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Mercedes Sosa - Gracias a La Vida

oritteropo says...

From the yt info:

Mercedes Sosa canta Gracias a la Vida - Letra de Violeta Parra

Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me dio dos luceros que cuando los abro
perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco
y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado
y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado el oido que en todo su ancho
graba noche y dia grillos y canarios
martillos, turbinas, ladridos, chubascos
y la voz tan tierna de mi bien amado.

Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado el sonido y el abedecedario
con él las palabras que pienso y declaro
madre amigo hermano y luz alumbrando,
la ruta del alma del que estoy amando.

Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado la marcha de mis pies cansados
con ellos anduve ciudades y charcos,
playas y desiertos montañas y llanos
y la casa tuya, tu calle y tu patio.

Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me dio el corazón que agita su marco
cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano,
cuando miro el bueno tan lejos del malo,
cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros.

Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto,
asi yo distingo dicha de quebranto
los dos materiales que forman mi canto
y el canto de ustedes que es el mismo canto
y el canto de todos que es mi propio canto.

Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida

Translate to English:

Mercedes Sosa - Thanks to life or Thanks Giving(Violeta Parra)

Thanks to life (Thanks Giving), which has given me so much.
It gave me two beams of light, that when opened,
Can perfectly distinguish black from white
And in the sky above, her starry backdrop,
And from within the multitude
The one that I love.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me an ear that, in all of its width
Records— night and day—crickets and canaries,
Hammers and turbines and bricks and storms,
And the tender voice of my beloved.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me sound and the alphabet.
With them the words that I think and declare:
"Mother," "Friend," "Brother" and the light shining.
The route of the soul from which comes love.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me the ability to walk with my tired feet.
With them I have traversed cities and puddles
Valleys and deserts, mountains and plains.
And your house, your street and your patio.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me a heart, that causes my frame to shudder,
When I see the fruit of the human brain,
When I see good so far from bad,
When I see within the clarity of your eyes...

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me laughter and it gave me longing.
With them I distinguish happiness and pain—
The two materials from which my songs are formed,
And your song, as well, which is the same song.
And everyone's song, which is my very song.

Thanks to life (Thanks Giving)
Thanks to life
Thanks to life
Thanks to life

Oh, and length 5:29. Now I have to watch again to catch what she said after the song!

How NOT to move into the second floor

The Ricky Gervais Show: Karl Pilkington predicts the future

zeoverlord says...

#1 sure but only for a while before we all become genetically enhanced cyborgs
#2 pants are overrated anyway, skintight spandex is the future
#3 did that for a while, didn't like it
#4 i can see this happening, though so many people will die once someone hacks them
#5 well we could adopt unicode as an alphabet

Where do baby robots come from?

breaddoughrising says...

Holy Crap! This is my video! I know it is shit. I know it is just a birth simulator training device marketing video with the audio of the Japanese mouth reciting the Japanese alphabet. I know it is the only video I ever made and crudely at that. But it made me laugh and now its a top 15 on my favorite site. Booyah!

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Why I hate Christian videos

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Mathematics, symmetry, mind barf, proof' to 'Mathematics, symmetry, mind barf, proof, math, numbers, alphabet' - edited by MarineGunrock

The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

shuac says...

Hmm, you're right.


If I thought the makers of these games were clever enough to utilize acrostics, I'd say the term 'Admos' may be of significance. After all, they used an acrostic as a clue in one of the quests in Oblivion. So maybe there's something to this.

>> ^Drax:

Has anyone else noticed all the main Elder Scroll games have been released in alphabetical order?

The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Why I hate Christian videos

mgittle says...

>> ^HoRnO:

Maths is fun, it's a shame this fails so hard!
Adding up to 100 doesn't make it 100%
26 letters of the alphabet means that each letter = 3.8461%


How about You're? I arbitrarily add that apostrophes are worth 27.

Why I hate Christian videos

HoRnO says...

Maths is fun, it's a shame this fails so hard!

Adding up to 100 doesn't make it 100%

26 letters of the alphabet means that each letter = 3.8461%




Why I hate Christian videos

Why I hate Christian videos

Bill Maher on the Fallacy of 'Balance'

Matthu says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

First of all I do respect you for defending yourself quantumushroom, Sorry about the cheap jab earlier.
No biggie.
Hate to oversimplify, but generally, when government gets involved, costs for everyone go up and innovation suffers. When government practices the lost art of 'benign neglect', the free market rapidly punishes and rewards ideas. People do more when you allow them to keep more of what they earn.
As the necessary evil it is, government has vital, mandated roles, such as protecting the borders and enforcing private property rights.
Battling child obesity, making smokers second class citizens (while spending tobacco tax revenue), providing "free" healthcare and making land owners get 'permission' to chop down a tree on their own property are not legitimate government functions. Nor can the buffoons "run" markets, except into the ground.
Right now, the federal mafia is simply too damned big, and they don't know what they're doing, just as FDR didn't know the long-term effects of his alphabet soup agencies that are STILL with us. Yes, you won't budge; just be aware there is evidence FDR's policies prolonged the Depression. Or you can merely observe today's scamulus doing nothing.
As blankfist can point out better than me, the Federal Reserve is about to print another trillion dollars, making the money in your wallet and savings account less valuable.
The left has an important part in this narrative; I just disagree with their conclusions.

I don't understand this. "The government" should essentially be us. They should be a good friend selling us shit at cost. When I buy weed off my pot dealing friend, he sells it to me at the same price he gets it. Cost. If I buy off the other guy, I pay a good amount more. If the government is the people serving the people, the people are the greatest benefactors.

I think it's wrong that, in Canada, we sell the right to build lines all through our country, and then the we let the people we sold it to(Bell and Rogers) gauge us for an internet connection.

I can see, however, how it could happen that government run programs might have people in charge who want to look good, so they might strive for a profit. I think this is wrong. It would be wrong for them to turn a profit and then redistribute the profit to other government run programs, but even wronger for them to take that profit and give it as bonuses to their CEO's.

At the end of the day, the problem with "Government" is that it doesn't serve the people, and it won't, unless the people keep on top of them.

We need to call a spade a spade. Like the recently passed law stating corporations can donate unlimited amounts, anonymously. How the eff is there not more outrage regarding that? It doesn't essentially mean the ultra rich control politics, no, not essentially, it 100% means the ultra rich control politics. Why not allow each party a set amount? Wake the fuck up...

"In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies. By and large, I am opposed to those policies. As is most of the population." -Noam Chomsky

Bill Maher on the Fallacy of 'Balance'

quantumushroom says...

First of all I do respect you for defending yourself quantumushroom, Sorry about the cheap jab earlier.

No biggie.

Hate to oversimplify, but generally, when government gets involved, costs for everyone go up and innovation suffers. When government practices the lost art of 'benign neglect', the free market rapidly punishes and rewards ideas. People do more when you allow them to keep more of what they earn.

As the necessary evil it is, government has vital, mandated roles, such as protecting the borders and enforcing private property rights.

Battling child obesity, making smokers second class citizens (while spending tobacco tax revenue), providing "free" healthcare and making land owners get 'permission' to chop down a tree on their own property are not legitimate government functions. Nor can the buffoons "run" markets, except into the ground.

Right now, the federal mafia is simply too damned big, and they don't know what they're doing, just as FDR didn't know the long-term effects of his alphabet soup agencies that are STILL with us. Yes, you won't budge; just be aware there is evidence FDR's policies prolonged the Depression. Or you can merely observe today's scamulus doing nothing.

As blankfist can point out better than me, the Federal Reserve is about to print another trillion dollars, making the money in your wallet and savings account less valuable.

The left has an important part in this narrative; I just disagree with their conclusions.

I love Asus

HaricotVert says...

From Wikipedia:

"The company explains the name Asus as originating from Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology.[6][7] The new organization used only the last four letters of the word in order to give the resulting name a high position in alphabetical listings."

Though, the origin of the name clearly has no bearing on its accepted pronunciation.

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