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OK, these wedding proposals are really getting over-the-top

HAWP: Interview with Ashly Burch

blankfist says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^westy:
Its the type of thing where all the stuff that makes her attractive could end up bing the most annoying and least attractive things if you had a relationship with her.

True dat

But I don't think I'd get tired of the sucking the teeth thing.

HAWP: Interview with Ashly Burch

HAWP: Interview with Ashly Burch

westy says...

Its the type of thing where all the stuff that makes her attractive could end up bing the most annoying and least attractive things if you had a relationship with her.

geo321 (Member Profile)

LarsaruS says...

I watched the first 2 seasons of Oz when they were broadcasted here... For some reason I stopped after that... I think it is one of the best prison shows that's been created.
In reply to this comment by geo321:
I downloaded the six seasons of the series OZ before I went away last week. Now I'm in the middle of binge watching the show. I'm about to begin watching season five now after watching thru four brutally dark seasons in two and a half days. I'm saying this because that doc so relates right now. absolutely brutal.
Here's the show...
Here's the torrent...
Cheers. It is the most depressing show ever, but so very well done.

In reply to this comment by LarsaruS:
Hey, just added episode two to the mega jail to the comment section on your sift... feel free to sift it.

LarsaruS (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

I downloaded the six seasons of the series OZ before I went away last week. Now I'm in the middle of binge watching the show. I'm about to begin watching season five now after watching thru four brutally dark seasons in two and a half days. I'm saying this because that doc so relates right now. absolutely brutal.
Here's the show...
Here's the torrent...
Cheers. It is the most depressing show ever, but so very well done.

In reply to this comment by LarsaruS:
Hey, just added episode two to the mega jail to the comment section on your sift... feel free to sift it.

Christopher Hitchens On Smoking And Drinking

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

kceaton1 says...

Another reason why I think he has schizophrenia rather than bi-polar: he has his kids with the porn stars and him. Even when they party! (Although, I must admit it could be bi-polar as mania can get REALLY bad accompanied by psychotic/hallucinatory type situations and grandeur; and this happened after a binge...)

The porn stars have even said publicly that the children don't belong there. Charlie sounds like he's having some disconnects with reality. Most likely due to drugs (which is why bi-polar is popular, because of it's typical "self-medicating" issues, but this isn't self-medication as that entails that there is a lacking in mood, and Charlie never seems depressed. Plus during the interview he said he was clean for quite sometime; he didn't sound like it.

This all sounds like schizophrenia (if it is bi-polar, I'm guessing it's more drug related than anything else, due to his own words): ranging from psychotic, to normal, to semi-delusional or completely delusional; the drugs would increase the effect and also create more issues if the use is heavy. I personally think he's created this psychotic, semi-delusional state most likely from the "hardcore" drugs (his seven rocks, and self created non-terrestrial based logic). That stuff is like a Vulcan mind meld with a potato if you use it non-stop; it'll force your mind to neurologically connect itself in all sorts of ways it shouldn't. That's assuming there isn't some damage in there (like plaques, causing shifts in personality; that's a determination only the closest to him, or himself, can make).

I like how he sues Warner Brothers for firing him. The other actors on the show should counter-sue him.

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

grinter says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:

There is just no way he is not on drugs.

At this point, "not on drugs" doesn't bring him much closer to average brain chemistry.
I doubt that even he would claim that his brain is the same as it was before the binging... He's just saying that he is fine with the new equilibrium.

Al Qaeda Attacks Internet With Photo Of Adorable Piglet

kceaton1 says...

I hate the Onion! They made me watch that whole thing and all I got out of it were a few hearty chuckles! I demand they take themselves off the Internet for still being more popular than Bing ever will be!


English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Skeeve says...

Might want to check my link again. It cites the Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Edition 1989. So yes, it is in Oxford. darkrowan's link addresses this as well.

>> ^lucky760:

>> ^blankfist:
Does anything rhyme with elbow?

Hell no. Bilbo is the closest I could find, but not a full rhyme obviously.
>> ^darkrowan:

Jargon doesn't count.
>> ^gwiz665:
"Door hinge" would like a word.

Not even close, though it might depend on your accent.
>> ^Skeeve:

Not in Oxford so it must not be a real word. (Oxford has more credibility than the wiktionary.)
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Whore binge?

Bingo! <insert Charlie Sheen joke here>

English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

>> ^blankfist:

Does anything rhyme with elbow?

Hell no. Bilbo is the closest I could find, but not a full rhyme obviously.

>> ^darkrowan:


Jargon doesn't count.

>> ^gwiz665:

"Door hinge" would like a word.

Not even close, though it might depend on your accent.

>> ^Skeeve:


Not in Oxford so it must not be a real word. (Oxford has more credibility than the wiktionary.)

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Whore binge?

Bingo! <insert Charlie Sheen joke here>

English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Jonathan Winters "The Stick"

Google's increasingly worthless search results (Blog Entry by dag)

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