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Paying your fine with 8,800 pennies

lucky760 says...

It may not be a direct violation of the law, but as that Snopes article explains, "[businesses] should specify their payment policies before entering into transactions with buyers" because "you can go to court and have your debt discharged on the grounds that valid payment was offered and refused."

Oh and this is 10 minutes *long. Also, one of the related videos below begs the question, is this a dupe of: ?

Gwiz Wrestles His Diamond Away from Brock Samson (Talks Talk Post)

Ron Paul on economy: Welfare hurts the poor via inflation.

GeeSussFreeK says...

It also hurts the poor because when people's skills fall below the market rate of minimum wage. So if you have someone who has skills that merit him a 3 dollar wage, you can't hire him at that rate, have to give him 5.25 or whatever it is now. Charity isn't bad, but most smaller business's can't afford to engage in charity for such a lowly position (that difference is about $4200 a year per person employed at that rate vs the min wage rate). The result is that he becomes perpetually unemployable until his skill set increases, which isn't likely given he can't find a job to gain more skills and experience in the market place.

My church has stated up something to counter this by helping the poor and disfranchised find proper employment instead of messing around with mandatory prices of labor. Remember, prices are the method that capitalism sends out messages to buyers and sellers at to what to buy and sell, how much to pay for commodities and capital goods. When you mess with the pay rate, you muddle the messages and start to grind away at the teeth of the price engine.

Perhaps you can help others in your area with a similar idea.

Rotty (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

No thank you. Google it yourself! Have a good one!!!

In reply to this comment by Rotty:
Perhaps someone needs a history lesson on the Kennedys:
- bootleggers
- election buyers (jfk election)
- the Massachusetts Bar was just one of many bars this guy was a member of
- negligent homicides (Mary Jo Kopechne)
- inter-family adulterers...What *did* happen to Marylin Monroe, anyway...she just "up and killer herself"?

Go "GOOGLE" it and then double promote that.

The Day in 100 Seconds: Remembering Ted Kennedy

Rotty says...

Perhaps someone needs a history lesson on the Kennedys:
- bootleggers
- election buyers (jfk election)
- the Massachusetts Bar was just one of many bars this guy was a member of
- negligent homicides (Mary Jo Kopechne)
- inter-family adulterers...What *did* happen to Marylin Monroe, anyway...she just "up and killer herself"?

Go "GOOGLE" it and then double promote that.

Muse - New Born (Full Length)

TheFreak says...

Clear Channel destroyed the radio market in my area by buying up the competing radio stations and selling them off to buyers to change the format. As a result, I don't get to hear this music on the radio.

Thank you deregulation, your stimulation of capitalism has been really great.

Buy Truck, get AK-47

Nithern says...

If you need to defend yourself with an AK-47, because God wont do it, you must have a pretty flimsy impression of what God can and cant do. He's down in Missouri, which is #8 for the most obese state. Can people who weigh 800 lbs properly fire an AK-47?

For EDD, the AK-47 can be semi-automatic or full automatic. I believe its only one item in the gun that seperates the two distict firing modes. An automactic rifle is outlaw'ed in the USA except those grand-fathered in, or under special permit(s).

But this guy is an idiot. So those Mexican drug trafficers can go to him, buy a truck to help transport their meth from Mexico to his backyard of Missouri, and get a free gun to kill Mexican police (since they pose as legit buyers at gun shows all the time for the past decade). And he complains about the grow of drugs in his area. Wonder how long it will take this guy to put 2 & 2 together.

Finally, the US is not a Christian nation. Last I checked, we have something called the 1st Amendement. The Revolutionary War was fought (among other things), to have religious freedom from the King of England. We just didnt like the King's version of Christianity at the time.

The Pirate Bay acquired by Global Gaming Factory X (Wtf Talk Post)

EDD says...

^Not too many prospective buyers, I guess. After all, piracy is not a highly-respectable industry - unlike porn ( sold for 12mil in beginning of 2000s, I think).

Lowes Truck Driver Busted With Hooker

enoch says...

I don't know what you're saying enoch .. prostitutes are like the witches of Salem? Are you comparing innocent women burned at the stake to a fat slut who fucked some guy for 20 bucks in the back of a truck?

the comparison is the fraudulent condemnation based on little or no FACTS.
which according to your argument it is the PROSTITUTES who are victims,(thats rich btw),and it is evil penis that is to blame here.
ok BT..lets try this analogy:
a man is outside my house selling crack.
he is there everyday when my kids are coming home from school.
do i: down the buyers with video cameras?
b.start videotaping the crack-dealer?

now if i use your logic,(which boggles me btw)the crack dealer is the victim,maybe a bad childhood,maybe he himself is addicted to crack,maybe he craves the company of strangers buying illicit drugs.
no matter....why?
because it is irrelevant to the argument.
nobody is questioning WHY these women are prostitutes,not even mr camera man,its the WHERE they are prostituting.
he has every right to be protective of his family.
i would be too.
my premise is based solely on his tactics.
they do nothing to diminish the prostitution problem,but do everything to make him seem an intolerable prick who is bent on belittling another man for participating in activities he finds repuslive.
that is all..
talk amongst yourselves.

Girl Asks For 3 Tattoos, Wakes Up With 56 Stars On Her Face

gwiz665 says...

Buyer's remorse. Stop crying and be more awesome... maybe some more stars could help.

Incidentally, I thought facial tattoos were illegal mostly everywhere?

Girl Asks For 3 Tattoos, Wakes Up With 56 Stars On Her Face

Girl Asks For 3 Tattoos, Wakes Up With 56 Stars On Her Face

mkknyr says...

>> ^ponceleon:
Sounds like she was drugged up on something, passed out after requesting something that sounded like a good idea at the time and then had a major case of buyer's remorse...
Edit: I mean, think of it from the tattoo artist's perspective... when someone asks for a tattoo on their face, that's pretty serious. No way are you going to give someone MORE tattoos on their face than they requested.

I dunno... did you see that tattoo artist? I think he could have a skewed version of what's extreme/too much when it comes to facial mods.

Girl Asks For 3 Tattoos, Wakes Up With 56 Stars On Her Face

ponceleon says...


Sounds like she was drugged up on something, passed out after requesting something that sounded like a good idea at the time and then had a major case of buyer's remorse...

Edit: I mean, think of it from the tattoo artist's perspective... when someone asks for a tattoo on their face, that's pretty serious. No way are you going to give someone MORE tattoos on their face than they requested.

US Switching to the Metric System?

Quboid says...

I was in Amsterdam last week and with magnificent foresight, if I do say so myself, I checked and of course they all use metric, as did the (mostly English or Northern Irish) buyers. Obviously I wouldn't be in an Amsterdam coffeeshop except that I thought their measurement system would be handy to know. So traumatised by drug usage was I that I had to sit down immediately and find some way to calm myself.

>> ^rottenseed:
Now you'll be tempted to do half-eighths for $25

Half-eighths??? Only a stoner would have trouble figuring out what half of 1/8 is! I assume this is some regional lingo and not actually because people can't figure out what 2x8 is, but I've never heard of a half-eighth before. I've heard of a sixteenth many times.

The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations

blankfist says...

>> ^pipp3355:
ok. so is this 'bad form' only when dealing with small businesses / contract work or should it apply to other buyer-seller relationships (e.g. wallmart & customer)? and what about auctions like ebay? or financial services like loans?

I think the point of the video is that it is humorously comparing things like simple purchases at WalMart (where the customer doesn't try to haggle the price) to larger client/vender relationships in the corporate world. I wouldn't over analyze it.

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