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Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing, wow.

Quboid says...

That is pretty neat, I'd like to see it in Paint Shop Pro.

It should be mentioned that, even excluding the obvious removal weighting at the end, this is fundamentally different from cropping or resizing as this changes the picture, the result can no longer be considered representative of what the picture was originally about - so it shouldn't be used in advertising media or anything like that although of course, the same can be said of the many photoshop lies that are displayed to us. Cropping can change the context of something and resizing can lose essential detail but unless you change the aspect ratio, it's still a picture of the original subject. This technique is not.

That's a million miles away from saying it shouldn't be used, don't get me wrong, just that it can be abused.

You can't handle the Truth -- A Few Good Men

Spider-Pig... Spider-Pig

Spider-Pig... Spider-Pig

JackieOh says...

Hilarious! And totally better than the other "spider pig" post, which has a screwed up aspect ratio and the content is really different (except for spider pig of course!) Fedquip, did you even watch this one before calling it a dupe?! Definately upvote

Spider-Pig... Spider-Pig


If you have a VideoSift pet peeve lets hear it. I'll start. (Sift Talk Post)

looris says...

@SG: of course I'm not talking about old videos. There are MANY perfectly new videos with awful quality without reason. Especially screwed aspect ratios, or lame editing.
I'm not talking only about video quality, but overall quality (stupid text added, useless slowmotions where not needed, etc.)

@karaidl: lol! too lazy to change pic, sorry

Spider Pig

Spider Pig

Apocalypse Now - Victory

Lilitu says...

Some may consider this a dupe since both the Ride of the Valkyries and Napalm clips have already been promoted to the front page, but I think they have to go together. Feel free to downvote if you disagree. Oh, and the other clips have a funky stretched-for-TV aspect ratio. This one is original widescreen.

Animal House guitar scene - "I gave my love a cherry...."

looris (Member Profile)

raven says...

we've already been over why your post got discarded so I am going to spend very little time on it as I tire of going round and round with you about it....

So all I have to say further on the matter is that I think it would not have mattered if there was more discussion on the matter... an admin chose to enforce the rules, the vid was a blatant duplicate and that is that, end of story. Besides, I think there was plenty of material there already for lucky to make an informed decision, I really think you need to accept it and move on.

More important to our conversation, and this is the part I hope you LISTEN to and take to heart: Your arguments over the post and your newfound obession with *quality do not hold much weight with other sifters because of both your attitude and you modus operandi. For instance, when you say things like the following:

"sometimes i give very little weight to what somebody says, but i do that only when i have a reason to think their opinions are worthless"

"if sifters want a worst sift, i'm not the one martyr trying to keep them from harming themselves"

and there are many more I'm too busy at the moment to hunt down... but the point is, when you enter into an argument here you more often than not sound like a GIANT DOUCHE and you shouldn't be surprised when people respond to you in kind... probably more than a few sifters here would like to reach through the series of tubes seperating you from them and throttle you, I have certainly felt that urge on more than one occasion.

You need to accept that you are not "all that we ask of a God and more" (I think that was how your profile used to go), and therefore, nobody here is going to feel inclined to treat you with any measure of respect until you earn it.

Also, and I find this perhaps the most disturbing part of how you handled the soccer-post debacle... you were basically blackmailing ockhamist to change the embed code on his post. By saying, do this and I will do this, and pretty much holding that over his head, is, by definition, blackmail, and I have to say right now, if I ever catch you trying to do this again, I will take it up with the admins... you have to learn to play nice looris.

In addition to this, I've noticed that you've changed your profile to reflect some newfound values:

No TITLES missing VITAL info (same for the tags)
No SLOW MOTION where not needed
No lame INTROS or outros
No pointless SOUNDTRACKS

This is great, I'm all for sift quality, but let me just tell you now, that if you start going about downvoting everything that does not meet the looris stamp of approval you are only going to make more enemies, so therefore, I don't recommend it. Some people like slo-mo, and some people like compilations- especially when they enchance the content of a collective. I think you need to accept that stuff will always be posted to the sift that you personally do not like, that is how it is. If you are not cool with that then I suggest you just leave and start your own 'looris-approved' vid-blog.

Really, downvoting to bolster your own agenda does nothing to enhance the sift... just think about it, if everyone who hated family guy (and there are many of us) did this, just how many vids do you think you would have published? You've got a gold star now, play with your new powers and your collective and be happy. Enhance the sift by posting good quality vids and maintaining a successful collective, but don't do it by bumming things out for others... everybody wants a gold star, and more, don't piss on their dreams just because you happen to dislike slo-mo... Or rather, as a compromise, if you still feel you have to downvote if only to make the statement that "I looris, am not down with the slo-mo" make it after the vid is published, that way nobody gets upset... for the most part, this is what ant does, and we've all come to just accept him for it.

Girls Can't Play Drums...

Animal House guitar scene - "I gave my love a cherry...."

"The Man From Hollywood"-Tarantino-"Four Rooms"

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