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Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cheated Hearts

Remember when I promised to kill you last? I lied!

looris says...

a pity for the sucky aspect ratio and the dumb "a short time later", but still great clip. One of my favourite movies when I was a child, and favourite scene in that movie

looris (Member Profile)

qruel says...

HEY, i even adhered to your top 7


No TITLES missing VITAL info (same for the tags)
No SLOW MOTION where not needed
No lame INTROS or outros
No FLASH animations converted to a video
No pointless SOUNDTRACKS

24: The unaired 1994 pilot

College Humor Videos Now Supported (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Note, ant, that you don't want to just stick to a hard rule of 540x302. That's just the maximum allowed dimensions with the same aspect ratio as the specific video you pasted. If you specify those dimensions for a video with a different aspect ratio, the video will likely look squished or squashed.

I wish we could do it automatically. The problem is there is such a variety of embed code formats that we could easily muck it up completely.

College Humor Videos Now Supported (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

The width specified in that embed code is too large. That's probably also the problem for you djsunkid.

You can always change the dimensions manually, with a little algebra like so:

Resize 640x360 down to width of 540 without squishing the picture:
360 / 640 = 0.56
540 * 0.56 = 302
So, dimensions that fit and retain the aspect ratio of 0.56 are 540x302 (where 540 is width and 302 is height).
Just update all occurrences of width and height in your embed code and that should fix it. Let us know how it works out for you.

The Dentist -- best-ever sketch from The Carol Burnett Show

You can't handle the Truth -- A Few Good Men

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Reylor says...

I finally found the comment on my profile! I fixed the video, thanks a TON Zifnab!

In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
Great scene, but messed up aspect ratio and the audio sync seems off...

Here are a few alternate sources that you might want to switch to:

Ghosts of Rwanda (PBS Frontline)

jonny says...

oh... perhaps the embed width is too big? Is there a particular error message?

[edit] yeah, I think it's probably the width - I just created a playlist for it too, and the width is 530. Just make sure you maintain the aspect ratio by reducing the height appropriately (should be about 350 if you set width to 500).


Ghost in the shell 2 Innocence: the festival

twiddles says...

After watching both my opinion is that this is not a dupe even if it does meet the FAQ definition. This one is much higher quality and in the correct aspect ratio. The amount of extra material in the original makes it unwieldy and probably should have been split, so having a subset is not bad in this case.

I don't know the history and don't wish to sound like I'm a soapbox, but FYI the FAQ seems clear on what is a duplicate (my emphasis):

22.Posting Guidelines

5. Search the site before submitting to see if the video has already been posted.

Duplicates will be *discarded. A duplicate video is one that shows a portion of or the entirety of content already on VideoSift. Small changes in content, like different background music, will still be considered dupes.

Spider-Pig... Spider-Pig

looris says...

only could find this replacement. First part is the correct one. Second part wasn't here and is the original clip from the trailer (and this second part only is a dupe - with better aspect ratio, though).

Angel Summoner & BMX Bandit

The Bride vs. Vernita Green - from Kill Bill Vol. 1

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