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Murakami: Hard Boiled Wonderland & The End of the World

Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy (Will Ferrell)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Mounted Police charge protesters at Whitehall 24 November

westy says...

With all this student protest i'm worried that everyone is going to miss the real issue one that I think most of these students are oblivouse to and that is that the super wealthy are stealing from the pore as they always have and that the rich pore divide and terrible economic policy in general are to blame.

As a society we need to fundimentaly change how money is handeld and work out ways to redistubute wealth thats fair and still rewards those that benefit society or are successful at busisiness.

Education should always be near free if not free, Im fairly confident if you took that money from nucular armanments or some part of the military to offset the cost within the current system you would end up with a safer country and allso be in a better echanomical posistion.

This whole thing allso ignores that fact that for vast majorty of university subjects you can effectively educate yourself up to degree standard for free ( ) so thats another issue universities need to fundamentally change and again our culture needs to change , we need facilities that enable sum one who has educated themselves to be able to take a low cost tests/evaluation that allows them to gain an internationally recognized certificat enabling them to become employed or go into varouse fealds of research / obtain funding.

also I seem to remember the hundreds of thousands of people protesting the Iraq war and that achived absaluty nothing. so unless these students are prepared to start bing properly violent (preferably towards large cooperate property) or actually disrupting the country in some way for a prolonged time , nothing good is going to come from it.

and finally the majority of people in uk didn't vote conservative they wanted to vote something more progressive , lib dem / other parties that were not conservative. and what did that achieve it allowed conservatives to gain power the exact opasite of what the majority of people in the uk wanted lol our democratic system is fundimentaly broken.

White House White Board: Tax Cuts

BansheeX says...


Number One:
Our government is in debt. How do you cure debt?
Cut spending? Sure. Tho less spending doesn't remove debt you've already accumulated.
To pay off 14 trillion in Debt. You need 14 trillion in Income
Taxes = Income.
Number Two:
No one who MAKES 1 million dollars a year EARNS 1 million dollars a year.
Earning implies you did work.
No single person can physically work to create one million dollars in equivalent value per year. Physically impossible.
The average American only EARNS about 2.4 mill in LIFETIME earnings.
Which means, anyone who MAKES a Million+ a year STOLE the money EARNED by the VALUE of other people's hard WORK in order to write themselves such fat paychecks.
That or they speculated. Which is more luck than work.

The only thing you seem to understand is that for as far as you binge, that's how equally austere you have to become to reverse it. We can't just break even in terms of producing and consuming, we have to start producing MORE than we consume. Which is virtually impossible for any generation to vote at this point, so you are going to see a destruction of the currency almost certainly (informal default).

Government is a burden we have to bear. You may want to have a world empire, but that Soldier stationed in Japan is consuming a lot of stuff without producing. Citizens must sacrifice so that he may exist. The same goes for most of government and a huge percentage of the population works for the government now, and they retain their voting rights despite that conflict of interest.

The main thing that you're missing is that tax revenue from production goes up when production goes up, and taxes affect the incentive to produce. How does a state collect a 100% tax on someone's income when that income flees the state or just throws in the towel as a result of that tax increase? You could have had more tax revenue at a lower percentage, no? Clearly, there is a point at which the rate negatively affects the revenue since "rich" people can just sit on their money for lack of incentive in trying to produce more, a portion of which would have been paid to people helping produce it.

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

peggedbea says...

as a raging feminist and a mother,.... i gotta disagree.

my kids grew out of the sesame street days years ago, and now are mortified of viewing or duplicating anything remotely attached to sesame street.

are little girls over sexualized in/by pop culture? yes
is it because they saw a pop stars cleavage on sesame street one time when they were 2? probably not.

do i think the same sample of parents will let their little girls idolize vapid, packaged, subtly sexualized and marketed teenage pop stars later in their lives? yes.
and let their little boys form a skewed idea of women and sexuality built around pop culture iconography and too much internet porn? yes.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since June 23rd, 2010" class="profilelink">Stu
Your point is my point exactly! Our culture is constantly filled with scantily clad females.
As soon as you change the channel you'll find a girl in a bikini is selling you some crap.
So in our hypersexualized marketing culture it's not a cop out to suggest that we promote modest behavior and select role models for young kids who practice modesty.
By obstinately defending Perry's right to show the top of her tits..
You're all missing the point completely.
And essentially condoning someone like Kesha teaching 3 to 7 yr olds their numbers and alphabet by rewording her song about binge drinking and causal drunk sex.
Some of these kids are going to become attached to these shitty artists.
Worship their albums and outfits and success and likely associate being half naked with success and popularity.
They don't even have to be told that. They just see the behavior and emulate it.
My point is. If you show kids racy glamorous popstars they'll aspire to that.
Maybe if you showed a female scientist or olympic athlete or district court judge more female youth would aspire to those things.
...Am i seriously the only windbag on videosift that hold this point of view?

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Your point is my point exactly! Our culture is constantly filled with scantily clad females.

As soon as you change the channel you'll find a girl in a bikini is selling you some crap.

So in our hypersexualized marketing culture it's not a cop out to suggest that we promote modest behavior and select role models for young kids who practice modesty.

By obstinately defending Perry's right to show the top of her tits..

You're all missing the point completely.
And essentially condoning someone like Kesha teaching 3 to 7 yr olds their numbers and alphabet by rewording her song about binge drinking and causal drunk sex.

Some of these kids are going to become attached to these shitty artists.
Worship their albums and outfits and success and likely associate being half naked with success and popularity.
They don't even have to be told that. They just see the behavior and emulate it.

My point is. If you show kids racy glamorous popstars they'll aspire to that.
Maybe if you showed a female scientist or olympic athlete or district court judge more female youth would aspire to those things.

...Am i seriously the only windbag on videosift that hold this point of view?

Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

westy says...

well its obvouse if your a muslim then u goina have find the cards like that funny , fucking hell , jokes are going to use imagary of a culture.

allso there is not annything inherlty bad about there been a load of mosks in NY city as much as Chirches , the issue is if the Mosks play by the rules or not or are going to be opressive.

My thing is let people build religouse shit if they want to but dont let them abuse women . dont let them indoctranate children with obvouse bullshit.

I think there is an argument for noise polustoin with mosks that would be a big concern of mine , i dont apreceat them bing so fucking noisy calling to prayre , same with chirch bells. Unless its a 1 off occasoin maby 15 x a year max.

The main thing about this thats amausing is how insacure amaercans are ,

Google Instant Released!

westy says...

its amusing to me that goolge has gr8 tech , but visualy it looks like shit .

Im not on about making it all graphical with blody images all over the place ,

I mean within the confines of just using bassic text and where you lay out other info at the sides of the screen.

allso new image search is shit , so much better before or basiccaly what bing had , the new thing when u click on an image and it is infront of the webpage is slow and horrable.

Weird Al - Angry White Boy Polka

Time Magazine: Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers! (Fear Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Heavy drinkers might be physically healthier than non-drinkers, but what other costs are associated with heavy drinking?

- More auto accidents (in the U.S., about a third of all motor vehicle fatalities involved alcohol)
- More absenteeism from work (heavy drinkers call in sick more often), which ain't good for the paycheck or the economy
- Heavy drinkers are obviously more likely to end up in a psych ward or rehab for alcoholism than non-drinkers (the psych ward and rehab ain't cheap)
- Heavy drinkers are more prone to depression. Depression itself is a costly disease (I hope I don't need citations for that statement.)

And don't forget the non-monetary costs of heavy drinking, like the joy kids have with a drunk mommy or daddy.

Having said all that, I don't like sin taxes. I'm a big proponent of progressive taxation, and sin taxes are one of the most regressive forms of taxation. Probably not the reason you were looking for to oppose sin taxes, but there it is anyway.

Drink free or die!

David Mitchell: "Rupert Murdoch is pretty uncontroversial" (British Talk Post)

kceaton1 says...

Everybody has their ups and downs. What does David think we're missing out on? Fox News is the primary focus, and anger, usually directed at Murdoch. Fox News and by extension, Murdoch's, blatant propaganda, throwing out a one party line and the outright lying allowed to be aired across the airwaves is ludicrous. He is committing a grievous wound to our country's psyche and even sometimes internationally. The people he associates himself with is also another head turner.

Anyway, to the real point. The pay scheme may work, for awhile. As long as I've been using the Internet capitalism (out of all the places in the world) truly thrives here. They can ask for money or demand it. The very next day there will be three or more new sites up that not only offer what they had for free (even if illegal), but they will have their own content. It's happened already with: games, music, movies, news, video, social sites, pictures, etc...

The pay scheme will never work unless the provider finds the groove that customers are willing to pay for (like Netflix, or iTunes, etc..) and the other problem -- DEMAND. Murdoch didn't come up with anything revolutionary or new; it's like Microsoft and their new "Bing" search engine (Google) that is integrated into a full OS/Browser experience(!11!!) and Iran's new robot that can handle uranium and stuff (Asimo)...

Whether the paper medium dies is entirely up to them. Innovate or die.
edit-done, I guess...

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