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Rachel Maddow: Buyer's Remorse

entr0py says...

>> ^Stormsinger:
I -do- believe his claim that his core beliefs don't change. He's always believed in selling influence, and sees nothing wrong with it...that much is clear.
For that reason alone, and completely ignoring the fact that the rest of his record only supports this conclusion, in no way should he be allowed into a position of power.

You may be right. But we have a system which, by it's nature, weeds out anyone who is unwilling to sell their influence. You can't run a successful congressional campaign without large corporate donors. And corporations are not stupid enough to make investments that will never pay off.

I suppose the scandal here is that by setting up that foundation it looks like he's gone beyond taking campaign donations to taking more direct bribes.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Sex Buyer Gets Surprise From Prostitute

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Kevlar:
>> ^Sketch:
Who the hell even owns an icepick any more let alone drives around with one!? That's a red flag.

Actually, I think the question is more who the hell needs an icepick in Jamaica?

I'd say the video answers this question perfectly...any guy in Jamaica who fears the prostitute he's hiring tonight might not be a woman.

Drax (Member Profile)

Kevlar (Member Profile)

Sex Buyer Gets Surprise From Prostitute

MikesHL13 (Member Profile)

therealblankman (Member Profile)

choggie says...

It bees what it bees-

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Sorry, Chogster. Gonna' have to take this one, 4 days earlier...

In reply to this comment by choggie:
It wasn't makin' investors happy...they run too good, tooo consistently outta the shop, too few buyers...who cares if some have butt-ugly accutrement??/.. The Buell is an affordable and practical piece of art-

choggie (Member Profile)

Farewell Buell

choggie says...

It wasn't makin' investors happy...they run too good, tooo consistently outta the shop, too few buyers...who cares if some have butt-ugly accutrement??/.. The Buell is an affordable and practical piece of art-

Is produce from 'Whole Foods' truly organic?

Nithern says...

And I was going to shop at Whole Foods as a new buyer. I guess I'll have to stick with my previous grocery store. Yes, my previous grocery store doesn't have much gluten free products (a protein found in Wheat, Rye, and Barley), but they would post 'Product of ....." Right next to the price. Once you stroll through the fruits and vegitables, you find which items not to buy. I'll buy Canada, and sometimes Mexico. Their standards are alittle better then China.

Also, dont buy from Wal-Mart. They represent 1/4 of China's export to the USA. Why give china US dollars?

Gwiz Wrestles His Diamond Away from Brock Samson (Talks Talk Post)

Happiness is a Warm Gun, Sold Without Background Checks

ponceleon says...

>> ^jfxz27:
>> ^ponceleon:
There are two types of gun sales in the U.S. – licensed, regulated sales, and private, unregulated sales.
A dealer engaged in the business of selling guns must be a federally licensed firearm dealer (FFL) and check their buyers through the National Instant Background Check System (NICS).
However, private individuals who make occasional sales from their personal collection can sell firearms without a license. Because private sellers are presumed to make only occasional sales, their sales are minimally regulated. Private sellers aren’t required to keep records of their sales, or conduct background checks on their buyers.

So with this in mind, doesn't this video just become a bit "so what?" It isn't an actual gun-store, so are they implying that this is something that should change? Keep in mind, I'm fairly liberal and most sifters who know me will attest to that, but this just seems like much ado about nothing.

It isn't illegal so I wouldn't even call it a "loophole."

Happiness is a Warm Gun, Sold Without Background Checks

jfxz27 says...

>> ^ponceleon:
Actually it is a very interesting question: is it illegal for two private citizens to exchange a gun? At least one of the guys clearly states that he isn't a gun dealer.
I don't know, anyone?

There are two types of gun sales in the U.S. – licensed, regulated sales, and private, unregulated sales.

A dealer engaged in the business of selling guns must be a federally licensed firearm dealer (FFL) and check their buyers through the National Instant Background Check System (NICS).

However, private individuals who make occasional sales from their personal collection can sell firearms without a license. Because private sellers are presumed to make only occasional sales, their sales are minimally regulated. Private sellers aren’t required to keep records of their sales, or conduct background checks on their buyers.

Dan Savage on the Rights of Sex Workers

Mysling says...

I agree that selling sex should be legal, to enable people who are in the trade to seek help from the authorities. Shunning the weakest people in society has never been a productive solution.

However buying sex should remain illegal, to send the message that this line of work is potentially extremely harmful longterm and therefore not acceptable. This prohibits people from buying sex, while it only prosecutes the "stronger" part of the transaction. The buyer.

This is, as far as i have understood, how the system currently works in sweden (or norway), and how it is currently being proposed in Denmark.

In my opinion, the message should be sent that it is never be socially acceptable for anyone to masturbate in the orifices of the most vulnerable parts of society. This only drags them down further.

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