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Son of a Bitch Lawnmower

KnivesOut says...

*pushes lawn-mower into tall grass*
*lawn-mower conks out*
*restarts lawn-mower*
*pushes lawn-mower into tall grass*
*lawn-mower conks out*
*restarts lawn-mower*
*pushes lawn-mower into tall grass*
*lawn-mower conks out*
*restarts lawn-mower*

I think this is the definition of insanity.

That, or he's such a passive-aggressive dick, that instead of telling his ex-wife/mother/mother-in-law/girlfriend that he doesn't want to mow her fucking lawn, he's doing it, but making a fantastic DEAL out of it. I'm surprised he doesn't just mow over a giant piece of cement to break the blade, and then complain about THAT.>> ^blankfist:

This isn't a young dude. Why the hell hasn't he learned to lower the front of the lawnmower slowly on tall grass by now?

Steve Jobs Presents the Building of the Future

legacy0100 says...

Air pollution is bad, but that was rather dickish of them to imply and laugh about the kaiser cement factory should get kicked out of town. It's a legit business, and I'm sure they've done their share making money for the city before Apple Inc. came to be. Now that they've got this awesome building plan and success of Apple Inc., they're all giggling and laughing about kicking people they don't like out of their own land. Snooty fucks...

City could give outdated companies incentive to make clear air by funding experimental programs to filter the air within the factory or give tax cuts to replace old machines with new models that is more environment friendly.

Obama knew of Rep. strategy on debt ceiling 9 months ago

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Why are the socialists pretending they've "lost" because there were no tax hikes?
The "spending cuts" barely amount to a paper cut.
As Rand Paul said:
“The President called for a “balanced approach.” But the American people are calling for a balanced budget. This deal does nothing to fix the overreaches of both parties over the past few years: Obamacare, TARP, trillion-dollar wars, runaway entitlement spending. They are all cemented into place with this deal, and their legacy will be trillions of dollars in new debt."
Every time The Kenyanesque Hawaiian was declared a naked emperor and enemy of free market capitalism, the left balked. Meanwhile Jugears and Co. have been overclocking the economic engine for three years with non-stop spending. This clown never wanted jobs growth, he wanted 'brakes' on the economy and America in general, they are his idealogical enemies.
taxocrats = traitors
RINOs = traitors

It's amazing to me that you blame Obama yet have no harsh words for say Reagan or Bush. He's essentially the same as the fuck is he different? You're just an idiot man...give it up!

Obama knew of Rep. strategy on debt ceiling 9 months ago

direpickle says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Why are the socialists pretending they've "lost" because there were no tax hikes?
The "spending cuts" barely amount to a paper cut.
As Rand Paul said:
“The President called for a “balanced approach.” But the American people are calling for a balanced budget. This deal does nothing to fix the overreaches of both parties over the past few years: Obamacare, TARP, trillion-dollar wars, runaway entitlement spending. They are all cemented into place with this deal, and their legacy will be trillions of dollars in new debt."
Every time The Kenyanesque Hawaiian was declared a naked emperor and enemy of free market capitalism, the left balked. Meanwhile Jugears and Co. have been overclocking the economic engine for three years with non-stop spending. This clown never wanted jobs growth, he wanted 'brakes' on the economy and America in general, they are his idealogical enemies.
taxocrats = traitors
RINOs = traitors

No True Scotsman

Obama knew of Rep. strategy on debt ceiling 9 months ago

quantumushroom says...

Why are the socialists pretending they've "lost" because there were no tax hikes?

The "spending cuts" barely amount to a paper cut.

As Rand Paul said:

“The President called for a “balanced approach.” But the American people are calling for a balanced budget. This deal does nothing to fix the overreaches of both parties over the past few years: Obamacare, TARP, trillion-dollar wars, runaway entitlement spending. They are all cemented into place with this deal, and their legacy will be trillions of dollars in new debt."

Every time The Kenyanesque Hawaiian was declared a naked emperor and enemy of free market capitalism, the left balked. Meanwhile Jugears and Co. have been overclocking the economic engine for three years with non-stop spending. This clown never wanted jobs growth, he wanted 'brakes' on the economy and America in general, they are his idealogical enemies.

taxocrats = traitors
RINOs = traitors

Most Dangerous Freeway Interchange Ever

Arkaium says...

I speak farsi. I shall translate what he says, roughly:

"This sign that you see here marks the exit to the Imamzadeh Hashem Shrine, which you can see is presently covered up. Precisely by this sign, in front of this exit, there's a warning sign which reads 'Risk of Death.' This exit is the freeway interchange between Qazvin and Rasht (two cities).

"Now allow us to show you the continuation of this exit so you can see why exactly they've posted a 'Risk of Death' warning. If you look along this path you can see, for example that car there, it enters and turns, and turns and then enters along this overpass we're standing upon. It continues on, and of course with these signs here it must follow this path, bending right, it continues, and then goes straight, straight, and then it goes down, and, it would appear, goes basically right along side oncoming traffic.

"Now, perhaps I've made a mistake in trying to figure this out, let's take a look at the reverse path. If the oncoming cars enter this interchange here, disregarding all the signs which must be wrong because they're pointing the opposite way, they come along, they go down, they pass right by that 'Risk of Death' sign, and then are again right along side the reverse oncoming traffic. I can't make heads or tails of it. I don't understand this whole setup, how this turns this way, this turns that way... Just, thank God I didn't study engineering because then of course people's lives would have been at risk (I detect sarcasm).

"Well you can see these cars here, and how much trouble they get into ahead. they're all stuck behind each other, thinking they'll easily get on the freeway and continue on their way to Rasht. But of course, they come across a 'Risk of Death' sign, and then have to merge, multiple cars, signalling to get on.


Interview of Iranian driver:

"Hello, sir. Where are you going?"

"I have no idea. I'm trying to make a u-turn."

"Do you realize what happens if you go this way?"


"If you continue this path here, you'll go straight and keep going and then return coming in the opposing direction of traffic coming from Qazvin headed for Rasht. You'll get crushed! And if you go back this way, you'll come off the interchange going directly opposed to traffic coming from Rasht headed for Qazvin. How did you get on this interchange?"

"They made this thing, how is it supposed to work?"

"I don't know how it's supposed to work, how do you think it was supposed to work?"

"I have no idea. <Unintelligible>"

"What do you have to say to the engineer of this overpass, regarding all this metal and cement and labor and resources that were used on this, what do you want to ask them?"

"Why did they make this overpass? what were they thinking?"



"And now, our question of the engineers is this: at the time they were building this overpass, with thought to how much this cost to make in money and resources, why/how this overpass ended up like this? While they were building this thing, didn't any engineer, any construction worker, anyone who was working on it oversee this and ask 'what's the deal with this thing? where does the entrance go? where does the exit?' Really, that's what we ask our viewers. How?"

First World Problems

First World Problems

offsetSammy says...

Meh, he's simply making a charitable donation to our tireless sewage workers!

>> ^GDGD:

Title 18 United States Code, Section 333
Mutilation of national bank obligations
Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites
or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft,
note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking
association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System,
with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence
of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

First World Problems

RedSky says...

I can also tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.>> ^westy:

>> ^GDGD:
Title 18 United States Code, Section 333
Mutilation of national bank obligations
Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites
or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft,
note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking
association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System,
with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence
of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

Its ok I can tell by the pixels that it was a compute generated bank note.

First World Problems

westy says...

>> ^GDGD:

Title 18 United States Code, Section 333
Mutilation of national bank obligations
Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites
or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft,
note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking
association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System,
with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence
of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

Its ok I can tell by the pixels that it was a compute generated bank note.

First World Problems

GDGD says...

Title 18 United States Code, Section 333

Mutilation of national bank obligations

Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites
or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft,
note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking
association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System,
with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence
of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

shinyblurry says...

You do know atheism is a world view, don't you? Hitchens couldn't provide any reasons for his view..yes he definitely hates the judeo-christian god, that's clear..but this is a philosophical argument..and Hitchens failed on every point to provide any compelling reasons for his views. I've always been of the mind that two reasonable people can come to a reasonable agreement based on the facts. And I think William Craig was reasonable here..he gave hitchens every opportunity to refute his arguments, which he failed to do.

>> ^Mazex:
I hate this whole, WHICH ARE YOU, WE NEED TO GIVE YOU A LABEL so we can further compartmentalize society for our untrained brains to understand.
Also I find nearly all differences in opinions have a certain aspect of each person having a different way of defining and understanding words, and each person having a different set of beliefs about different labels that they place on people.
So ultimately neither side will give in unless they redefine what information they use in their minds. And that requires either brainwashing at a young age before the brain's structure is further cemented, or a very clear piece of logical evidence to prove a point to someone intelligent or someone who is in a state of weakness in their mind who is likely to grasp onto anything that gives them hope.
Religion obviously has no evidence so the people already brainwashed by religion know they have to brainwash kids, or prey on weak minded adults who are in trouble, such as people who face death/pain/other extreme difficulties etc.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

Mazex says...

I hate this whole, WHICH ARE YOU, WE NEED TO GIVE YOU A LABEL so we can further compartmentalize society for our untrained brains to understand.

Also I find nearly all differences in opinions have a certain aspect of each person having a different way of defining and understanding words, and each person having a different set of beliefs about different labels that they place on people.

So ultimately neither side will give in unless they redefine what information they use in their minds. And that requires either brainwashing at a young age before the brain's structure is further cemented, or a very clear piece of logical evidence to prove a point to someone intelligent or someone who is in a state of weakness in their mind who is likely to grasp onto anything that gives them hope.

Religion obviously has no evidence so the people already brainwashed by religion know they have to brainwash kids, or prey on weak minded adults who are in trouble, such as people who face death/pain/other extreme difficulties etc.

Dead Squirrel, Little Girl and a Video Camera

Dead Squirrel, Little Girl and a Video Camera

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