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Anatomy of a Scene -- A Quiet Place

mentality says...

I didn't really like the movie. Certain parts of it was well done, but there are some glaring issues that ruined my suspension of disbelief.

For example, early in the movie we got a shot of John's character's workshop, and there's this whiteboard with the most basic information about the monsters written on it in large bold letters. Your character has masterfully survived for over a year under constant threat from these monsters, and you have to write down that the creatures are blind? Who is this even for other than the audience? It's such a lazy way of conveying information and disrepectful of your viewer's intelligence.

Also, the ending was pretty ridiculous.

*spoiler warning*

The fact that these monsters are susceptible to small firearms (even if they have ARMOR as the whiteboard reminds us) makes the premise that they overran all the world's militaries in a few months pretty unbelievable.

Sheriff Rips NRA - You’re Not Standing Up For Victims

newtboy says...

Ha! Even sifty knows to not listen to you, Bob. ;-)

The kid was a nut...he supports Trump, that's proof positive.

What's funny is lies could be appropriate, since the NRA spokeswoman was lying through her teeth, claiming they support a strong useful national registry and screening system. They do nothing but lobby to obstruct it at every turn. She's a bold faced liar. I used to be a member decades ago.

Nothing he did, even if it had been investigated fully, would have bared him from buying his guns. Blame police and the FBI, but they're powerless to stop known dangers from buying weapons because the NRA ensured they would be, because they exist only to lobby for manufacturers right to sell guns.

The leftist solution is to 1) ban guns from people diagnosed or
being investigated for criminal instability 2) regulate certain guns, modifications, and magazines much more stringently and 3) make private gun sales go through background checks. Without the latter, the rest is moot.

Really? funny, I recall Trump saying the buck stops with him, and blaming Obama when it happened under his watch, don't you? (He also likely claimed mass school shootings were fake news leftist propaganda, his buddy Jones told him so) Now, he blames the investigation of his campaign for the FBI not investigating his internet postings, knowing they aren't connected at all.

How is the cop responsible, specifically?

bobknight33 said:

CNN Propaganda ..
kids fed questions from CNN
The kid was a nut.... Not a gun issue....

The system failed.
39 calls to local police.
Few calls to FBI..

Yet again the only leftest solution is to ban guns.. What bullshit.

This cop IS responsible for what happened. The buck stops with him and his office.. His office failed.


John Oliver - Parkland School Shooting

PlayhousePals says...

Normally I'd agree but something about the boldness of these kids this weekend sparked a visceral ray of hope deep within me [like the gut feeling I had that Trump WOULD win the moment he was declared the nominee]. They made me sit up and take notice ... I'm choosing to root for and support them. They are the future and I'm so weary of the current state of disarray.

SDGundamX said:

And I'm thoroughly pessimistic about it ever happening. The NRA and gun "enthusiasts" as well as the gun manufacturing industry are just too strong as a lobbying group. These kids are absolutely doing the right thing by protesting and they'll get their time in the spotlight, but eventually that spotlight will shift to something else and it will be business as usual in D.C. with politicians taking political donations from the NRA to fund their never-ending re-election campaigns.

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

newtboy says... did...and still do.
Yes, you did say we're in dire straits."A constant slide toward globalism all the while a less better way of life.
Constant strife, sliding towards a ever more debasement humanity and of values clearly promoted in Hollywood, and media. Who is really pushing this agenda".
Yes, you did admit he's unqualified...."This current state of being is a long time in coming not a POTUS Trump fault.. One can argue Trump is not qualified but this was laid at his feet when he took office" if you don't mean that as an admission, you need to study American phrases, perhaps that means something different in Russian.

Most Americans believe in diversity as a positive trait. Most Americans believe in individual freedom and liberty. Most Americans believe corporate personhood is a horrendous idea that destroyed our political system. If most of America didn't enjoy what Hollywood produces, why are they still buying it?
Granted, adult programs exist. As a parent, it's your responsibility to monitor what your kids watch, not mine. I don't have to go without adult programming because you suck as a parent. Ratings and child locks make it easy as hell for you, but still you whine. (What's your cure? Regulating entertainment to allow pg-13 at most?)
Hyper violence is as American as Apple pie, has been since the great war (ww1) if not our inception.

Is he the only one, far from it. Is he the worst offender, lying about everything, incapable of honesty on any topic, with multiple admitted felons committing treasonous crimes as part of his administration? Clearly. Is he even trying to be honest and give Americans real information, or is he outright boldly lying about tripling the deficit for personal gain.'s the latter.

Edit: Politicians and police are allowed to lie? Talk about debasement of humanity and values....geez. Only allowed to lie by people like you, not me. Liars are liars, not to be trusted again, not to be handed more power, and are undeserving of respect or acceptance. There's a big difference between lying and mistakes. People who unintentionally make misstatements, then correct them may not be liars. Trump is a proud, intentional, pathological liar, and not even a good one, so intelligent people stopped listening to him long ago, it's just a waste of time. Sadly, that includes our recent allies, who are turning their backs on us in droves. Even you cannot be so delusional or dishonest as to make a case that this is good for America or the globe, or something any rational parent would teach their children is proper behavior....but you are. I hope your kids learn the lesson you're teaching, that it's fine to lie if it helps you get what you want, and the next 7+ years are full of bold lies, unfulfilled promises, and excuses for why your kids are now teenage junkie parents with disdain for civility.

bobknight33 said:

I did not "blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby"
I supported the best candidate. Did Hillary really bring to the table a clear agenda superior to Trumps? She really did not have a platform. So was there really a choice?

I do not say nor believe we are in dire straits as yo say. Slipping morality for sure .

I never admitted that he is unqualified. He is doing a good job considering such division of both parties and animosity for Republican since he is not a party insider.

Hollywood agenda-- most Americans don't really want nor desire the stuff that is being pushed out.
Americans want quality story lines not slutting whoring worshiping shows just to fill time slots.

Do you have kids?
I do, 11 and 13 I can not watch some 60% of shows because they are inappropriate -- I'm not saying go back to Leave it to Beaver shit but do we really need sexualized content of some form on darn near every show?

Most shows incorporate some kind of violence, sexual innuendo, murder etc. Do we as a society need this day in day out?

You argue that Trump lies... and your upset? Is he is the only politician to lie. When hasn't a POTUS lied? There are 2 profession that are allow to lie. Politicians and cops.

As for the rest of biased commentary I just leave it for what is
and are entitled to.

The Truth About The Tesla Semi-Truck

MilkmanDan says...

The video is right that pretty much the number one most important question is the weight of the truck (basically tare weight, which is actually the tractor plus empty trailer). When I watched the announcement, I thought Musk was slightly cagey about that, but I thought that he said that it would be in the ballpark of a normal ICE semi. Guess I should watch again.

I think Musk made some semi-optimistic predictions about battery tech improvement and economy of scale. Frankly, I think he's earned the right to be semi-bold with his predictions, given his and Tesla's track record (paying off govt. loan very early, single handedly pushing forward battery tech and production, etc. etc.). His optimistic predictions have a tendency of panning out.

The average American is never going to switch to an electric car purely or even largely for "green conscious" reasons. The switch will happen when the electric car is better than the ICE alternatives in concrete metrics like performance, reliability, and operating cost. Musk is pushing that date forward at an incredible pace. Arguably it is already true for many use-cases at the high price-point range of the Model S, but that price point limits the scope of the impact quite a bit. He knows that to really shake things up, he's got to get that price point down, and he knows that to do that he's got to improve the economy of scale on battery tech. Which he's doing by expanding it into adjacent markets like home batteries, etc.

I think he deserves a lot of credit for "walking the walk" when it comes to working hard to protect/improve the environment, as opposed to Al Gore et al. "talking the talk".

Republican Tax Scam Is Handwritten Nonsense

newtboy says...

It's no shock, but it's horrifically destructive and a devastatingly sad state of affairs.
Statutes of limitations means no criminal complaints are possible on 30+ year old crimes, but he's been accused of having sex with 14 year olds when in his 30's, a moral crime without time limitations, and there's good evidence he's also a bold faced liar currently.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Party affiliation is A#1!! We've been at 90-95% for quite a while now, so 100% doesn't come as a huge shock to me.

Age of consent is 16 in Alabama(and Canada eh), anybody come forward with a criminal complaint yet?

Gaslighting: Abuse That Makes You Question Reality

TheFreak says...

Are you for real?

Do you not see that you are literally gaslighting by attempting to paint an individual, who organized a stunt aimed at intimidating another person in public, as the victim of the incident?

I don't even give a shit about gamergate or the feminism/anti-feminism celebrity battle that you, clearly, have taken a side on. I don't support anyone involved because all of the participants appear to be acting like asshats. But any objective viewer can see that one side made a bold move to aggressively provoke an opponent and succeeded in their goal of getting a response. It was bullying and abusive and it illicited an undignified response.

Let me reiterate, I am not your opposition in your crazy war. But I have to point out that it is a perplexing bit of mental acrobatics for you to attempt to perpetuate a false reality by accusing an intended victim of trying to perpetuate a false reality.

That's a clown move and if you had any integrity you would pause a moment for a little self examination.

Asmo said:

"resist any challenges to their world view that might make them feel uncomfortable"

What, like letting an abusive presenter at Vidcon off the hook and pillorying people she abused? Then saying that it wasn't exactly what it looked like in all the video footage, it was something else.

A Fair Summation of the Comey Testimony

newtboy says...

Testimony shows Trump is a liar, bold faced, in private and public.

Testimony also showed that Trump knew his actions were wrong, that's why he cleared the oval office to direct Comey to leave Flynn alone.

Comey shouldn't have said what Trump wanted, that he wasn't under investigation, because everyone around him and his campaign itself was under investigation and it seemed likely he would be personally implicated soon, and saying he's cleared or not under investigation is a claim that would not be fully honest. Also, because the FBI isn't supposed to comment on open investigations at all, nor are they a spokesperson for the president speaking at his direction.

I do agree with him, Comey was cowardly....he admitted as much. He should have refused and walked out of the room insistent he never be left alone with Trump again when Trump asked him to let Flynn go and gone straight to congress.

Ad Attacking Comey Before He Testifies

newtboy says...

Not to avoid an investigation...that's illegal, and apparently what happened. Good thing he failed as usual, and only intensified the investigation.

Trump is not under PERSONAL investigation, his campaign, for which he's responsible, is another story. Even if it turns out that Trump himself was totally unaware of his people working with Russia to win the election, that doesn't absolve him of responsibility, nor does it make leaving him (or Pence) in office proper.
There are multiple investigations, and Flynn was one of them. He was absolutely the target of the Flynn investigation.

Yes, he leaked his own, non classified notes....because the president was going on TV and bold faced lying to the public about what happened, and as a patriot Comey wasn't going to stand for someone intentionally interfering with an investigation into something so serious and trying to make it just evaporate, so he took the extraordinary step of leaking his own notes to try to push congress towards a special prosecutor, because Trump had fired the regular prosecutor and threatened him.

If Cosby fired the prosecutor in his case and chose the new one personally, would you trust the trial process to be fair anymore? That's what Trump tried to do, but failed.

bobknight33 said:

Boo hoo...

Comey best testimony is that Trump lied on why he was fired... Boo hoo..
Trump is Comey boss. he can be fired for any reason or for no reason. grow up this is the same in any business.

The testimony also indicated that Trump IS NOT under investigation. Flynn was looked at but not as a primary target of the investigation.

Comey was one of the inside leakers. He leaked his own memo.

Why Brutalism is the hottest trend in web design

Trump pushes aside NATO ally and Preens for the camera

newtboy says...

It means more Americans agree with Democrats than Republicans, so the group out of touch with most Americans is Republicans, contrary to your statement, since you can't follow.
Also, since you can't tell which number is bigger, that was in no way a historic landslide. It was less than Obama or Clinton won by. Trump just told you that lie and you ate it up. Obama had 365. Clinton had 379 was historic only because he lost the vote so badly but still won the college.

In 4 months, Trump has eroded our standing so much that Europe has stopped looking to us for leadership or as an ally. He's spilled highly classified state secrets from other nations repeatedly, and failed utterly on his legislative agenda. Even the Carrier jobs he "saved" are already going to Mexico, and they're keeping the millions he paid them (of tax payer money). I can't think of a single thing he's been successful at....can you?

Agreed, he and his zealots needs to quit being crybaby snowflakes and move Leavenworth. He was whining about "fake news" incessantly during his campaign, hoping you would ignore that he's a purveyor of fake the architect of the (fake news) birther movement and a bold faced liar (a proud one, he "wrote" a book about getting ahead by lying) basically every time he speaks without a script ....and you did.

Funny how those who NEVER stopped spreading completely ridiculous conspiracy theories for the last 8 years, whining over every single thing Obama did and many he didn't that they made up (Pizzagate, etc) suddenly think contradicting the president on his own words and actions is unacceptable crybaby behavior. What does that make you? A professional snowflake crybaby? You've been there crying over Obama and Clinton the entire time they were in office and continue to post anti Clinton conspiracy theories even now (like the made up story about her murdering the "real" wiki-leaker, another pure BS story only partisan idiots would believe, created to confuse people like you and make you think Russia didn't hack the DNC at all and Clinton is a serial murderer). If ever there was a crybaby snowflake that can't move on, it's you sir.

bobknight33 said:

At the end of the day 3 million don't mean jack.. Get over it, Hillary lost. All that matter is Electoral College. 304 to 232 Hillary got her ass whopped. Historic land slide

Trump is not the best candidate but still better than Hillary.

Quit being a crybaby snowflake and move on.

Greg Gianforte, Trump and the First Amendment

newtboy says...

It shows us a pitfall of early voting. Most, the vast majority of votes, were cast before he assaulted the reporter.
He was always expected to win by a landslide both before and after he lost it on tape and blatantly lied about it assuming the Fox reporters would lie with him, but they didn't.
Because of early voting, last minute surprises like this barely matter....unless he gets the maximum sentence, which is appropriate. If ever there was someone the courts should use to set an example with, it's a violent elected official.

That's not to say he would have lost if early voting wasn't the norm there. Republicans have totally sacrificed their morality and rationality on the altar of partisanship. Like Trump said, they could murder people publicly in cold blood and not lose votes. This means they're fine electing people who display this kind of total lack of self control and poor decision making processes along with a proven willingness to bold faced lie to the public to represent us as long as the tie they wear is red.
It's far less about Democrats, the minority there, than it is about a total lack of civility, honesty, or basic self control in Republican leaders and their voters accepting that, even relishing it.

And btw, Democrats ARE Americans....since you're confused again.

bobknight33 said:

Gianforte won even with the body slam. How funny.

Just shows how much the Democrats are out of touch with Americans.

Stephen Fry Explains Why Some Believe Everything Trump Says

SaNdMaN says...

Actually, the video is about manipulation.

But yes, he's kind of dumb. And I'm not saying that because I disagree with his politics (hell, I don't even know what he truly believes). There are plenty of conservatives that I think are brilliant. It's just very obvious from hearing him talk that Trump is dumb. The vocabulary of a middle-school kid, the lack of knowledge about history an adult should posses (let alone the President), lack of intellectual curiosity, lack of self-awareness, etc.

He's extremely confident and arrogant, and this has helped him succeed. I know people like that from my childhood. You think they're so stupid they wouldn't even graduate high school, but they somehow end up successful.

They bet big because they don't question themselves, so they go all in, and sometimes they win. Meanwhile, a lot of extremely smart people constantly doubt themselves, are too self conscious, etc. to make any bold moves.

But of course when you bet big, you lose sometimes too. And we've seen Trump lose a BILLION dollars in a boom economy in the fucking CASINO business.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump is dumb? That is what this video implies.

He turned a million into Billions. Doesn't sound dumb to me.

Trump may not be the smoothest political cat but he has yet to do anything illegal or yet to be any proof.
Meanwhile the media is blowing a gasket day in and day out, pushing lie after lie. Trump just keeps moving forward punking the media.

True dumb people don't know that they are dumb and are more happy. Smart people realize that they don't know as much as they would like and are burden by this.

noam chomsky denounces democrats russian hysteria

newtboy says...

It's not a joke. It's hypocritical, but quite serious. Because they focus on the fact that he appears to be under Putin's control does not mean they ignore his myriad of other faults....proven by the near weekly protests against his policies.

Jesus Christ...they aren't upset the he wants to normalize relations with Russia, they're upset that he seems to be a Russian agent, as do many of his cabinet, and they fear he'll do things to benefit them instead of actually working for America.
People are upset at his people illegally, treasonously 'talking' to the Russians about removing sanctions and other subversions of established federal policy and law before they were in power and bold faced lying about it under oath and publicly uncountable times, not for having normal or legal diplomatic discussions. They won't accept it when the next president takes control on Nov. 8 and reverses their policies before taking office.

The emails themselves had no new information, it was the implication that they did, and that the investigation was still actively under way that hurt her. The media absolutely covered that, what are they talking about?

It's not about escalating tensions between the U.S. and Russia, it's about abandoning normal policy and giving Russia what they want, carte Blanche to expand and reform the USSR.

I guess they forgot that Russia is building it's military on it's borders and expanding it's territories into our allies countries, and that's why NATO moved, to protect our allies, not to provoke poor little innocent Russia. Just fucking duh.

They aren't necessarily shills for Russia, they are, however, being shills for Trump, and Chomsky now seems to be moving in that direction based on this video. This is the most idiotic thing I've heard from Chomsky, as it completely ignores reality and reason to lambast people for being worried their president may be (as all evidence indicates he is) an agent for one of our worst enemies.

Sorry Chomsky, big fail.

Federal Judge Orrick Had To 'INVENT A VIOLATION'

newtboy says...

But there has been no violation of federal law to withhold funds to address, he's attempting to withhold funds to, in violation of the constitution, force state law enforcement to act as federal agents by illegally holding people for 48 hours without charge for the convenience and at the direction of ice who can't be bothered to show up to arrest those they wish to deport in a timely fashion.
The pills rotted Rush's brain, and unsurprisingly he is bold faced lying about the ruling and the case itself.
His actual position here is that Trump's executive order, that he's intent on spending untold millions of tax dollars to defend in court, was nothing more than a statement that 'we intend to enforce existing laws', and that a federal judge blocked that executive order!?! And people believe that twaddle? They must be as high as he is.
I can't wait until Rush has to admit he's also playing a character in order to prove his rationality and sanity. Amazing he's still around after being caught being a massive pill head for decades. Don't you know that drugs are bad and rot your brains, Bob? ;-)

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