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Wonder Showzen is made by THE DEVIL!!!

Chairman_woo says...

@newtboy Chingy's initial statement was not directed at you personally, I can maybe see why you thought it might but you were mistaken. (he didn't quote or reference you at any stage)

What he was trying to say was that the issue here is not specific to Christianity (or for that matter any other religion) but rather with the mindless repetition of inherited arguments and belief systems (i.e. people not truly thinking for themselves or being able to operate outside of the box they have built for themselves).

Atheists etc. are frequently guilty of the same thing; he was simply suggesting that it's unproductive to reduce the problem to paradigm A. vs paradigm B. when in truth its the very act of limiting ones perception and consciousness to one particular paradigm that causes the problem.

In other words the Pastor is an asshat not because he is a Christian but rather because he is only capable of understanding the world via the adopted assumptions of others. A fault which can be levelled at virtually any system of understanding when practised by those who have not yet understood the entirely relativistic nature of such systems.

This is why he referred to the inevitable banter as "boring and tired". For most it becomes simply "Christianity bad atheism good" (or visa versa or whatever). The truth of the matter is far more complex and moreover is universal to all participants.

@chingalera You are far too clever for your own good sometimes! I'd say something about "staring unto the abyss..." but I know full well you already understand this inescapable compromise when "fighting monsters".

Tread softly though brother, even the best of us are always a mere stumble from falling back unto the darkness we seek to banish...

How to behave in traffic

Chairman_woo says...

All the research I've ever read/heard from professional sources appears to completely refute what you are suggesting.

Maintaining a decent distance speeds up the average flow of traffic! Being a little further behind doesn't slow anyone down it just makes them further away from each other.

A car doing 30mph 2 feet behind another is going EXACTLY as fast as a car going 30mph 20 feet behind another. Distance between cars doesn't make anyone have to go any slower, simply that they are further away relative to each other.

It also has the benefit of reducing or even preventing the wave phenomenon which SLOWS DOWN the traffic or even stops it dead. (capitals just for emphasis not sarcasm).

The distinction you are suggesting between smooth and fast flowing makes no sense to me. Smooth flowing traffic IS fast flowing traffic. It's the wave effect that slows traffic down not the amount of tarmac taken up.

The physical length of highway a car takes up would only matter if you were trying to park them. I can see why this might seem to matter from the subjective POV of someone stuck in a jam/slow moving traffic. But if everyone maintained distance this situation would be less likely to occur (and reduced in effect when it does).

Smooth traffic is fast traffic. We are not confused. This is based on modern professional studies of traffic dynamics. Having less lanes is know to actually speed up jammed traffic under many circumstances (London M25 springs to mind)

Let me put this another way. Watch that vid again. He isn't going any slower than the flow of traffic he's just further away from the car in front. You can tell this because he's maintaining a steady distance from the car in front. The only people who are being slowed down are the asshats behind him driving bumper to bumper. They experience what seems like a temporary reduction in speed but this is simply an illusion created by giving back the healthy separation between vehicles that should have existed in the 1st place. i.e. they are just "paying back" a few feet of roadspace each, which they took up at a previous point in time. They won't get anywhere any faster or slower as a result & this way it helps to reduce the "slinky effect" which actually does reduce average travel time from point A to B.

TheFreak said:

There's some confusion in the comments concerning the difference between smooth flowing traffic and fast flowing traffic.

These are not the same things.

Increasing the distance between you and the car in front of you to maintain a consistent speed will help to buffer the slinky effect in traffic.
It will NOT eliminate traffic jams.
You're actually reducing the efficiency of the highway and causing the slow down behind you to increase.

Decide what you mean by 'traffic jam'. Is it stop-and-go traffic or slow speeds? Follow this guy's advice to stop the slinky, with the negative effect of reducing average highway speed behind you. Fill in the gaps if you dread slow highway traffic, with the negative effect of creating more inconsistency in speeds.

Shocking Testimony About Vaccines !

Referee's helmet cam gives awesome look at hockey game

SDGundamX jokingly says...

Yeah, it's not like kids watch sports or anything... probably too busy with their iBoxes and Xpads. Besides, can you believe some fuckers actually get offended when people don't talk civilly? I mean, I can't even tell my kids to fuck off or call my wife a cunt in public anymore without some asshat giving me a shocked or outraged look. Those pussies just don't have the balls to tell it like it is, I guess.

Enzoblue said:

why bleep so fucking much? no one gives a shit anymore. Sheer cowardice if you ask me.

Right Wing Media Needs a Science Class

poolcleaner says...

^ This idea that people involved in politics, religion and science CANNOT profit is dumb and is perpetuated by DUMB PEOPLE. They all do and must profit to survive in the civilization that our politicians over the centuries created(warped?!). "Follow the money trail" is a dumb red herring. The money trail leads to ALL PEOPLE.

I personally know a good number of pastors/ministers AND people involved in the sciences (both natural and social), as well as a couple people involved in local politics -- and you know what number 1 is?


Raising it so that they can live a life as a man of god/science, keep their church/research facility running, buy the things they need to do their job, and continue the time investment required for research.

IMHO it's the politicians and talking heads (in ALL political parties) who need it the LEAST -- because they're not trying to help people or increase our mental/spiritual intelligence as a species, they're funding a GODDAMN POPULARITY CONTEST; the cult of their political party and the cult of SELF. Oh look at me I'm Bill O'Reilly I say things that people agree with and I'm a freaking drama queen about it.

Television and radio asshats. Look at the pattern. Does popular opinion lead to proper behavior? No it leads to popular behavior. That's why we have reality television and that's why we have dumb asses running our media and our cuntry. I'm certainly not qualified to say shit but WTF, it's fairly obvious logic that almost all people ignore or just accept because IT IS DIFFICULT TO THINK CRITICALLY.

Instead of thinking critically and correctly, we concern ourselves with the social spectrum of our society, which is really just the art and pattern detection of social manipulation. You trick people. It's trickery and data manipulation. How can I raise money? Well, I know the people that watch my television channel believe this, so let's TRICK THEM BY MAKING INTELLIGENT PEOPLE THAT COME ONTO OUR PROGRAM LOOK LIKE THEY'RE THE STUPID ONES.

And here's the footage. Here it is. Learn. I learn. I say dumb things and I learn. Now YOU must learn. Science, bitches. Science. It isn't just a bunch of things made up to make money. All things require money, but the truth can be articulated without passion, whereas manipulators require it to push their ideas forward and when analyzed it becomes very apparent that that is all it is.

Gold Digger Prank!

Thug Cop Smashes Woman's Face Over DUI

newtboy says...

...and the cop isn't in any trouble, even for filing a false police report? What about his compatriots that helped him cover it up? Nothing? Hmmmm...
Without vigorous prosecution or this kind of abusive asshat, these kinds of videos will end up being used (I hope successfully) in court when someone (or many some ones) kills a cop in 'self defense'. They will be used as proof that citizens needed to defend themselves from being abducted by the gang of thugs that have replaced many police departments. If the 'good' cops don't treat these 'bad cops' worse than normal criminals, they should never complain when they are lumped in with them as thugs and are treated as such with the accompanying lack of respect and compliance.
Dude needs his wife/child/mother to have her face smashed while he watches, then maybe he'd get it that it's wrong.

Hollywood Stuntz Biker Gang NY ROAD RAGE (FULL VIDEO): Biker

chingalera says...

Why dint the SUV guy simply start going super-slow on that long straight-a-way, call fucking 911 or the Highway Patrol and just keep moving?

Another scenario, one that's a bit more risky: He could have, when the first biker started clocking him, simply swerved slowly from right to left across all three lanes impeding the safe passage of Team Asshat.

Again, in the city, when they close in on him...swerve, swerve, swerve...Those dicks would have bailed long before they stopped him, unless they have the dipshit death wish, against which there be no reasonable defense except the 'hulk smash.'

Oh, let there be a gunshot?? Bikes fall-out like icecycles!

Hey, this bottle belongs to you!

newtboy says...

First, you again label me with your convenient labels knowing absolutely NOTHING about me. You make the mistake of assuming I'm an average consumer/waster/litterer. You would be wrong. I've never once thrown litter out my window or elsewhere since I was an adult, including cigarette butts and water bottles. In fact, I have bought fewer than 5 bottles of water in my lifetime. I grow my own food for the most part, and I don't buy much, so my garbage output is severely limited. Even my driving habits are below average, well under 5K miles per year.
(You have it backwards, in your scenario the asshat wants to shove his shit into my ass because I don't want it on our roads. If you think that's OK, I just don't know what to say except stay the hell away from me and mine!)
Second, you seem to be up in arms that someone would have the unmitigated gall to call someone else out on their illegal, immoral, and incredibly rude behavior by returning the offending litter, and your knee jerk reaction is to say you would do something worse to that jerk that had the gall to call you out and return your litter? Hmmmm. That's not a reasonable or logical reaction, and is what I expect from 5 year olds and meth heads.
The guy throwing shit out the window repeatedly after someone went to the extreme of going into traffic to retrieve the litter and return it has the death wish, he's poking an unstable bear (OK, really 2 unstable bears) while ensuring no one would come to his aid when it all goes wrong.
Interesting, in private you agree with me on many points, but when I call you out in public for making ridiculous statements attempting to be a little fucking thing (another way to say an annoying object, which is exactly what you have told me you are trying to be) you go off in unintelligible tirades. The hilarious thing about this one is we both seem to be suggesting similar responses, just by different parties. It seems if I don't agree with you 100%, I must disagree with you 100% (in your mind) and therefore must be insanely unreasonable.
Repeatedly littering when numerous others have gone above and beyond to stop you is insane, out of control, rude, and illegal, and is asking for some other idiot to take things a step farther out of control. Ramming one of their cars was BEGGING to be ripped out and beaten, he was just lucky the guy he hit wasn't the same kind of hot head. You think everyone besides you is insane, uneducated, and completely lacking self control, so how does antagonizing them and escalating the already hot situation do any good for anyone?
I just can't understand how anyone with the intelligence to type can defend the litterer in this. Even if you think everyone in the situation was wrong to some degree, the litterer A. started the situation B. was doing something both illegal and immoral C. repeated this action and D.escalated to vehicular assault. You really need some serious mental gymnastics ala Eric Cartman to make him the one who was wronged or righteous.

chingalera said:


Uhhhh, you justify a pontificant attitude towards litter (personal responsibility for an individual's garbage output meaning "FUCK ALL" in the grand scheme of planetary pollution from first-world putties like yourself) and call foul on the person who would justifiably be inclined to shove your shit back up your ass should you feel so inspired to preach to litterboys and littergirls, your sermonnette in the form of object lesson?

WHO has the death wish here skippy, the do-gooder bleeding-heart-for-the-planet moron or the guy minding his own business throwing shit out of the car window?

I'd enjoy for you much to teach me a lesson while motoring about the evils of littering over and over like this dick-cheese here did....(reminding myself never to PM someone again with a view to understanding, common-ground, or civility)

Please, continue this thread with more of your impeccable reasoning and insight

"your insane, out of control, rude and illegal behavior"

My ass sir, and since I can't direct a fuck off anywhere in particular because it might be "breaking the rules", I will make an observation: What becomes glaringly apparent here is that you see the world as you wish to see it, not unlike everyone else for the most part....

Reporter Gets Even with Walk-by Wavers

I want to introduce you to my sister

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

newtboy says...

yes, he could have tried that, except that the woman was with a group of 3 that continuously STOPPED on the track until they see him coming, then repeatedly the one in front (dad?) starts up again, so there's no way he could get in front of the 'jam'. They knew full well they were causing a slow down on a fast ride, and should have known that ruins if for many. Perhaps when they saw he caught them 30 sec into the ride, they could have asked him if he wanted to switch cars with the one in front (and again for the next guy, and the next guy...). Of course, that assumes it's possible to switch cars in mid-ride, which I think is not possible or safe, and also leaves a stopped jam in the middle of the track while they all switch cars over and over, ruining it for MORE people behind. Instead they take off, constantly riding the brake and completely stopping on a fast, blind corner track. Just plain stupid and dangerous. If the ride's too scary for you to ride, stay off it.
It's like the idiots that drive 30 mph on the freeway, thinking they are being safe by going slow. They are doing the opposite, making a dangerous situation, AND interfering with everyone else using the freeway properly as intended. In Houston, they had to implement minimum speed limits, and you get a ticket for blocking traffic if you can't drive near the limit. Now, I don't advocate ramming these people (but it happens daily by accident), but I do advocate removing their license if they can't drive near the speed limit or with the flow of traffic.
The same goes for those who want to do adrenaline filled activities, when they see it's too much for them and they are screwing up everyone elses time, they should remove themselves, not force others to be asshats until they realize their mistake.
I blame the leader of the group here, I hate people that take their kids on things they aren't prepared for and think nothing of screwing it up for everyone else without a second thought and usually with indignance.

chingalera said:

Dude, the guys a douche: He should have asked the woman in front of him (who wasn't really into the adrenaline rush as much as he was) to trade frikkin' cars with her at the first opportunity-Whip-lashing her from behind when he could have braked....DOUCHEBAAAAAAG!

Idiot almost breaks his Friends neck on fountain

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

newtboy says...

"confiscating" is a thing only the government can legally do, when private citizens "confiscate" we call it stealing. In your example you asked the offender for the laser, if you had ripped it from their hands it likely would be technically illegal (even without tripping them like she did). When you take another's property without permission it's stealing, it does not matter if you claim you intend to give it back later or if they are asshats.
I was talking about the end of the video where she tries to either grab or punch the kid running away, and falls doing it. If she had grabbed and held him, as it seemed she was trying to do, they could have freed themselves, whatever that took. That's what I was saying, of course they could not legally beat her because she stole their board. I did say "if she had caught them..." in the original post, but I guess that wasn't clear.
I agree, the kids were wrong and should have left when told to, she should have escorted them off the property and returned the board, not tried to bully them because they didn't listen to her right away. They did "offer" to leave if she returned their property. What she did could have easily put her in danger of being sued (successfully) had her timing been better, or beaten with skateboards if the kids had really been little scumbags, and she had other, better options.

edit: on a side note, my point that she's just bullying is born out by the fact that she tells the kids they can get the board back from the sheriff, but then later indicates she had not intended to really call the sheriff by saying "OK, now I AM calling." (this implies she didn't intend to call until they grabbed for their board).

ChaosEngine said:

She wasn't stealing it, she confiscated it while they were engaged in something they were explicitly told not to do... ON HER PROPERTY.

A few years ago, I went to see Inception at the cinema and some little scumbags kept shining a laser pointer at the screen. After about 30 mins I figured out who it was, walked up to them, and told them to give it to me, or there would be trouble. They did, I gave it back to them after the movie. Was I stealing?

"They might have been within their rights to beat her senseless until she let them go."

No, they wouldn't have. Not even close. She wasn't holding them against their will, she took their board. By your rationale, a student would be entitled to beat a teacher senseless if they took the cell phone off them in class.

Frankly, fuck them. She asked them to leave and they deliberately set out to provoke her. They're cowardly little shits and they can count themselves lucky if they don't get in trouble.

edit: upvote, because as @spawnflagger says, I hope they get nailed because of this.

Ayn Rand on Johnny Carson (part two of two)

CreamK says...

This woman has wreaked havoc in our societies, her teachings are what has lead to "financial crisis" where few people who have it, are pure selfish asshats and continue to steal as much as they can and no matter what it does to others.. She teaches that Darwinism is the only way, helping the poor is unnatural etc etc. If we would be strictly a "biological" society (bacteria..) instead of this highly cultural and basically altruistic one, she would have a point. She did not know what love was and never understood what it's powers are. And her followers are in power. That is scary, bunch of people whose ideology is "justified" by Rand: "Be selfish, it's the best thing you can do!"

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