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Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

vil says...

A superpower hardly needs to be perfect, it just needs to be good at being a superpower - science level, industry production, human resources, military, ie the stuff that China is catching up fast with or is gone already.

Quality of life, human rights and democratic institutions are nice but not vital to superpower status. They are vital for sucess lasting more than two generations though so there is hope in that.

newtboy said:

I'm not claiming perfection, far from it, but our overall potential outweighs any other nation's (at least it used to).

Seven Things You Should Know About Donald Trump and Iran

BSR says...

Trump naturally wants to be loved but he can't let that happen. In his heart everyone wants him for his money. He believes he can buy love and that's exactly the kind of love that keeps him unsatisfied without a clue as to why. Catch 22. Trapped behind his own wall. This is the reason why he needs so much attention. But, it never fills that void.

A Banksy triggers empathy in passers-by towards homeless man

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

bcglorf says...

your contention that ONLY personal profit drives invention or innovation.

I'm afraid I've never argued that, I can lead by agreeing whole heartedly that such a contention is false.

I merely pointed out that in a video about how 'capitalism didn't create the iphone', the authors own examples of innovations that lead to the iphone are all 100% from within an economy based on capitalism. My very first post stated clearly that it's not a purely capitalist system, but that it is noteworthy that not a one of the examples chosen by the author making his point came from a socialist country.

Can you offer a comparative American/Russian timeline of computer innovations
Well, I could actually. If you want to deny the fact that Russia basically halted their computer R&D multiple times in the 70s, 80s and 90s in place of just stealing American advances because they were so far behind I can cite examples for you...

And for some unknown to you reason China is beating the ever loving pants off America lately.
1. Factually, no they are not. The fastest network gear, CPU and GPU tech are all base on American research and innovation. America is still hands down leading the field in all categories but manufacturing cost, but that isn't for reasons of technological advancement but instead a 'different approach' to environmental and labour regulations.
2. Within the 5G space you alluded to earlier, there is an additional answer. Their 5G isn't 'better' but rather 'cheaper' for reasons stated in 1. The existence of their 'own' 5G tech though isnt' because Huawei's own R&D was caught up so fast through their own innovation. Instead if you look into the history of network companies, Canadian giant Nortel was giving Cisco a solid run for it's money for a time, until they utterly collapsed because of massive corporate espionage stealing almost all of their tech and under cutting them on price. China's just using the same playbook as Russia to catch up.

Russia beat America into space

Well, if you want to go down that road the conclusion is that fascism is the key to technological advancement, as America and Russia were largely just pitting the scientists they each captured from the Nazis against one another.

Once again though, my point has never been that only capitalism can result in innovation. Instead, I made the vastly more modest proposal that personal profit from inventions is beneficial to innovation. I further observed that the video author's own examples support that observation, and in that contradict his own conclusion.

newtboy said:

Really? Can you offer a comparative American/Russian timeline of computer innovations, or are you just assuming? Be sure to focus on pre '68 era, before American socialism was applied in large part (public funding/monopoly busting).

And for some unknown to you reason China is beating the ever loving pants off America what's your point? Certainly not that Capitalism always beats socialism, I hope you aren't that deluded. Both have strengths and weaknesses, both ebb and flow. Neither are the sole determining factor for inventiveness, neither has a monopoly on invention.

Russia beat America into space even with their near poverty level economy at the time, and despite the fact that their scientists definitely didn't personally profit from their myriad of inventions required to make it happen.
I'm not arguing which is better, that's like arguing over which color is better....better in what way? I'm arguing against your contention that ONLY personal profit drives invention or innovation. That's clearly a mistaken assumption.

3 Perplexing Physics Problems

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

cloudballoon says...

newtboy's on point again, thanks.

Using bcglorf's logic, it is TAXATION that invented the internet. Name me a country (capitalist/communist/socialist or otherwise) that doesn't tax its people, bcglorf. Makes no sense to me. The video's intent is about defining the "who" invented the (early) internet, it's about credit where it's due, not blindly attributing everything to the almighty "capitalism". The video is saying IS IT NOT IT (capitalism).

I wouldn't say the inventors didn't take advantage of its research, it's just that for them it's not (only) about profit. The military benefits with precision-guided missiles, drones & satellites, universities got their connected & online classrooms.

China is ALREADY doing R&D on 6G ( "capitalism" better catch up, bcglorf!

What MUST be said though, is that the world really should thank the USA to open the tech & infrastructure up to the public (including the world) to make the world a more connected place (even with its many social warts and all).

newtboy said:

So, take a short cherry picked list of American inventions created largely with public funding, then claim only American capitalism could have produced them? Uhhhhh......

The inventors of the internet were NOT able to profit directly from their own ideas, they were military and publicly funded schools working in conjunction to create a publicly owned private data sharing network. Later, when this publicly funded network was opened to the public, private companies used it for private profit, and (often) slowed progress and stymied advancements in the process.
It's simply wrong to claim government funded advancements are due to capitalism simply because the taxes came from a capitalist country. Wow.

What about 5G...China is ahead of any capitalist country on that, and many other computing advancements. Those technicians don't see a scintilla of profit from their inventions, ideas, and often businesses (granted, some are allowed to make billions, but only a certain few that are government affiliated oligarchs, and it can be stripped from them the instant they don't tow the party line).

Boondocks predicted the chicken sandwich wars

newtboy says...

Sure, the world has had fire since it's been a planet, but if I told you in 1979 that in the next 5 years both the world's funniest comedian and most popular pop star would survive catching themselves on fire, that's still a miraculously accurate prediction.

Chicken restaurant chain releases new chicken sandwich, runs out, and causes multiple riots was hardly foreseeable, least not the first time. I kind of expected it for the reboot, granted.

Sagemind said:

I don't think it was "predicted"
The world's been burning since the world's been turning!"
"Same as it ever was!"

GUNSHIP - Dark All Day (feat. Tim Cappello and Indiana)

Two Players struck by lightning

lucky760 says...

I find this hard to believe.

I've seen a lot of videos of people catching on video a close-up lightning strike (like in their backyard) and there's always an enormous, deafening explosion sound when the lightning hits, and you also see it.

In this video there's just a flash in the sky and the two blokes seemingly just lay down with a bellyache.

BSR (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Seems like something you might catch me sifting The Monkees tv show was my absolute jam as a kid.
I do however love the German version they use in the JoJo trailer. The David Bowie "Heroes" song also seems amazing in German.

BSR said:

The knife in the leg.. LOL LOL

Here's the original English song by the Monkees if you are curious.

Super Creative BMX Tricks

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

Catch everyone who doesn't have a gas can and lighter in their hands. Anyone dumb enough to unambiguously look like an arsonist in a burning building gets a Darwin award posthumously.

Then why ignore the one asking for help to give to one who just looks like they need help? That's not trust, it's judgement. Maybe they're just dirty, not homeless or needy.

Edit: My point is most people don't help homeless or needy people because they think there's a good chance they're going to use the money for something they don't support or that they're not really needy (some panhandlers in SF have reportedly pulled six figure incomes, I knew of one at Stanford that drove to work panhandling in a nice Mercedes.) If you can take the time to buy them a meal of their choosing or what they need in a store, you have control and helped more...on top of treating them like a human being, not a problem or eyesore. Those wanting cash, not help, will refuse.
Yes, I understand it's asking more of people.

BSR said:

What would you do if it was a bolt of lightning that was the cause?

We Didn’t Start the Fire -Billy Joel

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

It's not about throwing money at a problem. It's about giving someone trust, inspiration and recognition.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

1) I'm not opposed to suicide. If life makes you unhappy, I don't insist you suffer through it. People who judge themselves unworthy of life fall into that category.

2) I've been at it for 45 years+-. It has nothing to do with strength, it's about a compulsion to work towards fairness, knowing it won't ever be reached, at least in my lifetime. I'm strong enough to never condone or excuse clear racism as long as I draw breath.

3) ? You would catch the arsonists before the home owner and their children and not lay blame at their feet. I would let the arsonist burn, locking them inside the house they ignited after saving the family. He's the one with the gas can and lighter if you can't identify who is who.
Calling out wholly inappropriate behavior/speech is never a waste of time. Gaining the trust of racists at the expense of their victims and society as a whole is worse than a waste of time, it's supporting racism.

4) My point. Let them get it, while not allowing your gift to be stolen or misused for harm or other things they get judged harshly for. No judgement, no opportunity for misuse, not just throwing money at a problem, helping a person.

BSR said:

1) Everyone makes mistakes. When the error of their ways is exposed they may change or they may put a gun to their head. Only they can judge themselves.

2) Keep denouncing as long as you can. You will need to know how strong you were.

3) Nipping it in the bud every single time will be a waste of time. When the house is on fire and people are jumping, you need to be there to catch them just as they will be there to catch you.

4) No need to judge. Give as little or as much as you like without terms or conditions. They know better than you what they need.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

1) Everyone makes mistakes. When the error of their ways is exposed they may change or they may put a gun to their head. Only they can judge themselves.

2) Keep denouncing as long as you can. You will need to know how strong you were.

3) Nipping it in the bud every single time will be a waste of time. When the house is on fire and people are jumping, you need to be there to catch them just as they will be there to catch you.

4) No need to judge. Give as little or as much as you like without terms or conditions. They know better than you what they need.

newtboy said:

Speaking up does not do nothing.

1) Sometimes reasonable people make mistakes, and when shown the error of their ways, they change.

2) This is not the case here. Here, a race baiting video is posted by someone with a clear history of racist posts, thoughts, language, and who gives other racists his full support. That must be denounced strongly or others who are like minded or just ignorant might feel emboldened to repeat the Bob did, repeating the racist comments from YouTube, thinking the sarcasm button shields him from repercussions.

3) What does nothing is remaining silent or worse, defending the thinly veiled racism. Both of those actions, like ignoring measles or kudzu, allows it to spread and gain traction elsewhere until it's intractable. Nip it in the bud every single time is the only method that helps.

4) Btw, imo it's a better plan to find that homeless person and buy them a meal, or socks. Take them in a store (or restaurant if they're presentable enough to not bother other patrons), let them buy what they want or need, and pay for it. Yes, you have to interact with them longer and not just drop a bill to feel good about yourself, but the results are much better, and your gift won't be stolen by others or used for drugs. Those just looking for drug money will usually refuse the offer in my experience.

Mexico's Magical Fireflies

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