Member Profile)

Criminal Arrest Warrant Issued For Dick Cheney in Nigeria

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