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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans rioting in the streets now, shooting, stabbing, attacking police, vandalizing churches, lighting fires, armed and trying to forcefully take over capitol buildings and disrupt / attack congress, not peacefully protesting.
Funny how fast your side went from “blue lives matter” to “fuck the police”, don’t you think....and police aren’t even killing unarmed (or even armed) proud boys daily. Anti American snowflake crybaby losers. All the derision you heaped on BLM now applies to you and Trumpicans. Only the law and order party when it suits you, never when it doesn’t.
Enjoy this clip from yesterday, tame compared to today’s attacks on the capitol.

Edit: now, at Trump’s direction, armed Trumpsters have forced their way into the capitol building and procedures have been halted. For some reason, the capitol police never fired a shot in defense of congress. Bomb threats are prolific. Every person identified as part of this attack should get the firing squad as treasonous traitors and terrorists. Violently perpetrating an armed takeover of congress cannot be accurately described in any other way.

CIA - The American governments terroist organization

Traffic Stop

newtboy says...

Sure, here you are. It was Mr Smith of Texas.

"First, CIANA makes it a Federal crime to transport a minor
across state lines to obtain an abortion in another state... "

"Second, CIANA applies when a minor from one state crosses
state lines to have an abortion in another state that does not
have a state law requiring parental involvement in a minor's
abortion decision, or when a minor from one state crosses state
lines to have an abortion in another state that does have a
state law requiring parental involvement in a minor's abortion
decision, but the physician fails to comply with such law. In
such a case, CIANA makes it a Federal crime for the abortion
provider to fail to give one of the minor's parents, or a legal
guardian if necessary, 24 hours' notice (or notice by mail if
necessary) of the minor's abortion decision before the abortion
is performed"

"CIANA contains two sections, each of which creates a new Federal crime subject to up to a $100,000 fine, or 1 year in jail, or both"

Google is a great resource...took me 2 seconds to find. Pretty much exactly what the commercial is about.

Extrapolated from there, when abortions can be outlawed statewide, that ban would be extended to anyone transporting a pregnant woman to another state for an tries to force neighboring states to follow your states laws for notifications and wait times, and criminalizes transportation of the pregnant women, it's completely dishonest to imply the same wouldn't go for outright bans.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Please show me the politician who has clearly said they want to criminalize travel with the intent to have an abortion, which is what this ad shows.

It isn't clear if it's to another country or state, which if Roe V Wade was overturned, would have no impact on travel to either.

How US schools punish Black kids | 2020 Election

newtboy says...

That crime bill Trump said was too lenient? Didn't target blacks enough, and didn't put them in prison long enough?
You forget what Trump's position on race was/is....round up the blacks and imprison them all, they're all muggers and rapists. He put out ads saying so.

You can't bring up a thing about Biden where Trump wasn't exponentially worse. Biden isn't perfect, Trump is inhumanly and inhumanely horrible. That's why knowledge is important, it helps you not make ridiculous accusations against your opponent that only apply to your guy. Try it.

How many times has Biden pleaded guilty to defrauding the poor, or veterans, or business associates? Can Biden still be involved with a charity, or is he banned for outright stealing donations?

This insanity of trying to label Biden a racist (with 90% of African American support) and trump a friend of the African American community (with 8% of their vote) is just too funny. You don't even realize you're insulting them with that claim, clearly implying they're too dumb to know who supports them and who won't say the words "black lives matter" without following it with "are all terrorist thugs coming for you next".


bobknight33 said:

The Biden crime bill has jailed more poor and blacks than justified.

Yet Biden still stands on what he did as a positive thing. No regrets.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)


newtboy says...

For those that care (obviously not @Jesusismypilot), this screenshot on is a fake, it was created by a dishonest employee, it is not an official Goodyear slide or policy, something Goodyear made clear in a public statement days ago. Nice lie. Is anyone surprised?

Are you prepared to admit that, at best, you were duped, that their policies have been even handed and evenly applied?

Further, are you prepared to admit that the president, stupid petulant child that he is, was also duped and went off half cocked and called for the destruction of an American company based on some internet conspiracy theories he didn't even attempt to verify?

Somehow I doubt it. I think you may have known it when you posted it. Let's see how you handle this.

Jesusismypilot said:

"Goodyear Tire made the unforgivable mistake of applying it's long term policy of no political statements on clothing allowed at work without making an exception for Maga hats."

Nice lie.

for those that care (obviously not the OP) -


messenger says...

I think there's room for debate about whether the policy was unevenly applied, but either way, it's an abuse of power. Goodyear should even be able to openly advocate for Biden without fearing the President would start a boycott.

The room for debate part:
Obviously MAGA hats are campaigning, and so is By/Bye Don 2020 clothing, and both should be disallowed according to the Goodyear policy.

The Black Lives Matter organization has policies for the defunding of police and other things that aren't directly opposing racism. So, however political Blue Lives Matter is, it's as political as Black Lives Matter in that regard, and either both should be allowed or both disallowed. Yet the image that jesus linked to above shows Blue Lives Matter as "Unacceptable".

newtboy said:

Good point....but there's also the fact that it wasn't unevenly applied, he's comparing apples and durian fruit. ^

Also, I guess their position is that this means any company that won't allow Bye Don 2020 hats at work needs to burn, right? My Pillow, I'm looking at you.


newtboy says...

Good point....but there's also the fact that it wasn't unevenly applied, he's comparing apples and durian fruit. ^

Also, I guess their position is that this means any company that won't allow Bye Don 2020 hats at work needs to burn, right? My Pillow, I'm looking at you.

messenger said:

Does a private company's enforcing an internal policy unevenly warrant the President trying to shut it down?


newtboy says...

Nice lie. Jesuswouldbeproudofyou.

Ok, I slightly miswrote, it's not a pure "no political statements" policy, it's a long term "no political campaigning" policy, so no political CAMPAIGN statements or slogans or advocacy of one candidate over another. I'll fix it since it confused you so, it was not meant to deceive so wasn't a lie....can't say the same for, they're clearly trying g to deceive if they claim it was unfair or uneven enforcement of long term company rules.

The point is it's not being unfairly applied like the petulant child claims and you dishonestly stand behind, it's totally even handed. No ByeDon 2020, no maga, not even JoJo2020. Yes BLM, whether that's a black or blue "B". Maybe you don't understand that BLM isn't running for office, isn't a candidate, and isn't a political party....yet.

Social issues, even those that have been politicized, are allowed..
like blm or support for police garb. You can wear a shirt that says "VOTE", you can't wear one that says "VOTE BYE-DON".

• Trump tweeted in response to a photo of a slide leaked by a Goodyear employee that purportedly shows that “Black Lives Matter”-branded clothes are acceptable to wear at work but “MAGA attire” is not.

• In a public statement, Goodyear said that it asks its employees to refrain from political campaigning for any political party but allows advocacy for racial justice and equity issues.

Jesusismypilot said:

"Goodyear Tire made the unforgivable mistake of applying it's long term policy of no political statements on clothing allowed at work without making an exception for Maga hats."

Nice lie.

for those that care (obviously not the OP) -


Lamborghini Tire Explodes going 130 MPH at Nordschleife

Khufu says...

All cars can go 0-100km/h in seconds. I've even done that on a bicycle(in the mountains). Not saying you're wrong about killing yourself quickly, just that it doesn't only apply to exotics sports cars;)

makach said:

0-100km/h in seconds means you can kill yourself very quick.

Do You Regret All Your Lying?

newtboy says...

More like glass of weak tea calling the kettle black, buddy. Democrats and the mainstream media at it's worst aren't 1/10 the liars their far right extremist counterparts are.

Whataboutism based on pure lies and exaggerations by a repeatedly convicted con man and liar, the man you said has carte Blanche to lie whenever he pleases because only a moron tells the truth if it might hurt him, especially under oath.

Even if that were true, which it is absolutely not, the media is comprised of tens of millions of people worldwide.
Giving you the benefit of pretending to accept your lie, that makes Trump, all on his little lonesome, as big a liar as tens of millions of people you call monstrous liars combined.

Still unbelievably full of shit and incapable of honesty.

Lol....nationalreview, as a source?!? Too funny, Bob. About as biased as they come. If they applied the same standards to any trump speech it wouldn't say he lies repeatedly, it would say he lies constantly when he's even coherent....but they don't apply the same standards, do they. I bet they repeat Trump's new brother lie, another blatantly false and undeniably racist attack on a politician of color. He can't help himself. What a turd you gleefully follow into the sewer.

Inside Nancy Pelosi’s District:

newtboy says...

The Trump Virus and resulting Trump depression, paired with the GOP extortion plans to hold any further recovery packages hostage unless they get billions for the wall, billions more to rebuild the FBI building across the street from Trump's hotel instead of much better locations , and full immunity civil and criminal from any consequences from injuries and deaths caused by sending people back to work without precautions or safety measures, together these failures, these blackmail schemes, are poised to grow an already out of control homeless crisis exponentially in the next months.

Florida's governor just admitted his predecessor's administration, a current Republican senator, intentionally set up the unemployment system to fail, with as many useless roadblocks as they could imagine, the only purpose of which is to frustrate applicants so much they give up, making Florida's unemployment numbers better on paper. This system has failed Florida disasterously and absolutely caused hundreds of deaths from exposure while standing in lines for days just to apply, and must have caused thousands to become homeless.

Woman kicked off flight for not wearing a mask

newtboy says...

Hopefully banned from American Airlines and it's affiliates for life.
*promote excluding those who think responsibility, rules, and laws don't apply to them.
Bye Felicia.

It's called a dress code, Kevin!

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